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Y/N perspective

Stumbling up the stairs, I swing open the front door coming back from the gym with Miguel trailing behind me. I go straight into the kitchen to place my keys on the counter and see Miguel toss his stuff onto the couch, sighing heavily as he runs his hands through his messy brown locks. I decide to quickly but subtly run up the stairs to try and avoid him as best as I could, too tired to deal with his bitchyness. Snatching my phone I head towards the stairs, practically holding my breath to help minimise the noise I was making to avoid being noticed by Miguel. But just as I reach the stairs, about to celebrate my success of making it there without dying, a dim but assertive voice suddenly pollutes the air in the room, sending cold shivers down my spine. This always happens.

'Where are you going?' I whip my head around to find Miguel with his back turned to me, looking out of the window most likely spying on the people below.
'Going for a swim I'm gonna go shower what do you think I'm doing?' I state rudely, honestly, he's getting on my nerves today I don't know why but I just can't with him. I watch Miguel slowly turn around to face me, crossing his arms against his chest as he raises his eyebrow.
'I'm sorry?' He returns, his tone telling me that he was taken aback by my rude response.
'Apology accepted, bye.' I quickly add before sprinting up the stairs, not giving Miguel enough time to respond as he was still processing my sarcastic comeback. What a nob, thinking he's superior to me. I hope his dick is as big as his ego- Never mind.

I slam the bathroom door shut sighing and turn around only to receive the biggest heart attack I've ever had. Before I could process what was in front of me I was shoved backwards, my back being pressed against the door as Miguel's face is met directly in front of mine, his heavy and rapid breathing being released onto my face. I felt my thigh wedged between his legs as the rest of his body pressed against mine.
'Wait how did you-' I spill out confused as to how Miguel got here before me and he responds by showing me the watch which he then placed down on the sink counter.

'Didn't I mention how I needed to sort out your attitude problem?' Miguel questions, his brows furrowed slightly and I scoff and roll my eyes.
' yea, but it seems like you need your attitude sorted out more than mine.' I snap back, receiving a raised eyebrow from him before opening his mouth to speak.
'Oh yea? Well, you're the one pinned up against the wall.' I scoff again at his sarcastic remark.
'You talk too much.' I state in a bored tone.
'I also bite too much, Hermosa, so watch it.'
'Hmm, I wonder what you'd look like with a muzzle on...' I pretend to trail off and I catch Miguel's eyes widen slightly, being caught off guard by my bold but truthful comment. I quickly take the opportunity and slither out of Miguel's now loosened grip and slam him against the wall, leaning in so my face is almost touching his nose. I use my webs to pin his arms up by each side of his body and he shoots me a slightly surprised look.
'Sorry, who's pinned up against the wall?' I ask smugly earning a scoff from him.

'You're using webs, it doesn't count.' Miguel Spits back at my sarcastic tone.
'Mmm, I mean considering you're stronger and bigger, the webs equal out thank you very much.'
' you better back off, Y/N.' He warns through gritted teeth, causing a faint smile to appear on my face and I tilt my head slightly.
'Ohhh I'm so scared. You're just too scared to admit that I dom you right now.' Miguel lets out a breathless laugh, forcing a small fake smile.
'Yea, we both know that's not true.'
'No. We both know that it is true.' I muttered under my breath just loud enough so he could hear me, not that difficult though when Miguel is like a hands width away from me.
'Oh suck my dick Y/N.' Miguel scoffs and I raise my eyebrow.
'You wish, daddy long legs.'  I return but end up hesitating for a few seconds before slowly moving away from Miguel's face, kneeling to sit on my feet.
I glare up at Miguel's figure which is still pressed up against the wall, the webs still restraining his arms down.

I reach up to his waistband and hook my fingers inside them, slowly pulling them down.
'I'm doing it, but not because you told me to.' I snap at Miguel, earning a low groan in agreement. I pull down the waistband of his boxers, revealing his erection which was probably there since the gym incident. I couldn't help myself. I take it into my hands, stroking the tip of it, earning another groan from Miguel as he leans his head back against the door, proving his frustration to me.
'Please-please Amor-' Miguel stutters, pleadingly and a smug smirk appears on my face.
'Begging now are we?.' I comment sarcastically.
'Please, I need you.' He was desperate, I could tell by the sound of both frustration and impatience which polluted his voice. It was so hot, and I was enjoying this too much.

I smiled at myself before taking him into my mouth slowly, my tongue swirling and sucking around his length. A gasp escapes from Miguel's mouth, it was deep but pleasure-filled as my head starts bobbing up and down.
'Let me touch you.' I hear him manage to spit out through pants and groans. Just like that, I let the webs which were restraining him loose, causing an immediate reaction from Miguel. He grips my hair in his big hands, entangling my now messy locks in his fingers and moves my head deeper to try and control me. I move my head to bring pleasure to his needy dick, the small groans released from his lips have now turned into loud and frequent moans of pleasure. After a while, I hear Miguel attempt to say something to me through his heavy panting.
'Shit I'm gonna cum-' I feel a feeling of warmth fills my mouth as Miguel's semen released into my mouth, finally letting go of my now tangled-up hair. I stand up quickly, seeing Miguel panting rapidly with his head leaned back against the door, his eyes squeezed shut. Tightly, I reach up to grip his jaw and pull it down to my level, prying his mouth open with my fingers before spitting into it.
'Swallow.' I demand viciously, watching him quickly obey, obviously slightly surprised. Clearly, no one has ever done something like this to him.
'That's my good boy, let's get cleaned up.'

If this is shit that's my bad it's 2 in the morning, I'm basically asleep and I was cringing the whole time 😀🔫

Sorry for not posting a lot G's💔💔

Webbed Love, Miguel O'hara x readerWhere stories live. Discover now