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"Good morning, our lovely viewers! For today's episode, we have a very special guest with us!!"

The interviewer said, grinning hard to hype the fans up and got loud cheers in response.

"So guys, please introduce yourselves!!" She exclaimed, smiling politely at the two boys who sat on the sofa opposite to her.

Seungmin clenched his fists in nervousness, feeling the anxiety eat him up as all the cameras now point towards them, putting them on the spotlight.

Nevertheless, he still gathered up all his courage.

"Hello! We are Stray Kids' Lee Know and Seungmin!" The two boys said in unison. Seungmin forced out a smile towards the fans and waved, earning cheers and yells in response.

Minho looked over to Seungmin and gave him a small glare, going unnoticed by the cameras and fans.

Seungmin immediately dipped his head down and bit his lips, knowing what the older meant.

"So, Seungmin and Lee Know, first of all, I want to congratulate you guys on your latest comeback! Stray Kids really seem to be breaking record after record!" She stated in enthusiasm, and Minho nodded in appreciation.

"We're really thankful to Stays for making this possible for us. It only seemed like a big dream up until now, right, Seungmin?" Minho said and glanced over to Seungmin, who slightly flinched upon hearing his name.

Seungmin smiled and nodded. "Yeah! We're thankful to Stays and the Stray Kids team who made all of this possible!" Seungmin exclaimed and heard the screams again.

"So, let's get on to the main topic!! The reason why you guys are here on Kworld with us today!" She exclaimed, and the two boys nodded, knowing what was coming for them.

"Lee Know, Seungmin, you guys have recently come out to the public about your relationship, becoming the first known LGBT couple KPOP has ever had! How do you feel about it?"

Minho chuckled a bit and nodded. "I love the feeling of being out, loud and proud. " He said, and the interviewer then turned towards Seungmin.

"How about you, Seungmin?" She asked.

Seungmin blinked his eyes a few and glanced over to his boyfriend, who gave him an empty look, raising his eyebrow.

He turned back to the interviewer and gave her a smile, trying to hide all his emotions behind that mask.

"I'm happy to be out to Stays! I didn't wanna keep hiding from them forever." He said, and the interviewer cooed at the couple's response.

"How did you guys go on about it? Was there any pressure?" She questioned again, to which Minho shook his head.

"Not really, we trust Stay a lot. Yes, there were a lot of hate and homophobic comments, but we were prepared for that. " He stated and the cameras now turned towards Seungmin.

"Right. There were a lot of people who didn't support us, but it doesn't matter. We were accepted by Stays and that's what matters to us the most. " Seungmin stated, and the interviewer nodded.

Minho leaned back on the sofa, putting an arm around Seungmin while the latter stayed still, with his feet closed and hands on his knees.

Seungmin almost flinched by the latter's actions but maintained a calm face. His palms were starting to sweat, almost shaking as Minho kept a hand on his head, playing with his hair as he answered the interviewer's questions.

"So, tell us about your love story a bit! I'm sure Stays would love to hear it!" She said and looked over to the fans who cheered louder and louder.

Minho giggled and waved his hands towards Stays, turning back to the interviewer to answer her question.

"Me and Seungmin, as you guys know, have a very dynamic relationship. But as time passed by..." Minho glanced over to Seungmin and smiled, placing his hand over Seungmin shaking ones.

"This cutie took my heart, and I eventually asked him out. " He said, his eyes never leaving Seungmin's.

Seungmin looked into the older's brown orbs, that almost pierced down on his own, with a sinister smile plastered on his face.

The person hidden behind that innocent and lovely Lee Know that the world knew, was a monster behind that naive smile.

And unfortunately, only Seungmin could penetrate through that facade of his boyfriend.

"So, Seungmin, what about you? Do you have any words to share with us?" She asked him, and the Seungmin slightly panicked.

His breathing became a bit unsteady and palms began shaking,

But Minho squeezed his hands tight, digging his nails into the younger's delicate skin and gave him a stern look.

Seungmin turned towards the interviewer and nodded his head slightly.


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