C. F / be with me II

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❊ summary : finding out your best friend Connie has feelings for you. ( this is part 2)

The house was quiet, everyone was asleep. I made my way downstairs, Conrad was sitting by the pool with his legs in the water. Why was he so distant? Why did he seem different? What happened to my best friend?

Walking over slowly, Conrad noticed I arrived. He patted a spot next to him, and so I joined.

"I'm glad you're awake." He spoke. We stayed quiet for at least minute.

"Are you going to tell me what's up with you this summer?" I said directly. Connie tilted his head back, he seemed nervous to tell me what was wrong.
"I don't know exactly when... but I, I—I" Connie muffled, I waited for him to finish, but he couldn't spit it out.
"I don't want to lose you if I tell you- You won't lose me Connie, never." I replied cutting his sentence off. I reassured him. "Y/N, I'm in love with you." Conrad whispered making eye contact.

I felt warm, suddenly I grinned and couldn't help it. "You are?" I whispered gently, he nodded his head as I got my reassurance.
"I tried my best to stay away from you & and I hated it, you make me nervous, I can't think properly when you're around. You don't have to say anything. I just needed to tell you." Conrad explained, I gulped and exhaled.

"Conrad, I love you too, but this can't be... You have Nicole, and Dalton is my... my boyfriend" I spoke confused. He nodded in agreement, "I know, I'm going to tell Nicole tomorrow that I don't feel anything for her, she doesn't deserve me leading her own." Conrad whispered. This huge part of me craved Conrad, but I always told myself growing up that I would never fit his standards...That he was too good for me.

We sat there quietly and I made a decision.
"I'm going to breakup with Dalton." I mentioned while my hand snaked to reach Conrad's, we interlocked our fingers. Feeling safe, I leaned my head onto his shoulder. This was home to me.

Conrad point of view ❊

After our talk at 1am, I walked her up the stairs and down the hall to her room, we stopped in front of her door. She faced me and smiled, "thank you for telling me Connie" she whispered gently, I bit my lower lip before grinning again. My cheeks were sore from smiling too much, she finally knows.. and she feels the same way.

"I'll see you in the morning, goodnight y/n." I spoke softly, "goodnight Connie" y/n replied, she then placed a sweet kiss on my cheek before walking into her room and closing the door.
Now all I had to stress about was telling Nicole. I got into bed and replayed the night over and over in my head. She was perfect for me. My best -friend, my soulmate.

Y/n point of view ❊

Suddenly I woke up by the sound of jere, my eyes opened and I saw him right in my face, "y/n wake up, sleeping beauty" Jeremiah sung, I laughed and pushed him away. That didn't work because he dove into the bed and laid next to me, "Come on sleeping beauty, Daltons here to start the day. Let's get the summer festivities STARTED!!" Jeremiah yelled, I shot up quickly and was confused. "Wait daltons here?" I muffled. My thoughts were, "I need to end it with him."

I ran downstairs, still had messy hair and still was in my Pj's. entering the kitchen, I saw Conrad sitting down and eating cereal. "Morning" he said, I lightly smiled. Jere came into the kitchen with Steven.
"Daltons down by the beach" Conrad pointed out, Belly came up to me. "Mom allowed me to finally come with you guys to a party tonight" she squealed happily.
"Yeah Y/N's watching you tonight, not me" Steven claimed, I rolled my eyes.
"There's a party tonight?" I asked confused, Jeremiah nodded, "Yes, shaylas throwing one, you know Stevens girl?" jere said before downing some milk. I needed to find dalton.

Conrad point of view ❊

I watched as y/n wandered off to the beach, probably to find dalton. Jeremiah sat next to me, "Bringing Nicole tonight?" He asked, I sighed and shrugged. "Idk. I need to meet up with her real quick." I said back. It took y/n a while to come back to the house, I poked my head out the sliding door and tried to see if I could spot her out. My curiosity made me go and try find her.

As I approached y/n and dalton I heard him yelling,
"You can't just leave me?!" He yelled,
"You should've texted me back to let me know you were coming?" y/n cried, I quickly made my way over and stood In front of her, dalton took a step back,
"She can do whatever she wants, if she doesn't want you, then she doesn't want you." I said firmly, dalton pushed me, I shoved him back.
"Oh really fisher? ." Dalton spat back. I nodded, "I- I want to be with Conrad." y/n spoke up, Dalton frowned his brows and then tackled me to the ground. I felt a few punches.
"GET OFF OF HIM!" y/n yelled trying her best to pull Dalton off of me, I then punched him with my left first and he fell back. My fist laid one more punch.
"Go home Dalton, it's over." y/n said. Blood started dripping down his nose, "don't come back crying to me." he scoffed before walking off. y/n wrapped her arms around me, her head dug into my chest, "you're okay." I whispered softly before placing a kiss on her head.

Is this good? 😩 does it need another part?

Conrad fisher ❊ one shots Where stories live. Discover now