C.F/ what do you want from me?

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Summary: Conrad hasn't been trying enough for your relationship and it shows

Our summer was about to begin in a couple days and I really wanted to spend some time with Conrad before he heads to Cousins but he didn't make time. Before I head to Australia for my summer I wanted to say goodbye too.
The problem was he distanced himself from our relationship in the last couple months and I've tried to pin point what was wrong, if I had done anything wrong, what I could do to fix it, if only I knew what was bothering him... He'd brush it off and fake a smile, he thought I couldn't tell but I could.

A bad feeling in my gut arose as I drove over to the fisher household, his car was pulled into the driveway next to Jeremiah's red jeep. I knocked and waited.
"Hey y/n come on in." Jere said smiling, I thanked him and always loved his warm welcomes.
"He's in his room packing, want me to bring you up a lemonade in a couple minutes?" Jere offered, I agreed to a cold lemonade and headed up the grand stairs.
Conrad wasn't the greatest person on replying thru text or even call, but I Atleast expected him to message me back about seeing each other before we seperate for the summer break.
His door was slightly open so I pushed it lightly, I saw Connie packing his duffle bag.
"Con?" I muffled quietly, he turned to face me, he faked a smile again.
It hurt me, this love felt fake. Was this even reciprocated?
"I'm here to say goodbye." I replied coldly. He said nothing.
"I was going to text you after I packed my bag- Connie we need to have a proper talk about us." I said cutting him off, my heart paced and I felt a dry lump form in my throat. Conrad clenched his jaw as he stopped packing, he silently stared at me.
"Talk about what." He replied, as if he couldn't tell what the problem was.
We were now sitting down next to each other on his bed.
"I'm angry at you Conrad, you haven't been a good boyfriend in the last couple of months."
His facial expression changed quick, he looked angry.
"Me? Angry at me because what? I don't text you 24/7? I took you to prom, I did what you wanted me to do." He scoffed back.
Truthfully my heart shattered, this was not the Conrad I met or even knew.
"You're my boyfriend Connie, without a doubt you had to take me to prom. It shouldn't have to be a chore." I whispered back, he muffled something back along the lines of 'sure felt like it.'
Here I was, grieving the old Conrad I once knew.
"The old you would have never talked to me like this...- he cut me off at this point.
"What do you want from me y/n? I need to pack, I can come around to say goodbye to you later."
"I want you to be happy Connie, and the only way I can see that happening is if we break up, I won't annoy you or hassle you anymore." I explained.

Jere's head popped in and his smile quickly faded as he saw my face, "your lemonade y/n" he spoke, he walked in and asked if I was okay.
"I'm okay Jere, thank you."
Jere gave me a soft smile, then he eyed out Conrad before leaving.
Conrad still quiet. Not a word said, he didn't even seem sad.
"Have fun this summer, when you're back you'll have a box of stuff here so don't worry about asking for your things back, I'll pack it before my flight." I replied, I had taken off my necklace he had gifted me for my birthday, placing it in his hand before exiting.

I cried walking down the stairs, I tried to hide them. I didn't want Susannah to see me like this.
At the bottom of the steps I saw Jere and felt his arms bring me closer, he held me in his arms as I cried.
"He didn't even care." I cried out, Jere held me tighter and my head leaned into his chest, I felt as his chin rested on top of my head.
"He cares y/n, he just isn't thinking properly. I can't explain his actions but just know, you're the best, the best girlfriend, and he didn't deserve your love." Jeremiah spoke.


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