C.B Dont do this 2

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Summary: read part 1, this was requested for a 2nd part ✨

Chris POV

I couldn't face my girlfriend, I couldn't look at her. It's been an hour since my encounter with
y/n at her bnb, currently I was sitting in my car outside my apartment.
My guilt ate me up inside, I wanted to be with Isabel, but the thought of y/n with me also made me smile. My mind wandered off and I thought about all those times on set with y/n...

Jenny was directing y/n and I about our kissing scene at the beach.
"Y/n is going to say her line and then you need to reach for her right arm, make sure to pull her close to you." Jenny was speaking but I wasn't listening. My nerves kicked in.
Y/n previously told me that I was going to be her first kiss, her first onscreen kiss too.

"You look so nervous." Y/n commented, I nodded my head in denial and she smiled.
"Stop lying Chris."
"I'm not. Ok I am. I'm your first kiss. Are you sure?" I asked, y/n gave me a silly expression.
"Am I sure?! Who else am I going to kiss anytime soon? I can't just choose anyone else on set to make my first kiss." She replied, my stomach dropped as I stared at her smiling. I brushed it off and just looked away.
"You're right. I just don't want to ruin your first kiss."
"You won't." She replied confidently.


My head leaned back into my chair. What was I going to do?
I thought about that quote that most people always say.
"If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second."
7 years with my girlfriend Isabel, all for nothing because I felt something for y/n.


It had been 4 weeks since I last saw Chris. So a month that I've left North Carolina.
I regretted leaving, I missed the cast and crew, my friends, my character.
I also blamed my character for falling in love with Chris. He was my first kiss, I regret that too. He shouldn't be this special to me.
To try and get my mind off of Chris I decided to go for a stroll around the city, surely I'd be distracted.
Then I saw the new Mean Girls Musical movie poster plastered on walls, there he was again, on the poster. His promotion for his new movie. A heavy sigh left my mouth and I turned around.
It's gonna be hard to forget him just like that, like he means nothing to me.
Tonight was take out night, so I picked up some Italian food and headed back to my apartment. Quickly checking my emails before I started eating my pasta.
I read over my emails from my agent about 3 different auditions,  and then saw an email from Jenny Han.

Y/N, we miss you as our belly. We've been renewed for a season 3 as you know, and we'd like to ask if you can come back. I know you wanted to leave for different opportunities and roles, but we wanted to ask you once more.

This felt like an opening to re-join my family. A teensy bit of me wanted to come back... But I couldn't see Chris like this. Not after what happened at my bnb.
I shouldn't even be this affected, our characters are in love, not me and Chris. I had to separate reality from acting. But sometimes it was hard.
Maybe if we talk about it, maybe it can be worked out. My thumb wandered above his contact name on my phone, nervous about calling him.

I took a deep breath in. Just stay calm, I told myself over and over again.

"Hi Chris, um. Are you back in New York? If so, Can we meet somewhere?"
"I am, sure. Come to my apartment."
"Can we actually meet at Rosie's? In an hour?"

Rosie's, the restaurant we enjoyed going to when we first met.
Being too nervous about seeing him I couldn't finish my food, my stomach was in nots.
Entering Rosie's was nostalgic, and nerve racking.
"Y/n." A voice yelled, I turned to see Chris sitting at one of the booths. I lightly smiled and joined him at the table.
"Hi." I whispered.
My head was down, i struggled to make eye contact.
"How have you been?" He asked me, I looked around before stuttering on my words.
"I've been better, and you? " I replied, Chris bit down on his lip subconsciously.
"I miss you."
"I missed you too Chris."
Then we stayed quiet, I tried to form my sentence in my head about why I asked to meet up.
He coughed which got me started on the conversation.
"I asked to meet up, because, um, well I wanna come back and play belly.
I wanted to ask if that was okay with you? And okay with Isabel? & don't worry about the crush I have on you, it's pretty much faded. I really enjoy this job, and I enjoy you guys, Sean, Gavin & Rain."
Chris looked down at his fiddling fingers and back up at me.
"Me and uh, me and Isabel aren't together anymore."
My heart stopped.
"Was it because of me? I'm so sorry." I pleaded.
"It was because of me. I told her that, that I could see myself with someone else, and that she didn't deserve it ."
I struggled to process his sentence.
"You can see yourself with me?" I asked curiously. He sniffled before replying.
"Yeah. And it's not because of our work or our characters being in love. I feel something, it was masked because of Belly and Conrad." He explained.
My heart and stomach dropped.
"I'm happy you want to come back. But you don't feel the same for me anymore?" He asked softly.
I tried not to smile. Not the right time to break out and smile as this was a serious moment.
"I lied. My crush on you hasn't faded."
Chris laughed and shook his head.
"I knew it. You're such a bad liar." He replied jokingly. Chris reached for my hand in the table.
His eyes not breaking contact from mine.
"Do you think we, could try? you know being together?" Chris asked, I grinned before laughing a little.
"Duh Chris." I replied. He grinned widely.
"On screen girlfriend and off screen girlfriend" he mentioned, I agreed.
"I can't be on set when you have scenes when Gavin." He brought up.

Here was part 2 (: 

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