C. F / you're hurting and thats ok

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❊ Summary: You manage to help Conrad calm down from his panic attack. (Based off Season 2)

❊ Y/n POV❊

"You coming to the party tonight at the Fishers? Belly sent a text to our group chat about it." Nicole mentioned,
my shoulders shrugged and had no idea there was a party tonight. Then again, I'm hardly looking through our group chat.

"Please come y/n, it's summer and we need to have fun! Shayla wouldn't want us moping around without her "She pleaded with her huge grin.
I gave in and agreed, "Fine, but I'm choosing my outfit tonight... I don't know why you and Shayla always change my outfits last minute." I replied while looking through my closet, Nicole rolled her eyes playfully.

"Your style is hmm how do I put this... very comfortable which isn't bad." Nicole spoke back, I playfully shoved her,
"Thanks I guess, I do miss Shayla though, you think she's having the time of her life in Ibiza?" I asked.
Nicole started looking through my closet as well, "Of course she is, and I miss her too. Okay honestly y/n, I'm gonna have to dress you up for tonight, because the theme is retro." Nicole spoke back, I rolled my eyes and let her choose a fit.

2 painful hours had past and I looked all dolled up, my hair was done and so was my make up and outfit. I had on flared denim jeans and a red long sleeve flared cropped top.
Before leaving to the fishers house me and Nicole decided to play rock paper scissors to see who would be the sober driver... I lost but I didn't mind, drinking wasn't my thing.
I knew the fisher brothers through mutuals, I've hung out with Jere and Conrad a few times but never had one on one hang out. I see them every now and then because of Nicole, Belly, and Shayla.

When we arrived at the party I was told by belly that this was going to be the 'very last' party here at the fisher house, that this house was going to be sold.
I felt for the fisher brothers, I understood their pain, losing a parent is just about the worst pain you could experience.

"You okay?" Dara asked me before chugging her beer, I snapped out of my thoughts.
I forgot how boring it was being the sober driver , "I think I'm gonna go get some air, maybe walk down the beach." I yelled through the loud party music, Dara and Nicole heard, before I walked off Nicole said "Okay, be safe y/n and call me if you need anything." Nicole knew that partying wasn't really my thing.

I walked out of the back sliding door, walked past all the dancing people and made my way down the path that lead to the beach, I could hear the music fade and my thoughts became louder... but I could also hear yelling ahead of me.

"I would have been there for you through everything!" a girls voice pleaded, which I finally recognised, belly's voice.

"I thought you knew?! I thought you knew!" Conrad yelled almost crying.

I stopped in my tracks contemplating if I should even be out here when they're having a fight.
My eyes glanced at them by the water, I turned  the bottom of my heels and decided to walk back to the house so they could sort it out.
I could hear running behind me and turned to see belly coming my way, "belly are you alright?" I spoke, she quickly hugged me, I could smell the alcohol on her.
"I'm- I'm gonna go to my room y/n." She cried and then took off running. I pulled my phone out to text Nicole.

To: Nicole
From: y/n
Belly needs some company, her and Connie just had a fight, she's coming up to the house now.

Putting my phone back in my pocket I looked around to see if Conrad was okay. He was by the water, his hand on his chest.

Conrad's point of view

My chest felt really tight, and I tried my best to catch my breath. I missed mom.

"Conrad, hey." A soft voice appeared, my eyes caught a glance of y/n. She came up to me with a worried look, I tried over and over to catch my breath. She placed her hand on my chest and demonstrated inhaling and exhaling.
"Inhale....and exhale, you got this." She whispered, I had a tight grip on her hand, it calmed me down just knowing she was here for me.
My body felt calm, my breathing finally in-sync.

"Look at me and follow my breathing." She
re-assured me. Once I calmed down she helped lower me to the sand, y/n sat next to me as we stared at the waves. We sat there quiet for about 2 minutes.

"Thank you y/n." I whispered, y/n looked over my direction.

"Don't need to thank me Conrad, you're hurting and that's okay. I can stay and keep you company or I can go?" She asked.

"Stay." I commented back.

This was just a cute little imagine .

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