• Summer Struggle 2 (C.F & J.F )

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Summary: read part one ✨


The last thing Conrad said to me replayed in my mind as I headed back into the house, nervous about why Jeremiah wanted me to meet him in his room. I paused at the top of the stairs and slowly creeped my way to Jere's door, I pushed the door slightly and saw a very angry looking Jere.
He was sitting on his bed with his nostrils flared, he finally looked over at me and stood up.
"You want my brother?" He asked bravely, I didn't get a chance to say anything because he interrupted me.
"I can't see you with him y/n." Jeremiah expressed with jealousy written all over his face.
I kept eye contact with my best friend, the boy I wanted so badly.
"How do you think I feel jere? You brought Amanda here? Expecting me to be fine but I'm not?!" I replied. Jere's face looked defeated, he knew I was right.
"I'll talk to her tonight and ask her to go. Please don't date Connie. He'll just break your heart
y/n, come on me and you both know it."
Jeremiah wasn't wrong...
We've watched most of Conrad's relationships & how they ended badly.
But being with Conrad for a short moment, he helped me forget about Jere.
Jeremiah's eyes were practically begging me to not get with Connie. His hands interlocked with mine, I felt my heart shatter all over again.
All I ever wanted was to be with Jeremiah... But I was done waiting for him.
"Jere, look it's clear you're not leaving Amanda for me. You know I love you and always will, but I need to make myself happy."
Before he could even reply or plead, I left his room.

Conrad POV

Dinner was quiet.
Everyone's 4th of July wasn't going so well... Belly was super wasted, my mom's cake stand was broken because of belly, Steven and Shayla were fighting about something.
But my day was exceptional. I kissed y/n.
That kiss started something, because I don't think I've ever craved for someone's touch like that.
Jeremiahs eyes were glued to y/n and then he'd glare at me every now and then.
His mind probably filled with jealousy.
"So we doing fireworks after dinner?" Mom asked with a smile, hoping to lighten the mood. The table stayed quiet, I could tell Amanda found it super awkward because she kept staring at Jeremiah.
"I think I'll go for a swim and then straight to bed after dinner." Y/n mentioned, I raised my eyebrow slightly and smiled.
"Me too, I'll join you y/n. Today's been a lot, I need to swim it off." I spoke, Jeremiah tilted his head back as if he was going to say something, or do something.
The tension in the dining room was immaculate.

By the time dinner was done I waited til everyone was pretty much in bed, I grabbed my jay I rolled up earlier and took it down to the pool.
Y/n was swimming around carelessly.
"Hey." I greeted before sitting down by the pool. My legs in the water and watching as she swam over. Her eyes trailed me up and down.
"I want to forget about him." she whispered. I lit up my jay and inhaled deeply, she kept her stare.
Exhaling before I could answer.
"The way you were eyeing me at dinner, I figured."
Y/N smirked and rolled her eyes.
"Not like you weren't eye fucking me either." She responded, her hand grazed up my leg lightly.
I smirked.
"I'll help you forget about him, after my smoke." I replied,
y/n then swam between my legs and propped herself up and out of the water, now we were face to face.
I looked down at her lips, then back up at her eyes.
She was a tease. I don't understand how Jeremiah didn't give in when she's like this. I've always seen her as just a friend, but tonight was different, I felt her play with my emotions... Flicking my cigarette away.
My hands reached for y/n and I placed her on my lap, making her straddle me. I enjoyed watching her face change when my fingers lightly explored her body, hoping she was getting shivers.
My hunger for her was crazy, I kissed down her neck, making sure to bite on her skin softly, knowing she'd have a hickey to show everyone .
Y/n moaned quietly.
"Out here?" She whispered. Referring to having sex by the pool.
I perched my lips together and agreed. My hands gripping her ass tightly.
"Everyone's probably in bed."
"If our moms catch us Connie, we're both dead." She replied smiling, a smirk plastered on my face.
"Out here, or in my room? Because if it was my room the whole house would probably hear." I whispered back, she hesitated before agreeing to the pool.

Jeremiah's POV

Amanda was furious. She was angry. I had just explained to her that my feelings for her weren't %100. I told her I was confused, that I was sorry for feeling this way.
"I'm leaving now." Amanda spat back, I watched as she packed her bag.
"I knew I shouldn't have said yes to dating you." Amanda cried out. I kept apologising, that's all I could do. I knew she wouldn't forgive me.
"We're done, don't come back to Boston expecting me to crawl back to you." Amanda threatened. She then left my room and down the stairs.
I heard her car engine start up and drive off. But I also heard something else.
My eyebrows frowned as I walked up to my window, searching for the noises.
My fists forming looking down at the pool.
Y/N was straddling Conrad.
I felt my chest tighten, and my jaw.


Here's part 2 ✨

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