Chapter Eighteen ㅡ Toxic Stans Again.

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Stays week was over.

Stray Kids were already done with their projects for their beloved fan's birthday. Their family roleplay went well, and all their fans enjoyed it. As always, there was a lot of drama but not so unexpectedly, they saw Aunty Lee Know cling onto Uncle Kim Seungmin a bit too much than before, maybe because of the fact they were dating in real life (?) Stays enjoyed their new song 'Party's not over' a lot, they got loads of positive comments from it, which they were really thank full for. The rest of the content was them recording songs for their latest album, stays loved that as well because of their humourous side.

The bonus content that Stays got for their birthday was an official announcement video, confirming Minho and Seungmin's relationship with the boys themselves. Minho used that video as a tool to also address the murder allegations that he had been accused of and fake apologise, therefore cleaning his idol image once again.

Currently, Seungmin was laying on his and Minho's bed, watching the announcement video. He couldn't bring himself to read the comments, he was scared. Of course, Seungmin wasn't dumb, just because Minho had put an end to the rumours, doesn't mean that people will stop discussing about it.

With a heavy heart, he clicked on the comment section, reading each and every word out carefully.

Guys, it's time we stop hating on our precious 2min💗 support them, they deserve all the love in the world💗

OMGGG I CANT BELIEVE😭😭 our gagwanz couple are dating!!!

It's as if it was just yesterday when 2min used to address themselves as gagwanz or divorced... cant believe they are actually dating now, it feels so surreal💞

These guys obviously had an undeniable amount of chemistry between them, we Stays just failed to notice the gazes they shared weren't friendly ones, they were romantic eyes looking out for each other in silence, and even though they did not speak much, their actions filled in for the space of words just well. Congratulations 2min, your love story will go down in history💗

Ignore the toxic minsungers in the comments 🤠

tf? seungmin and minho? lmao they don't even match, jisung and minho fit each other so much better, just saying✋🏻

Minho doesn't even like Seungmin😭 He has stated it countless times already, why are skz even hiding the real couples from us😭✋🏻

oh hell naw ain't no way 2min are dating wtf, even though minho stated he was not involved with the murder case, doesn't change the fact that people are still sus of him

i don't want seungmin to go anywhere near that killer😭

our dear divorced couple are dating!!! I'm so happy 💗💗💗

wait... so they are like... gay, wtf ew

i didn't know they'd be gay irl, like yea i get it they are fruity but they are ACTUALLY gay? that's just... weird...

OMG! Minho said he fell in love with Seungmin way back in 2018😭😭 They really made us 2minners go through all that drought for nothing huh😭😭


Y'all, because of you, our Lee Know is crying :( baby is innocent, he has been proven innocent!!

''What are you doing?'' A hoarse voice spoke in Seungmin's ears, snatching his phone away from him. Seungmin's eyes widen and he tried to retract back his phone from his boyfriend's hand, but Minho was much stronger.

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