C.F What are friends for? (Mature)

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Summary: Conrad catches you... you know doing that, and decides to help you out.

It was 3am. I couldn't sleep. I felt frustrated.
Usually at times like this I'd call my boyfriend over, but he was nowhere near me because he was all the way in Boston... while I was stuck here in cousins.
Gotta stick with my hand.
I lingered my hand downwards and a quick thought of masturbating in Susannahs house made me feel weird, but I was extremely horny.
If I didn't pleasure myself now then there was no way in hell I'd end up falling asleep.
Quiet moans escaping my lips, my eyes closed shut and my left hand slightly gripping my bed sheets slightly. My hips buckling.

Those 'quiet' moans weren't as quiet as I thought, I let out a heavy moan and realised... so I stopped.
Hoping that Conrad next door didn't hear it.
I assumed he didn't, so I continued and snaked my hand back into my pyjama shorts.
15 seconds later Conrad entered my room without knocking and I freaked out, he saw me with my fingers inside of myself. I was about to yell for him to get out but I saw the lust in his eyes...
Connie's eyes never left mine. He clenched his jaw and examined me laid up on my bed, I could feel my heart beat pace faster. I wanted him.
"Enjoying yourself?" Conrad asked with a smirk.
I sat up and perched my lips together.
"If I wasn't already taken, I would've asked you to join me in bed Connie." I teased smiling cheekily, I craved him so bad.
Conrad took a step closer as I unhooked my bra and pulled my shorts off. Revealing me in just panties.
"Fuck, I can see how wet you are." He whispered, I suggested for him to place his hands on me.
"Help me Con. Help me finish." I pleaded, his hands gripping onto his favourite parts of my body.
"What are friends for?" He replied, I kissed up his neck and felt him slap my ass, I let out a moan.
"It's not cheating if I help you finish orally." Conrad whispered, I nodded in agreement even though that was a lie.
I felt as he pushed me back down against my bed, he was on top, kissing down my chest smiling.
I've never felt this way with Conrad before, he's always been one of my best friends but tonight, I wanted more.
Kissing down my chest & to my torso he then spread my legs wide open, I felt his warm breath hover above my area, his fingers moving my panties aside.
He placed wet gentle kisses on my clit, making me shiver, his tongue flicking up and down.
"That feels so good Connie." I moaned while my hands gripped his hair, I felt how wet I was becoming. Conrad came up for air, his hands gripping my breast. Admiring my body.
"Not too loud, don't wanna wake up the entire household." Conrad commented before continuing.
I smiled to myself , his tongue was amazing. Conrad slipped his fingers inside of me, making me thrust my hips even more. I craved him inside of me. He pumped his fingers back and forth, all I could do was moan, almost cry because of how good it felt. His thumb circled my clit, I couldn't help but beg for him loudly. I was close.
"Faster please." I whispered, Conrad fingered me and flicked his tongue even faster. I tightly gripped his head and pushed him down more, against my clit. Basically forcing him down to eat me.
"I'm gonna finish Connie." I pleaded before releasing. Connie sucked my clit harder which made my legs jitter, he slurped up my wetness and smiled,
"Tomorrow, I'm gonna be inside of you." Conrad commented.

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