• Summer Struggle (C.F & J.F)

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Summary: You fallen for Jeremiah, but he was already taken. So you plan to make him jealous.

Last summer was excruciating, I had the guts to finally tell Jeremiah about how I felt and he dropped the bomb that he was dating a girl named Amanda.
My heart obviously shattered.
This summer was currently hell because Jere decided to bring his girlfriend to the summer house... and luckily for me, Jere's room was next door to mine :,)
I blasted my music pretty much every night, scared I was going to hear something I didn't want to hear.
I laid in bed just reminiscing about last year, about the time I confessed my feelings.


"I want to be with you Jeremiah, I'm sick of these flirty games and compliments. I just want to be yours." I expressed,
Jere looked down at the sand, he struggled to look back up at me.
His fingers lingering with mine.
"All I've ever wanted was for you to be mine. But I can't y/n. Im seeing someone."
His reply felt like a knife to my heart, my stomach dropped and I understood. He couldn't just drop that girl for me, it wasn't fair to her.
I was hoping he'd drop her and kiss me, but that wasn't realistic.
"Don't cry y/n, I'm sorry. You know I think about you...Deep down you know I love you."
"Jere, don't say anything else. Let's just forget this ever happened."


My hands coming up to my face, I felt my tears streaming. A whole year later and I'm still in love with Jeremiah fisher.
It was lame being single, my twin Steven had a girlfriend named Shayla, my younger sister was seeing a boy named Cam Cameron, Jere was with Amanda, And Connie was on and off with Nicole.... Then there's me.
Single. Solo. A Loner?
As much as I hated spending time with Amanda, I tried my best to behave because she made him happy. I still wanted to be a good best-friend to Jere.
Today was the 4th of July, Susannah had the house covered in ugly patriotic decor and food placed out. I struggled to even get out of bed and get ready for the day.
My door swung open and belly's head popped in,
"Get dressed, dad and his new girlfriend Victoria are on their way." she commented.
I groaned, even my dad wasn't single.
It took me 10 minutes to place a white bikini on, some denim shorts and a white lace cover up top.
Jeremiah and Amanda were in the pool canoodling, I slightly gagged and Steven noticed, he smiled back at me.
"Y/n my dear, can you help Connie bring out more decor?" Susannah asked beautifully, I agreed to help.
My eyes locked with Connie's and followed him into the kitchen.
"Hey Mr." I whispered.
Conrad smiled and replied with an airy 'Hi Miss.'
I grabbed the patriotic paper plates while Connie kept staring at me.
"I can read it all over your face y/n, try to not make it so obvious that you still love him."
My shoulders shrugged and I fake cried.
"I can't help it Con, your brother does something to me. "
"You know how Jere is... why don't we make him jealous?" he mentioned cheekily.
I paused and raised my brows.
"Okay let me just stop you there Conrad, Three things... First off, that would be cruel because aren't you with Nicole? Secondly, I think he's too busy sticking his tongue down Amanda's throat, and Lastly, wouldn't you feel weirded out? I mean come on, it's me." I expressed.
Conrad brushed his fingers through his hair before replying.
"I'm not with Nicole, and It's Jere?! He's over protective when it comes to you... And it's not weird, why couldn't I fall for you? you're one of my best friends, who happens to be attractive." He assured me, the last part of his sentence threw me off guard.
"Fine. And thank you I appreciate it." I commented.
"Play along ok." Connie spoke before he gestured for me to follow him back out of the house.

Once we placed the decor out Conrad took his shirt off and suggested we go for a swim. Jeremiah and Amanda were out on the pool chairs by this time, done with their swim.
My shorts dropped and I took my lace cover up off, I felt as Conrad was behind me.
"Here, let me tighten your bikini strap." Conrad commented out of nowhere, he made sure he was loud enough for jere to hear.
Jere looked over this way, his jaw clenched hard and he looked emotionless. I turned around to face Connie and thanked him.
"What now?" I whispered smiling at him as if I needed direction, Connie wrapped his arms around my waist before making sure we both fell into the pool.

I came up to the surface for air and laughed, splashing at Conrad.
"Could've warned me." I whispered, Conrad chuckled.
"That wouldn't have been fun Conklin." he replied, under the water I felt Connie's hand pull me closer towards him.
My back was turned to Jeremiah so I had no idea what his reaction was.
"He's looking... Now kiss me."
I looked into Conrad's eyes and then down at his lips.
Leaning in, Conrad's hands searched my body as if he craved me. We pulled from the cheeky kiss and we both smiled, his forehead leaning against mine.
"We definitely made him jealous. He stormed off somewhere." Conrad whispered. I turned around to see no sight of jere, just Amanda sitting at the pool chairs by herself.
I pulled myself away from Conrad.
"Thanks Connie."
Conrad pulled me back towards him, his hands finding their way back onto my lower back
"If it doesn't work out, and you want to forget about him... you know where to find me." Conrad smiled.

A few minutes later I got a text from Jere.

To: Y/n
From: Jeremiah
Meet me in my room please. I wanna talk.


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