C. F & J. F / Wishful Thinking

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❊ Summary: Conrad chooses belly over you.

{You lived in cousins and grew up with the fisher brothers, you also lived next door, so pretty much every summer you'd spend it with them and the Conklin siblings}

It was rare for Conrad to leave you hanging, he was never late to pick you up or missed out anything you planned. But this summer was different, he stood you up for the second time this week.
A wave of chills had hit me and I shivered, I stood outside of the restaurant where we planned to eat at for dinner. My emotions running high, I was angry and sad, mostly sad.
Reaching into my pocket I grabbed my phone and dialled Jeremiahs number.

"Hey y/n, what's up?" Jere answered happily, I sighed and almost broke down.

"Can you please come get me? Conrad must of forgotten about our dinner tonight. Do you know where he is jere?" I asked.

I don't know why I had to even ask, because in my gut deep down I knew who he was with. It seemed like it was always a competition between me and belly when it came to Conrad.

"uh,I don't know where he is." Jeremiah replied quickly, lying. I could tell he was lying, it was so obvious because of the change of tone in his voice.

"Jere I know you're lying- he's with Belly I'm sure." Jere interrupted me.
There it was, that stingy feeling. I shouldn't feel like this because he hasn't even asked me out, but I know that Conrad has a soft spot for me... He does for belly too. & I hated it.

"I'm on my way." Jeremiah spoke before hanging up.

It only took Jeremiah 4 minutes to get to me, which I was glad because it was freaking cold. "Come on my passenger princess let's take you home." Jere mentioned as I hopped into his jeep.

I tried holding my tears back as Jere drove us home, but I failed and they started forming in my eyes, my head turned away from Jere and facing the window.
Heart-broken that Conrad didn't keep his promise. He promised to spend quality time with me this summer...before we head off to college.

"I suggest you tell him how you feel y/n, what he did was dumb and you don't need to be crying over my brother." Jeremiah whispered, gently I wiped my tears and faced Jeremiah's direction.

"Ok. I will." I whispered back, his hand reached out for my cheek, I felt as he wiped off my tear which made me smile, Jere smiled back.

Jeremiah's Point of View

I was curious on how their talk was going.
Maybe I should go downstairs and see?
Maybe y/n needs me again? Knowing Conrad, he kept both girls around because he doesn't know how to communicate his feelings.
Deep down, I know he really likes y/n, but he just can't cut off belly.
Deep down, I wanted y/n, but she only had her eyes for Connie. I stayed up late...
There was no sleeping knowing y/n was sad .
I decided to text y/n.

To: y/n 🫶🏽
From: Jeremiah 💛
You still awake?

She responded desperately fast.

To: Jeremiah 💛
From: y/n 🫶🏽
I'm home now, come over jere

Jolting out of bed I placed a shirt on before heading downstairs, luckily she only lived next door. Before leaving the house I saw Conrad and belly in the dining room, hugging.
That instantly told me the answer to who he chose.
"You know you're a real fucking asshole." I mentioned, Conrad had nothing to say, like always.
I clenched my jaw as I stared at them both, "I'll be next door for the night." I mumbled before walking out.

- authors note
Should this have a second part?

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