C.F /A baby? /one

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Summary * You find out you're pregnant.

Two lines, who would've thought two lines would scare you. Leaning against my bathroom door I exhaled a heavy breath, thinking about what I should do next.
I did the most sensible thing any teenager would do... Call my best-friend.

"Kayleigh? Come over now." I said before hanging up. What felt like an hour waiting for her to arrive only took 10 minutes. Kayleigh had a worried expression, I then handed her the 2 pregnancy test.

"Positive? Oh y/n, holy shit, when did you do it last?" She mumbled then covered her mouth, I held my head in my hands.

"Last month, and with Conrad." I replied. Kayleigh hugged me, then she placed her hand over the lower part of my stomach.

"Conrad Fisher as in Susannah and Adams eldest? Are you going to tell him? Are you going to keep the baby?" She asked bombarding me, I shrugged my shoulders not too sure.

"I have to tell him. I guess the decision will be made depending on how he reacts." I said.

Once Kayleigh had left I made the decision to tell Conrad today.
Cousins was a small town, I didn't even know where he lived so I had to ask my mutual friends for his address. On the drive to his house all I kept thinking about was whether I'd make a good mom, I'd hope I'd be. Placing my hand over my belly I felt a sense of hope, faith and an overall good feeling. This was the moment I was determined I'd keep the baby whether Conrad wanted to be apart or not.

Pulling into his driveway I was in awe of how beautiful his families house was, nervously I got out of my car and walked up to the front door. As soon as I knocked the door opened, it was Mrs Fisher.

"Hi Mrs Fisher I'm y/n, may I speak to Conrad." I asked then smiled, she gestured for me to come in.
"Hello y/n, come in sweetie, call me Ms Beck." She replied with a welcoming smile. Ms Beck pointed upstairs, "go ahead sweetie, Conrad's upstairs in his room, the first door you see once you reach the top." She explained. I admired the family pictures on the wall as I walked up the stairs, what a good looking family.

Knocking a couple times I waited for a reply at Conrad's door.
"Umm hey Conrad, it's me y/n." I spoke. Conrad swung his door open and looked confused as to why I was at his house.
"Can we talk?" I asked, he scrunched his nose before fully opening his door to let me in.
Awkwardly I waddled in, examining his room. It was surprisingly neat. Conrad gestured for me to sit down, so I placed myself on his bed and he leaned against his desk.

"I know we don't know each other that well, but you remember that night from a month ago? At that party? " I questioned, Conrad nodded his head.

"I'm pregnant." I replied while slowly pulling out the pregnancy tests. He reached for both the tests and examined them, looking back at me afterwards.

"You said you were on birth control- I was and I am, I swear." I replied cutting him off. Conrad placed his hand on his chest then gulped quite loudly.

"And you definitely know that it's mine? " He mumbled, I licked my lips before speaking.
"You're the only person I've been with." I confessed, meaning that my one night stand with Conrad was the night I lost my virginity. He was shocked, I was shocked.

"I'm sorry okay, I'm just as shocked as you." I mentioned. My eyes gazed at him, watching him stand there, his head probably filled with all kids of thoughts.

"I'm just going to let you know Conrad, whether you're going to be apart of the baby's life or not, I'm keeping it, I'm not aborting it." I explained confidently.
Conrad agreed. He also stayed quiet, he paced in his room for almost 5 minutes, I was just waiting on what he had to say.

"I'm off to Brown in a couple months, I don't know if I can focus on school and a baby." Conrad whispered quietly but loud enough for me to hear. If that was his decision, I had to respect it too.

"I've got a family bbq in an hour, is it okay if you come back tomorrow? We can talk about it properly, come back 10am." Conrad suggested, I agreed.

"That sounds good, I'll let myself out. I'll see you tomorrow morning." I said before walking out.

Conrad's POV

I laid in bed with my hands over my face, what do I do. How am I suppose to feel? I heard a knock on my door and looked to see mom standing by my door.
"Hey Connie, everything alright?" She asked while walking into my room. Sitting up all I did was sigh, she sat next to me, her hand on my back.
"Connie, what's wrong?" She asked, I faced her.
"I got y/n pregnant mom." I replied on the verge of tears. Mom wrapped her arms around me.
"Don't be disappointed please- Never baby." Mom interrupted cutting me off.

After the family bbq, I had explained everything to my mom. I told her that y/n was on birth control and she still got pregnant.
I added that y/n made the decision to not abort the baby.

"Conrad, don't see this baby as a mistake, this baby is a blessing in disguise. I know you don't know y/n well enough, but make it work Con, and see it through. I'm sure she's a lovely girl. I'm not telling you what to do, because it's your choice but I'm here for you, I'm here for the baby." Mom said comforting me, she always knew what to say. 

"Thanks mom, I love you."
"I love you more Connie. You know, I'm sorta glad you're giving me a grandchild, incase my treatment doesn't work, atleast I get to see the baby- Mom don't say that." I said cutting her off, she lightly smiled at me.

-authors note

This will have a part 2 🩶

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