C.B Dont do this

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Summary: you confess to your Co-star, Chris Briney on why you're leaving TSITP show.

We were almost done finishing Season 2 for the Summer I turned Pretty, I wanted so badly not to feel this way, I wanted to leave the show and the cast.
My reasoning was bad.
I developed feelings for Chris and I don't think it's healthy for me to continue my job while I feel this way.
It was a Saturday night, and I was in my airbnb apartment in Wilmington NC, where we were filming season 2.
I've expressed to Jenny and most of the cast about how I won't return for season 3, I didn't exactly tell them the reason because, it was too personal.

I received a text from Rain.

To: Y/N
From: Rain
I support you %100 and the rest of the cast will too! I'm gonna miss you 💓🥹 you're the Belly to my Taylor.

I smiled at Rains cute text. I was definitely going to miss playing Belly Conklin, going to set everyday and being with Gavin, Sean, and Chris...

I heard my ding, expecting another text from rain, but it wasn't from her.

To: Y/N
From: Chris
I heard from Sean that you're leaving? why?

What was I going to tell him? I replied shortly.

From: Y/N
Personal reasons.

I smacked my forehead, hoping that was a good enough answer for him.

To: Y/N
From: Chris
I'm coming over to your bnb. I'm also bringing Taco Bell

Chris POV
"Where you heading off too?" my girlfriend Isabelle asked, I raised my brows while grabbing my car keys.
"Gonna cheer up y/n, she's been real distant from the cast. Gonna see what's up." I replied, Isabelle gave me a kiss goodbye before I left to make my way over to y/n.
By the time I got to her apartment it was pretty late, the sun was completely gone and I was hoping I could convince her to stay.

Her door swung open and I greeted her,
"Your favourite person is here, and he's brought some tacos." I sung, y/n thanked me and welcomed me in.
I got straight to the point.
"So you're just leaving? why" I asked, she nodded her head in denial.
"Chris, like I said it's personal" she replied, her arms folded.
My gut told me she was lying. I've known her for almost 3 years and we may be actors but I can tell she's lying.
"I don't want you to leave. The cast doesn't want you to leave."
Y/n scrunched her nose lightly, she always did that when she was indecisive.
"I don't want to leave either- Then why are you leaving." I interrupted.
My jaw clenched, I leaned against her kitchen counter and kept our eyes locked.
"Chris..." y/n muffled under her breath.
I examined her body language, she was nervous.
"Tell me y/n." I whispered.
Y/n sat down and placed her face into her hands, as if she was ashamed.

"It's really embarrassing, but I feel something for you. And I know it's morally wrong because you're taken. And I blame most of it because of our characters..." she expressed, I walked over to her and moved her hands away from her face.
She had tears in her eyes.

"Don't leave." Was all I could say. It was hard to process what she just told me.
Because deep down, apart of me was happy she felt that way. It was wrong of me to understand how she felt.

"It's toxic for me to stay. I can't go on pretending that I don't have these feelings, because I do. It's hard for me to see you and Isabel at these events. At the premiere. I'm only hurting myself." Y/n confessed. I felt my chess tighten.

"Don't do this."
Y/n stood up and just hugged me.

"I'm going back to New York tomorrow night. I have to leave North Carolina.
I looked down at her.
"Is this the last time I'll see you?" I whispered, I felt chocked up. I wasn't expecting to lose a friend.
"It has to be done. It's not good for our friendship. And me staying your friend will just be weird, will probably make you feel uncomfortable." Y/n brought up.
I shook my head.
"The thing is, I'm not." I whispered, she had a confused expression.
My lips perched and I gulped.
"Apart of me, uh, apart of me wants you too." I struggled to say. But it was the truth.
Y/n inhaled before pulling away from me.
"Chris don't say that, please don't confess anything." She replied, I tried to hug her again but she pushed me away. My grip being stronger I held her tightly.
"You shouldn't have told me that." She kept repeating that sentence as I held her.
"Chris you need to leave, please." She begged, frustrated I let her go and left. I was angry at myself. I was confused.


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