C.F/ summer surprise

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summary: you surprise your old fling, Conrad fisher.

Chapter 1/ the summer I became pregnant.

This year was extremely hard, the past 9 months I kept my pregnancy to myself. My parents knew about the baby & they were very supportive.
I appreciated their support and love, they always made me feel secure, safe and heard...
My child deserved that too, and for that to happen, I wanted her to have her dad present.

I gave birth 4 days ago to a baby girl, she was perfect in every way. I kept her to myself because I knew he wouldn't have wanted her, we weren't even a together. He never wanted me.
I know, it was a very selfish move.
My family knew the Fishers very well, my father and Adam were good friends and would go golfing around the world, that was my father's career.
I was close to the fisher brothers, but not as close as the Conklin's kids... Susannahs best-friend Laurel's children. Belly was always a good friend to me, and so was Steven.
Jeremiah was pretty much my closest friend from cousins, his older brother Conrad and I weren't close, not until we started a fling.
I could tell he was using me... and that's only because I was using him.
Growing up together, whenever I was hanging with Jeremiah and the Conklin Siblings he'd always be that annoying older brother, he'd ruin our activities, our games and etc.
For months and months I begged my parents to not inform The Fishers about the baby, not until I was ready... they kept their promise.
And then Susannah passed, which also played a huge factor in me not wanting to tell Conrad.

I was about half an hour away from reaching cousins. Mom wasn't joining me this summer because she was working on a massive case, she's a lawyer.
My father was out of the States, on a golf tour.
It was just me and little peanut.

As I drove Id occasionally check my mirror to see how baby girl was doing in the back, she stayed fast asleep the whole drive here.
By the time I pulled up to our summer house I sighed heavily, as if I could finally take a proper breath.
I was nervous to tell Conrad. He needed to know though. I hadn't talked to him in months.

Before even exiting my car, I texted him.

To: Conrad
From: y/n
Hey, you in cousins yet? I wanna talk.

I waited anxiously for a reply.

To: y/n
From: Conrad
Yeah I am. Didn't jere invite you to tonight's dinner? Just talk to me then.

To: Conrad
From: y/b
Come to my house soonish? It's important. Please. 

Conrad point of view

"Where you going?" Belly asked, I gulped and smiled at my girl.
"Y/n's, she needs to talk about something." I replied, belly just brushed her hair behind her ear.
"I'll be back asap, to help with dinner." I spoke before kissing her, Jeremiah walked over and fake gagged.
"When is Steven going to be here?" Jeremiah asked curiously, I shrugged my shoulders and picked up my car keys.
"Not sure. I'm going to y/n's real quick."
Jeremiah raised his brows,
"You might as well bring her back here with you." Jeremiah mentioned, I agreed.

Y/n's house was only a 7 minute drive. I had all these questions in my head, would I still feel the sexual tension with her? Would I still find her attractive? Even if I was dating belly now. I hope it wasn't awkward.
Y/n was like kryptonite to me, she made me weak. Maybe it was just sexually weak.
My 7 minutes were up, I parked outside her summer house and made my way inside.
"Y/n! I'm here." I yelled making my way inside her foyer, I heard a baby cry.
"Coming." She yelled back, I looked around and exhaled a breath.
"Jeremiah suggested you come with me after our talk, I'll just drive us back, we'll be having dinner soon." I yelled through out the house.
Y/n came down the stairs.
My eyes landing on the newborn baby nestled on her chest and neck.
"Conrad, um." She started and paused, she couldn't finish her sentence. Y/n stood at the bottom of the steps, her eyes almost glossy as if she was about to cry.
"Conrad, this is our baby."
Frozen. I stood there still as water.
"Our baby?" I asked confused.
"I need to explain." She whispered. I agreed and followed her to the living room.


This was requested. Hope y'all want a part 2

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