C. F / boy next door

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❊ summary : The fishers are your neighbours at Cousins, you decided to spend a day with Conrad.

Today was beautiful, the sun was out, families were at the beach enjoying the day.
The smell of salty air made me nostalgic... remembering the past summers.

I grabbed my phone and texted my best-friend Lily, I waited for maybe 3 minutes to see if she would reply... nothing.
And then I texted Belly, blowing up her phone with a text saying 'when are you getting here?come on belly button I haven't see you in almost 2 years, get here asap, I miss you.'

She hadn't replied either. Ugh I was bored. I decided to head downstairs and into the kitchen, my dad was standing by the island counter waiting for his coffee.

"Y/n, what's your plans today? Going with mom to her book club?" my dad expected, I politely disagreed, "No thank you, I'm just ahh figuring out what I wanna do today, I've already had a morning swim and I bought the good muffins from town. Maybe I'll go play some golf at the country club?" I replied sort-of joking, but my dad took it seriously.
"Remember to be home by 7pm, we're having the fishers over for dinner." he replied before taking a sip of his coffee, then heading back into his office.

'Door bell'  🔔

Hoping it was going to be Lily at the door, I raced as fast as I could to open it, the door swung open and I saw Conrad Fisher.

"Hey y/n." He softly spoke then gave a soft smile, I grinned and welcomed him into the house. "Come in." I whispered.
He turned around to face me, "You're back this summer? I didn't think you'd be here?  how was your senior year in Paris?" Conrad asked curious, I placed my hands in my pockets and lightly sighed.
"I'll be honest Connie, it was terrible... Beautiful place, but the people there... were not that great."I answered, Conrad frowned his brows out of worry.
"I'm here to talk if you need?" He offered so kindly.

Conrad had this natural charm about him, he could easily give anyone butterflies 🦋

When I was about 8 years old, Conrad and I were close, we'd hang out with Steven, Jere and little Belly, suddenly puberty hit and Conrad stopped showing up for the hangouts, Mr.fisher expected too much from Connie. Conrad ended up being  busy with sailing & he had football training too.

"I just came over because I heard your parents were back in town, and I needed to ask your dad about an internship while being at college." Conrad replied, I smiled before speaking,
"He's in his office at the moment in a meeting, but you'll be here for dinner tonight? right?" I asked.
"Well until then.... Did you want to take a walk down the beach? Maybe grab some lunch at the shack on the pier? My treat. " Conrad asked while nervously rubbing the back of his neck, I bit my lip slightly before agreeing to his lunch offer.

Conrad's Point of view ❊

I didn't know 'why' or 'how' I felt this way but my childhood friend of 10 years made me nervous all of a sudden, a good nervous of course, her smile, those eyes, the way she made eye contact.
We were walking on the sand along the beach just enjoying the sun. Y/n was talking about her time in Paris and where she visited.
"Sounds like you had a good time but, what happened that made the people 'not so great? If you don't mind me asking? " I asked curiously, she blinked and looked down to the ground, I could tell she was contemplating whether to tell me.
"There was a guy and, uhh he wasn't the nicest boyfriend to me & I completely regret him being my first boyfriend." Y/n replied, I had to process what she was saying.
"He was your first boyfriend?" I muffled without even realising, y/n laughed and nodded her head.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that y/n. You're amazing and didn't deserve that. " I replied, she made eye contact and thanked me.

"For what it's worth...experiencing something like that only makes it easier to find the right person, a good person for you." I replied reassuring her. She stepped forward and leaned into my chest, a grin appeared on my face while my arms wrapped around her.

We finally reached the board walk and she talked about where she was going to college... we got into the same college.
" I missed you Con, we haven't talked like this in a long time. Majority of the time you were too busy with football. You left me to deal with Jere and belly." Y/n said. She was right, my dad made me a prodigy.
"I missed you too y/n. Would you like to do this kind of stuff when we're at Brown? " I asked anxiously, she agreed.
"I'd love to hang out more in college." Y/n mentioned.

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