C.F / a baby? / two

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-authors note
This is part two, go read part one if you haven't yet :)

Time of arrival, 9:55am. I had 5 minutes left to spare. Nervously, I sat in my car wondering if Conrad made his mind up, my stomach made a noise and I realised I was extremely hungry, I shouldn't have skipped breakfast this morning.

By the time it was 10am I had walked up to his front door, before even placing my hand up to knock on his door Conrad opened up.

"Hey." He whispered, staying silent all I did was give him a little wave.

I followed him into the kitchen & he gestured for me to sit down with him at the island counter. I was looking around just admiring the house, perfectly organised and well color coordinated.

"Anyone else home?" I asked curiously, he nodded a no.

"Just us, uh my mom's out in town preparing for some of my family friends coming to stay with us, and Jeres at the country club." Conrad explained, I bit my lip slightly, it was silent for a few seconds.

"Um, I pretty much stayed up all night thinking about you know, everything...I even had a talk with my mom, she really helped me. "Conrad explained, his eyes locked onto mine.

"Thank you for not choosing to terminate the baby, I want to be apart of the baby's life and be able to help you." He responded, the only thing I felt was relief. I didn't feel so alone now.

"Thank you Conrad, That's great. All I have to do now is tell my parents." I said back.

"Did you want me to come? I could be of use or help to try break it to them." He suggested, I definitely needed him to come, he needs to meet my parents.

Conrad's POV

We sat there for 3 hours talking about the baby, about parenthood, about ourselves and whatever we could tell each other to get to know one another.

"What are you majoring in?" Y/n asked, I smiled before replying,

"I want to become a doctor & work with medicine."

Y/n grinned brightly, she then reached out for my hand

"Because of your mom? Again, I'm sorry about her being sick" she apologised, I told y/n not to be sorry and held her hand.

"I found out earlier this month that I got accepted into brown , which is surprisingly perfect for us ." Y/n mentioned, my eyes widened out of shock.

"Still can't believe theres human life inside of you right now." I said, we both looked down at her stomach, y/n giggled.

"I know, it's surreal. I haven't even experienced morning sickness yet." She replied, I heard the front door shut and saw mom had walked in, she greeted both of us and went to give y/n a hug.

"Did Conrad explain that we're happy to be in little precious beans life? And in your life too." Mom asked smiling, y/n nodded her head.

"Goody, please stay for lunch y/n, let me feed my grandson/ granddaughter." Mom suggested with a huge smile.


Lunch was amazing, but all I kept thinking about was what my parent's reactions were gonna be, I was planning on telling them tonight. Once lunch was done Conrad and I headed upstairs to his room, to talk more. I laid down on Conrad's bed and felt my tummy,

"I am so bloated now." I blurted out, Connie chuckled before joining me on the bed. My head lifted up and I stared at him.

"Can I ask you something?" He murmured, I sat up preparing myself for the question.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a virgin before we you know..." Conrad asked, I sat there for a few seconds gathering my thoughts before answering his question.

"I didn't think it was important to let you know. I had my heart broken previously and I guess I was trying to rebel, be a different person, I tried to be a normal teenager who parties, drinks, has hook ups, not some dork stuck at home who obeys her parents 24/7." I explained. Conrad probably thought my answer was weird.

"I don't regret that night." I added staring at him, Conrad exhaled calmly, "neither do I" he whispered back.

Conrad's POV

We talked for hours yet again, I looked out the window and saw how dark it had become.
"Will you come with me tonight? To tell my parents?" Y/n asked while standing up from my bed, I nodded and agreed.

"Yes." I replied while grabbing my phone to place in my pocket, and grabbing my car keys.

"CONRADDDDD." A familiar voice yelled, I then recognised the voice. It was Steven. Steven ran up the stairs and barged into my room.

"Hey Bro the Conklin's have arri- "Steven shouted staring at us, he stopped mid sentence.

"Hey, I'm Steven, Conrad's best friend." Steven introduced himself before coming up and shaking Y/n's hand, she grinned and greeted him.

"I'm Y/n, nice to meet you." She replied. We heard footsteps and Belly came into the room, she was about to greet me but saw y/n, Belly's facials dropped and I could tell that she was jealous of y/n, but knowing belly she would hide it.

"My mom's best-friend and her kids come here every summer and we hang out, they're basically family." I mentioned, y/n greeted belly.

"Hi, I'm y/n, I love your outfit, where from?" Y/n asked breaking the tension, belly gave in and smiled.

"It's all from coach, I really love their new line." Belly replied smiling.

"Y/n, we should get going-" I said until Steven interrupted me.
"You guys aren't staying for family dinner?" He questioned, I nodded a no.

"I need to help y/n with some stuff but i should be back soon." I replied apologising, we did a quick goodbye.

Authors note, I think I'm gonna make more parts for this imagine ✨☁️

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