C.B/ Guilt

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Here I am. Guilty. Laying in bed next to Chris.
My head turned to face him, he was fast asleep.
A small smirk appeared on my lips just staring at him, the way he slept peacefully.
I craved to be more than just a side piece...
Slowly turning back to face the ceiling of his apartment, my head pounded and continued to pulsate just thinking about Isabel.
His current girlfriend of 5 years, who was also a close friend of mine. We became close as she visited the set of our show. I wasn't just his side piece, I was also his co-star.
I knew cheating was wrong, but I wanted him for myself. Deep down, I knew Chris loved me.

I felt his arm snake around my waist.
"You okay babe?" Chris whispered waking up, I hesitated to reply before facing him again, making sure he stayed awake.

"I keep thinking about us. I don't want to sneak around. I want you to choose, her or me." I whispered.

His head lifted and I could tell he was wide awake now, he frowned his eyebrows.

"I choose you."
"Doesn't feel like it. You're still with her." I mumbled, Chris sat up and pulled me onto his lap.
Our faces close to one another, our noses almost touching.
"I was going to end it with her once we're back in New York." Chris explained.

We were currently in North Carolina shooting season 2 for tsitp, and Isabel was in New York, so sneaking around with Chris wasn't hard at all.

I stayed quiet. Was he telling the truth? Did he want Isabel more than me?

"You're it for me. Y/n I promise." Chris re-assured me, I felt a dry lump in my throat, I felt like crying.

"I carry so much guilt. All I ever wanted was to be with you. Be seen in public as more than just friends, I want you to claim me." I explained, Chris gripped my cheeks and leaned his forehead on mine.

"Once I end it with her. You're all mine."

Weeks have passed and we finished filming season 2.
Chris also followed through with his actions, he ended it with Isabel as soon as we got back. I felt the weight off my shoulders and shifted my focus onto him.
I also tried my best to be there for Isabel after their breakup, she couldn't let go of the fact that Chris just stopped loving her out of nowhere. One of her theory's was that he was cheating... She was right but I couldn't tell her that.

I was in my apartment in New York just re-arranging my things in my bathroom while on a FaceTime call with Chris.

"You're so cute, you know that? Can you finish cleaning your bathroom already? I want you here."
I blushed smiling right back him.
"You need to be patient Mr. Briney, I'll be over in an hour with some dessert."
"Tell me you're the dessert?" he commented, I rolled my eyes at him.

" "Tell me you're the dessert?" he commented, I rolled my eyes at him

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Suddenly I heard a knock on my door.
Happily I ran to my door, only to be surprised by Isabel and Minnie both standing there... Smiling at me.

"Hey y/n, we thought we'd come and surprise you with some dinner!" they excitedly sang and barged in.

"Let's have a girls night!!" Minnie yelled, I perched my lips together and followed them both to my room. Isabel jumped onto my bed and made herself comfy.

"I'd love to but I have plans tonight girls."
"A date? Ouuuu" Minnie replied then winked, a felt my cheeks fluster.
"Shes blushing. So it is a date!" Isabel said smirking, my fingers nervously fiddled.

"Can we catch up tomorrow? We can get lunch at that cafe we sent in the group chat?" I asked, they both agreed while standing up. They were about to leave when...

"Can I just use your bathroom quickly?" Isabel informed before rushing to my bathroom.
It didn't click but suddenly I remembered my FaceTime call with Chris.

"Baby, hurry up and come over." I heard Chris' voice over FaceTime.
He must've not seen Isabel enter the bathroom...
"Chris?" Isabel half yelled. I felt my stomach sink, she saw him on FaceTime call and he openly called me baby in front of her.
Isabel swung the door open and showed me that she ended the call.
"Y/n. Why was Chris calling you baby? ." Isabel whispered angrily, I felt my tears form.
Isabel didn't need to hear my explanation, she told me to stay quiet and left with Minnie.



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