C.F / Lover / two

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This morning I woke up extremely happy, excited and very nervous. I've never studied with a boy, I've never even dated or had a guy friend. This was just unusual territory for me.

"Kate, he asked me to bring my bikini. Isn't that strange?" I asked curiously as I prepared my text books, Kate's mouth dropped and her eyes widened out of excitement. Her expression made me more anxious.
"What does that mean?" I asked abruptly, she laughed while walking towards me, her hands placed on my shoulders as she faced me.
"Calm down y/n, he probably just wants to you know, do the do." Kate replied, implying sex.

I frowned my eyebrows out of worry, "Oh Kate, I don't do the do, I'm a straight up virgin & I haven't even had my first kiss, because I'm trying to save it. And I doubt he's like that Kate, he seems really kind. " I replied.

"Fine, don't bring it but if I were you and he asked me out, I'd gladly have him as my first everything." Kate mentioned smiling cheekily.
I sat there thinking about it.
Thinking about his perfect shaped lips, his cute beauty spot above his upper lip, perfectly placed hair that draped over his forehead, and those beautiful eyes.
Maybe Kate was right, this could be my first kiss?

I doubt it, we're just studying I have to get out of my own head and stop overthinking. He doesn't seem interested and we're just studying, I definitely need more social interaction.


I had 5 minutes left before 9am, sitting quietly I waited at one of the tables in the library close to entrance.

"Hey." I heard his raspy morning voice, he joined me at the table.
"Good morning, are you ready for our study session?" I asked smiling, Conrad paused for a quick second before finally exhaling a breath.
"Yeah, um before we get to the studying, can I take you out for breakfast?" He asked, I bit my lip and began placing my books back into my bag.
"That would be amazing, we better make it a fast breakfast cause I really need help with my notes." I replied nervously. My hands were clammy & I felt faintish, Conrad smiled and encouraged me to follow him.
"Don't you worry, we'll get to studying. Let's just enjoy some food first." He replied.

Conrad's pov

"You're not kidnapping me? Are you?" Y/n asked as she looked over at me, I hesitated abit. Y/n laughed and was waiting for an answer.
"Okay, I sort of am. I think you deserve a day with no studying & just having fun? For almost 2 years I've noticed you around campus and in class, I see how you are, you need a day like this." I replied, y/n's expression on her face did not change, I kept looking over at her and then back on the road as I was driving.
"Conrad, I officially met you yesterday, this is wild. Do you kidnap everyone you just meet?" She asked smiling.
"Nope, you're the first...Good thing this drive is 3hours long, it'll give us time to know each other." I replied.

y/n pov

Didn't even realise we had passed the hours, we were already at our destination. Looking out of my side of the window I saw a welcome sign into

'Cousins beach'

I faced Conrad,
"so that's why you asked me to pack a bikini?" I asked.
This town was beautiful.

"Is this your home town?" I brought up, Conrad pulled up to this gorgeous grey home, massive home by the way.
"My Summer house, this place is where I feel most at home though. " he muffled under his breath.
I could see the happiness and glow over him as he showed me around the house.

" My brother Jere and I had the best memories here as kid, our mother made sure our time here was magical... Now that she's gone, it's hard to keep coming back here." Conrad mentioned, I understood him.

Getting to know Conrad was great, he was different too. My friend group always pictured him to be this playboy, and i let myself believe it even though i didn't know him prior. But now, now I know he's sensitive, kind, considerate.

Before you know it, the time was 6pm. We had spent most of our time at the beach behind the summer house, we hung out by the pool too. He surprised me today.
Currently, we were sitting by the pool, our feet in the water and the night sky shining above us with a few stars.

"Today was so random, but I'm grateful. It felt good to relax and not have to worry about school work." I spoke, Conrad chuckled before slightly glancing up at me.

"Can I just ask, why me? I mean, we've never interacted before yesterday, and now I'm suddenly at your summer house enjoying a day with you. I get that you wanted to help me have a break, I'm just wondering why help me?" I asked staring over at him, our eyes aligning as we stared at one another.

"I think you're brilliant, and stunning. I had this warm feeling inside of me yesterday when we were talking. I don't think, any girl has made me feel all nervous and jittery, like you do." Conrad explained, I looked around nervously and smiled,
"I make you nervous? Well that's crazy to hear because you make me nervous, I'm legit sweating right now." I said cheesily. Conrad slowly scooted closer towards me, I felt myself tense slightly.
"Thank you again Conrad, I really needed this, I rarely give myself a break." I whispered.
"You're welcome y/n, Why don't you give yourself a break?" He asked curiously, my lips pressed together before speaking.
"I'm on a scholarship so I can't afford any mistakes. I pushed myself  and forgot how to relax and have fun."
"I can remind you to relax and have fun, and also help you with study." Conrad whispered, I felt myself blush, his fingers lingered over my hand before we interlocked hands.

"This, this feels like a dream." I whispered quietly, Conrad smiled.

"Can I kiss you y/n?" He asked softly, I held my breath and tensed up anxiously, I felt my nerves calm down as his eyes looked me up and down, his little cute smirk on his face, I nodded my head in agreement before finally placing my lips on his.


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