Pushed him too hard

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Y/N perspective

Back at my place I go to set up just dance on the Wii while Hobie clears up a bit before Miles and Gwen come over.
' so how'd ya get on with Miles and Gwen? you guys went to get some food earlier i see.' Hobie mentions as he collects some old cups and puts them in the sink.
' yeah they're really chill, they seem fun and Miles is very protective over Gwen. he gets very defensive actually.' I respond to hobby while standing back up and collecting four of the remotes. 
' oh really? Why'd ya think that?'
I called Gwen gorgeous and he was all like that's my girl, so don't try anything blah blah blah. Which is understandable, but I found it funny cause they didn't know at the time that I was a straight girl' Hobie looks at me with a confused look on his face, and I realise that he didn't know yet.
' oh yeahhh I forgot to say, I explained everything to them and they're in on the joke too'
'righttt thats fair, even better if those two are in on it actually they're pretty funny' I grin at him in response and go to the kitchen to get snacks.
'hey Spunk? what do you think of Miguel? like is his finger always so stuck up his ass orrr..' I earn a raucous laugh from Hobie before he butts in,
'HAHA YEA THAT GUYS A CUNT MANNNN, well- not to Jessica but thats cuz shes like the mum of the group so doesn't count'
'any reason why?' I was getting really curious as to why he's such an asshole for, like if it weren't for his bitchyness I would smash.. well i mean i already do considering his arms are the size of my head BUT THATS NOT THE POINT!!!!!!
' no, there's no reason, he's just one of those insecure guys that think they're hard I guess' He says before trailing off.

A few moments later i tell Hobie that i was gonna go get Miles and Gwen from the usual meeting bench to take them here, like we agreed to before leaving the café. As soon as the portal opens, I walk through it letting the Colours absorb my body as usual before ending up in the usual Laboratory. Before making my way down the Familiar hallway and towards the benches, the sight of a figure in the corner of the room standing in front of some computers catch my eye. My head turns towards the figure and I feel my heart stop for a millisecond as my brain clocks that it's him, Miguel. Thoughts start flowing into my head, some shouting at me to go and talk to him and others suggesting that you should run in the opposite direction and avoid getting bollocked. However, my body decided to disregard the second option, and with the support of my webs, I found myself jumping and sticking to the ceiling, crawling my way towards Miguel.

I eventually reach close enough to him, and slowly I lower myself down upside down to reach his head level.
'whatcha doing daddy long legs?' I question half out of curiosity and half trying to piss him off. Without any reaction Miguel carries on typing on the computer in from of him replying in an obvious tone,
'if you were trying to scare or sneak up on me it didn't work, i could smell you from when you started crawling' Shivers start to creep up my spine, he could smell me?? oh yeaaa hes half spider what a freak HAHA...oh wait so am I. my baddd
'hey i cant help it if i smell nice okay thats not my fault' i reply sarcastically, i mean its true- minus the lingering paint odour i smell pretty good i think.
'hm, i was talking about your blood. It smells very sweet by the way, much like a womans..' he responds before he stops typing to face me, his face so close to me that i can feel his icy breath against mine; sending shivers through my spine once again. My eyes scan his face, giving me a chance to take in his complexion and features so close up. Miguel's redish brown eyes shine as it reflect the light, his nose looks as if it was perfectly drawn on as his sharp jawline puts together his whole face, his fucking hot but punchable face. He furrows his eyebrows at me before leaning into into my ear whispering,
'i know you're a woman, i don't know what you look like or what you actually sound like. But by the smell of your blood i can tell.' As Miguel slowly leans back, I feel blood rushing to my cheeks as my heart stops again. But from the countless emotions that overwhelmed me i couldn't stop myself uttering back;
' oh yeah? Well if you're so sure then why don't you taste it and see for yourself daddy long legs' I see his eyes slightly widen and his head tilts to the side, narrowing them again.
'don't test me girl.' he demands through gritted teeth,
'bite me' I spit back, i want push him to his limit.
'is that a challenge? because i suggest you shut up if it is' Miguel's eyes narrow and i see his hand tense and un-tense into a ball as thoughts cram into my head, mainly unholy ones..
'make me', suddenly I feel a hand grabbing my neck, forcing me down to stand onto my feet. Miguel's fingers press into my throat, his claws sinking into my skin causing my lips to release a gasp of both surprise and pleasure. He leans back into my ear and I take in his scent, a sort of dark and masculine musk taking over my senses. 
' I warned you did I not? you need to learn to shut that mouth of yours up' He growls, his voice hot as fuck. If he wasn't holding me up by my neck i would have foldeddd. Regardless of the situation i still want to push him so without thinking i whisper under my breath,
'little do you know im into this..' from seeing his eyes widen and mouth slightly drop open in surprise i knew he heard what i muttered. I feel his hold on my neck slowly loosen and taking the opportunity i free myself from his grasp and make a run for it down the hallway. Yep I pushed him past his limit.

As i bolt down the corridor I quickly glance back to see Miguel chasing me down, trying to stop me by shooting his webs in my direction. If i don't leave i'll either get brutally murdered or worse, and after meeting Miguel i know theres worse. Jumping and running between the walls i make it outside and sprint towards the bench to see Miles and Gwen staring at me confused. As i continue running i reach down to my watch and open the portal shouting,
'HEY GUYS SORRY IM LATE GO THROUGH THE PORTAL ILL MEET YOU THERE!!' they look behind me and both of them see Miguel sprinting behind me and realise why I was running,
'ILL EXPLAIN LATER JUST GO' Gwen and Miles listen and hurry through the portal, me just a few steps away from them. As i reach the portal i stop for a second and turn around to see Miguel just metres away from me, i give him a smug grin before saluting and jumping head first through the portal; not wasting time to close the portal with my watch after. I tumble back into my room and quickly check to find that the portal closed just in time. I lie on the floor like a starfish and close my eyes, panting heavily.
'what was that about?' i slowly open my eyes and turn my head to where the voice came from to see Hobie standing over me looking confused as Miles and Gwen start laughing.

please tell me if there are any grammar mistakes thanksss

Webbed Love, Miguel O'hara x readerWhere stories live. Discover now