C.B/ sick

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Summary: Chris stays home with you while you're sick.  (Short one shot)

                            Chris point of view

"So we'll see you tonight?" Lola asked while on a group call with the cast, shrugging my shoulders and hesitated.
Tonight the cast of tsitp were planning a hangout before we all fly to North Carolina for season 3.
"Maybe, I've got to pack and do a few errands. I'll text the group chat to let y'all know, bye guys ." I replied before hanging up.
My girlfriend y/n called out for me from our bedroom.
I walked into our room and saw her plopped on bed, tissues all over the floor and bed.
"You should go and see the cast, I don't want you home and becoming sick because of me." She claimed with a raspy voice.

A smile appearing on my lips, I didn't care if I got sick.
Abruptly I jumped into our bed and cuddled up next to her.
"Chris! You're gonna get sick before you start filming!"
"Shhh, let me just enjoy this y/n."
Y/n rolled her eyes and leaned her head onto my chest, "I'm going to miss you." she whispered, I brushed my fingers through her hair as we laid there quietly.
"I'll miss you more. I wish you could take work off to come with me to Wilmington." I replied under my breath. Y/n grinned.
"Go have fun tonight. You haven't seen them in months." y/n suggested, I scrunched my nose.
"And what will my sick baby do?" I asked.
Y/n pointed at the tv,
"Watch the princess diaries and order door dash."
I chuckled.
"I'd rather spend my time being with you, before I leave the state. I'll see the cast in a couple days so they won't mind." I claimed, y/n smiled with relief.
It was hard being an actor at times, I'd be away from home for months and all I could think about was y/n. My life was complete with her in it.
I quickly texted the group chat.

To: TSITP cast
From: Chris
I'll skip tonight guys. Y/n is sick and I want to look after her before we fly out on Friday. See you all soon, have fun tonight 😎

This was short I'm sorry, but needed to post.

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