C.F / summer surprise 2

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summary: there's a part one.

chapter 2/ baby gear

Conrad point of view

Y/n was explaining her reasoning, and I couldn't even be angry. I was too shocked, my eyes couldn't stop staring at my baby. She was fast asleep in y/n's arms.
"What's her name?" I asked, y/n handed her to me slowly, suggesting I hold her.
This baby was half of me, my genes, a little part of me.
"Priscilla." y/n whispered back.
A smile appeared on my lips, she was a perfect little thing.
Wishing my mom was here to meet her.
"Hmm. Priscilla Fisher." I whispered under my breath smiling.
"And you gave birth 4 days ago?" I asked,
y/n nodded her head confirming.
"I'm sorry Connie. It was selfish of me."
"You should've told me earlier y/n." I replied a little snappy.
"With everything going on back in Boston, with your mom passing, I am so sorry. Also we were never good together, we were a toxic fling Connie. I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry." Y/n explained.
There was no energy for me to argue back with her. I looked back down at Priscilla.

"Are you um, going to be in her life?" Y/n asked nervously.
Without a doubt or hesitation.
"Yes. I want to be around. To co-parent." I replied firmly.

Y/n point of view

I showed Connie how to put Priscilla in her car seat.
"I'll need to buy my own car seat for my car." Connie commented, I agreed.
"You'll need a list. I'll text you one tonight." I replied.
The hard part was over. I told him about 'scilla'.

The drive back to the Fisher house was quiet, what was Jeremiah gonna think? He's gonna hate me for not telling him about the baby.
"Me and belly are together." Conrad commented out of nowhere, I lightly tapped my knees and awkwardly said ok.
Apart of me jealous, but happy for her.
"Everyone knew you'd guys end up together. So it isn't too surprising." I replied smiling, Conrad perched his lips.
"Um, I'd hate to ask. But how do you know Priscilla is 100% mine?" Conrad asked.
There was a pause. I was pretty sure it was his. The last time we had sex I wasn't on birth control and the dates matched up.
"You were the last person I hooked up with, & then I found out I was pregnant." I said. Conrad turned back to face the road.
"You didn't get with any other dude?" Conrad asked, I denied.

Dinner had some tension, I could tell belly wanted to be happy for Connie. I could tell she was jealous.
She was one of my good friends so I apologised to her about not telling her about the baby. Last summer she knew of me and Conrad's flings and I apologised for that too, cause we all knew belly had the biggest crush on him.
He was her Prince Charming.
I made sure to explain to her that Conrad loved her so much, and we were just going to co -parent together.
No feelings involved.
  I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.
"She looks just like you Connie." Steven spoke while smiling, he had scilla in his arms.
Belly asked to hold her and I said of course.

I looked at the time on my watch, it was close to 7:30pm. I still needed to go into town and buy some baby stuff for my summer house.
"Con, can you take me home now. I need to do a few errands before Priscilla's bedtime."
"I kinda promised to do something with belly tonight." Conrad replied, reminding me he prioritised belly more... like always.
All I needed was a ride.
"I'll take you." Jeremiah suggested while grabbing his keys. I thanked him.
"Come on my princess's" Jeremiah sung as he grabbed Priscilla from bellys arms.
I watched as Belly, Steven and Connie said their goodbyes to Scilla.
"I'll visit Scilla tomorrow." Conrad suggested.
'Whatever', I mumbled back.
I hugged belly and Steven goodbye before following jere to his jeep.
"You okay?" Jeremiah asked. I shrugged it off.
"He chooses her, like always. I was gonna ask him to help me choose some baby gear to bring back to the summer house." I explained my anger, Jeremiah chuckled and continued to buckle Priscilla into her car seat.
"I'll help you. Come on, let me drive you and Scilla into town." Jeremiah suggested, he always knew how to make me smile.
"Thank you jerebear." I mouthed.

Jeremiah's point of view

I loaded up the big box that had Priscilla's bassinet into my jeep. Y/n also bought a bouncer, a few bibs, more nappies and clothes.
"Who knew babies needed all this shit."
Y/n laughed and shoved my arm a little.
"Anything for my little niece though." I sung happily.
We finished shopping and I started driving back to y/n's summer house.
"I wish Susannah was here, to meet Priscilla."y/n whispered, I agreed.
"She would have loved to be a nanny" I mumbled back, holding back my tears.
Y/n reached for my hand and squeezed tightly.
"I should've been here for you, and Connie when she passed. I should've visited her again, I just thought she'd pull thru like last time. I'm sorry."
I nodded my head, I understood her reasons.
"It's okay y/n." I whispered back.

After the emotional car ride, I helped bring the baby gear in.
"If you ever need help, help with the baby or just want me around. Let me know and I'll be over." I said smiling, y/n thanked me.
"Jere, can you actually help me set up? The baby's room? Also sleep over? I hate being in the summer house alone, esp now when it's just me and baby." Y/n explained, I smiled widely.
"I'm all yours." I replied.

Your point of view

Jeremiah finished building the bassinet, the bouncer and changing table. I was thankful he was helping me, it should really be Connie helping me set this up, but this was better than nothing.
I felt a wave of emotion hit me, tears started streaming.
"The nursery looks good- y/n? What's wrong?" Jeremiah asked while walking over to me, his arms wrapped around me as I cried into his chest.
"I'm scared. I have to do this alone."
"Conrad's here, im here. I promise you won't be alone." He comforted me. Jeremiah told me not to stress, but that's all I felt. Stress.

Later on that night, Jeremiah had fallen asleep next to me in bed. Priscilla was fast asleep and swaddled in her bassinet, I kept tossing and turning just thinking about Conrad.
Why did I think he would want to be a family once he saw Priscilla, like he would run back to me? He was never mine in the first place. I had to accept that he never felt anything for me.

I grabbed my phone and saw his name on my Lock Screen.

To: y/n
From: Conrad
Stay at ours for the whole summer? I want you and Priscilla closer.

I felt my heart flutter. This is what I wanted and needed, it was going to be hard to see him and belly together.

Here's part 2 :)

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