C.F / Lover / one

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Summary: Just a little love story for y/n and Conrad fisher! 🩷

I struggled reading the last part of my book, annoyed with myself I slammed the book closed and exhaled deeply. My first year at Brown was easy, but now that I'm on my second year here, I'm second guessing everything. My brain needed a break from studying, my friends and I were out in the schools courtyard attempting to have a study group but today wasn't my day.

"There's a party tonight girls, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity is throwing it, we all in?" Kate asked, the rest of the group agreed on attending the party. As they continued to talk about tonights party my eyes searched and looked around, my eyes finally landed on him, looking him up and down.

"Y/n's staring at that guy from Lab." Kate sung jokingly and quite loudly, I shoved her slightly out of embarrassment, she giggled and I saw as he turned around possibly hearing, I hid behind my book as fast as I could.
"Kate oh my god, shhh." I said freaking out, the girls laughed.
"You should just ask him out, come on y/n." My other friend Jess encouraged, I nodded a no.
"No, No, no way, he is way too good for me, I bet he has a girlfriend... I mean, you guys have seen what he looks like? How could he be single?" I explained, they all shrugged at the thought.
"He looks like the type of guy to have 'Girlfriends' Plural." Kate mentioned exaggerating the S on girlfriends.

- Later on that night.

The girls ended up going to Alpha Phi Alphas frat party, on the other hand I decided to continue studying. I headed down to the library, I needed a one of the science text books for my practical lab exam coming up. Quickly as fast as I could I grabbed the text book, checked it under my name and headed out of the library, reading it on way back to my dorm.

Then I bumped into him, into the cute guy from lab.

"Ow." I said looking up at him. Rubbing my five-head I winced, my head felt like it was pulsating.

"I'm sorry." He spoke, I shook my head.
"No, I should be the sorry one I didn't realise how fast paced I was. I'm trying to head back swiftly to my dorm while you know, reading." I replied, he smirked and asked if I was okay.
"I'm good thank you, just a bit out of it today, feeling exhausted and a tad nervous about the exam coming up...which you probably don't care about, or about my problems, I'm sorry ." I said before shutting up, he laughed lightly.

"It's fine, um, I'm a good listener. I'm Conrad,
y/n? right? We're in Lab together and in Code of Ethics for Lab Med." he replied smiling, I was in shock. He knew my name, he knew who I was, he's laid his eyes on me before?

"Yes, that is me." I replied shortly after.

"I'm nervous as well, about the exam, but I'm sure you'll do well. To be honest with you, I notice you're very into school." He mentioned, confused I raised one of my eyebrows.

"What I mean is, I don't see you at any of the parties here, and I admire your enthusiasm for school work?" He spoke with a grin, I felt myself blush.
"Basically you're calling me a dork who doesn't have a social life? Ok thank you Conrad." I jokingly said, he nodded a no.
"Definitely not, I think it's great. You're on a different wave length y/n." Conrad whispered lightly, I inhaled nervously.

"I enjoyed this conversation really, but um I better head back to study- Want to study tomorrow with me? Considering we're both nervous about the exam, I think it'd be fun to study together and I can give you some of my notes. "Conrad asked interrupting me, shocked I placed my hand over my chest.

"Sure? I think that would be great, want to meet each other at the library?" I asked eagerly. Conrad smirked and nodded his head in agreement.

"Perfect, meet me at the library at 9am, pack you a bikini." He spoke before walking off, I finally registered the last part and was wondering if I heard him right, a bikini? Why would I need a bikini.

-this will have more parts 🤭

Conrad fisher ❊ one shots Where stories live. Discover now