C.F/ what do you want from me? (2)

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Summary; this is part 2, please check out part one 🫧

Conrad's pov

"I'm gonna save up for Australia, next time I'm coming! Can't have all the fun without me " Jere spoke on the phone as he walked past me in the lounge, we were in cousins beach and I thought it could help me feel better about y/n dumping me but it didn't. It's been 2 weeks now since we split.
I know I was selfish, I didn't want to admit or believe that I was a terrible boyfriend to y/n.
I couldn't help but feel envious of Jere even talking to y/n right now.

Looking at my phone I decided to check y/n's instagram. By her post I can see she was enjoying her Australian summer.
And just like that, there was no more pictures up of me and her on her instagram... she deleted them.
"C.F ♡" was no longer in her bio.
I no longer existed to her.

"Hey Con, wanna go get muffins? Before our moms drag us to whale of a tale. " Belly encouraged as she sat next to me on the couch, I brushed it off and said maybe later.
"Okay, fine I'll ask Jere." She replied happily, I rolled my eyes.
"Don't bother, he's been on call with my girlfriend for 3 hours." I scoffed, belly raised her eyebrow.
"Girlfriend? I thought you and y/n were over?"
"Ex girlfriend, yeah that's what I meant, tell the mom's sorry because I'm not coming to whale of a tale." I replied.

Your point of view

I missed him. I went through my archives and examined the photos of us, I didn't have the guts to delete them just yet. We looked happy.
"You okay sweetie?" My mom asked, I smiled faking my contentness.
Believe it or not but Jeremiah helped me a lot during the first nights of this breakup, which I know shouldn't be allowed because he is my ex's brother, but Jere was in my life before Conrad... He was the reason I met Conrad. He was here first.
I felt my phone vibrate, the caller ID was a pic of Jeremiah, I smiled to myself just admiring his picture. Answering the call I heard his raspy morning voice.

Gold Coast, Australia 6:40pm
Cousins Beach, USA 4:40am

The time difference was crazy but Jere managed to put in effort into calling me, even if it was 4am for him.
"Morning y/n" he spoke happy, even though I couldn't see him I could tell he was smiling.
"Morning Jere, why are you calling me at 4am, go back to sleep." I replied, he chuckled lightly.
"I wanted to call you before I get up, I'm going for an early surf".

Conrad point of view

Rolling my eyes, I couldn't get back to sleep. These walls were thin. I could hear Jeremiah on call with her. Admittedly, I am jealous of him. Everyone praised Jeremiah for being the happy brother, the golden boy. Here I am, jealous of my brother because he was close to y/n again.

Knowing I couldn't go back to sleep, I made my way downstairs to see Jeremiah getting prepared for a surf.
"Morning, I made eggs and coffee." Jeremiah mentioned, I decided to pour me a cup of coffee.
"She finally happy?" I asked sarcastically, he looked confused at first then exhaled heavily.
"I'm doing what you couldn't." Jeremiah replied.
No reply left my mouth. Jeremiah was about to leave the house through the back sliding door until her turned to face me.
"It's easy to love her."
Jere was right, but I needed to fix things with myself before I could love her.

Here was part 2 :)

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