C.F party next door

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Summary: Next door there's a party, you're invited and see Conrad Fisher, you're summer boy crush

This summer was very low key for me, my mom and dad were in New Jersey for the summer while I was here in cousins at our beach house. Gladly they trusted me enough to be here on my own. I roamed around my house just thinking about what I could do, maybe I could bake? sleep? go for a surf?

Hmm I wasn't expecting any of my friends over.. At my door was Kyle, my next door neighbour and a good friend.
"Hey y/n, tonight I'm having a party. Come by, it starts at 9pm." Kyle encouraged, I told him I'd think about it. But in reality, I was going to go. I had nothing on tonight.
Here in cousins I only had a good handful of nice friends, the rest of the kids were snobby rich, entitled and mean.
I dialled my friend Larissa's number and called her over.
"You're going to Kyle's right? Please come over and get ready at mine? I'm bored." I pleaded with her over the phone. She agreed right away.

It only took Larissa 10 minutes to come on over.
"The bitch is here!" She yelled as she entered my house, I rolled my eyes and ran into her arms.
"We ready to get black out drunk? Maybe take some drugggs?" she asked, I laughed at her craziness.
"Yes." I replied agreeing. We ran up to my room and she kept slapping my ass while we walked up the stairs.
"You think the fisher brothers are going?" Larissa asked, I shrugged my shoulders not knowing, but was hoping they were.
We entered my room and she jumped straight into my bed.
"I hope Jeremiah is there. I want him badly." Larissa commented.
"Larissa, he's dating Belly, isn't he?" I asked, no one really knew what they were to be honest.
"Well, I know damn well you wanna get all prettied up for Connie, and he's dating Nicole." Larissa replied, I nodded my head.
"I heard from Gigi, that they weren't together."
"Lies." Larissa replied smiling before throwing a pillow towards me.
Tonight's outfit was a navy blue sweater, a denim mini skirt, and my sambas.

It became 9pm so me and Larissa walked next door and knocked on Kyle's door, he opened up and handed us some beers.
"Come on in girls." He spoke. We said hi to all our friends. My eyes wandering around the party to see if he was here tonight.
"Nicole's here. And she's hooking up with Jason." Larissa pointed out, I turned to see her and Jason basically dry humping one another. Ew.
"And I see one Fisher brother. Wish me luck." Larissa said cheekily, I saw her head towards Jeremiah, my hand reached for hers before she could walk off.
"Play nice. He might be with Belly remember." I made sure to remind her, Larissa brushed it off.
I held my beer tightly and made my way out to the pool to have a smoke. I needed to relax, thinking about Conrad fisher made me uptight.
Once I stepped outside I saw him by the pool, with a smoke. He was all by himself.
"Uh, hey Connie."
"hi y/n." He replied with a little finger wave.
I asked if I could join him, he didn't seem to mind. We both sat by the egde of the pool.
"Here." He said handing me his cigarette to puff out of.
"You enjoying summer so far?" I asked stupidly before taking a hit off his joint, Conrad smiled and I handed him the joint back.
"It's been okay. What about you?" He asked, I nervously gulped.
"It's been... boring. Also, I'm sorry about Nicole by the way." I spoke, assuming they were still associated with each other.
"Yeah I'm not with her anymore. She wasn't, making me a better person." Conrad replied.
We both sat there quietly.
"I better leave you to it. Thanks for the puff." I spoke stupidly, oh my god I was so awkward, I hate myself.
I stood up pretty quickly and before you know it, my dumbass slipped and fell into Kyle's Pool.
Embarrassed, I swam up to the surface and Conrad helped me up.
"That is so embarrassing." I commented turning red, Conrad smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
"It's okay, there's nothing embarrassing about it. Look." Conrad spoke before jumping into the pool himself.
My jaw dropped and I was shocked.
He was now in the pool. He gestured for me to hop in with him.
"Come on, it's nice and refreshing." Conrad expressed, I shivered before jumping back in.
"It's cold Connie. I can't believe you jumped in." I commented swimming closer to him. 
"I'll keep you warm." he mentioned, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was Conrad Fisher flirting with me?


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