Then Beg.

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Y/N perspective

'Good. That's what I want.' I bluntly reply.


A few hours go by of me flirting with Kato... then Cindy... then Gwen, but still no words exchanged between Me and Miguel- only petty looks. A while later into the party lots of the older people seemed to leave, leaving just the younger people and seemed to turn into a proper and more informal rave. To be honest I was quite relieved cause I was getting bored as hell, upbeat parties are more my thing and a few others agreed that it was dead.

Songs were being blasted, filling the whole halls atmosphere as people danced and drank. Quite a few drank a lot actually, that's why we aren't allowed in that corner until it's mopped up. Hobie was quite obviously drunk along with Gwen, Cindy was a bit tipsy but Miles was scared that his parents would disown him so stuck with Fanta- Holy Child we respect him. As for me? I was tipsy but still in control of myself and very much aware of everything. I didn't want a bad hangover so decided to stay light, especially considering my spider senses cause me to have it 10x worse so I'm doing myself a favour.

To be completely honest, I forgot about Miguel. Why would I waste my time trying to make a stuck up and rude shit like him jealous when Im an absolute girl-boss who has a fat ass?? Exactly. That's why I'm just planning to have fun for the rest of the time, Kato and Gwen influencing that severely. Over time everybody soon all started to crowd round together dancing and singing and pissing about, whereas Kato and I stood there together judging peoples dance moves and sniggering at them horrendously.

'Y/N COME DANCE WITH ME BABYGIRL!' I look up in response to my name being called out and see Gwen gesturing me to come to her. I feel myself hesitate for a second before Kato forcefully pushes me towards Gwen and I scowl before eventually hurrying up to her.
'WHAT?' I question, unable to hear her properly from the loud music filling the air around us, 'In da club' playing. NOW THIS IS MY JAMMMM!!! Finally not some lame ass song bruh.

Gwen grabs my hand and yanks me into the circle which was now formed by the many...MANY people watching us. I wrap my arms around her, swaying to the music with our hips swinging side to side. As we dance along our bodies rub against each other, we both properly looked like the most homosexual people in this party but we were joking around and having fun so no harm in that. Our bodies still swaying against each other, I look up to search through the crowds of people before my gaze locks onto a pair of narrowed and threatening eyes. Miguel was watching us in the crowd, seeing his eyes darken slightly as my hips sway from side to side against Gwen's. A small smirk appears onto my face as I press my body against hers more, both of our hips now in sync with each others as we sway along to the rhythm, deciding to maintain eye contact with Miguel. I could tell that he needed me by the look of lust and murder in his darkened eyes, well he'll have to come get me then.

The song soon finishes and a feeling of tiredness washes over me, I need a drink man-
'I got you this, thought you'd need it.' Kato pushes a glass of rum and coke in my hand and I quickly take a sip before giving him a quick side hug as a thank you.
'Ahhh you read my mind thank you so muchhh.' I say relieved and he nods in reply. We both have a small conversation but due to me still feeling tired as Frick i lose focus and he soon realises before telling me to go and rest for a bit which I happily accept. I go to sit by a table by the corner but not long after I sit down I get the sudden urge to need the toilet, well at least the toilet is right near where I'm sat.

After using the toilet I push the door open but just as I was about to return to the hallway I stop for a little bit to try and attempt to readjust my heel, leaning on a hallway wall.
'Quite the show you put on out there Amor, did you do that for me? Or for him?'' His lowered but firm voice pollutes the hallway, causing shivers to run down my spine again as I look up to find Miguel stood right in the hallway a few steps away from me.
I scoff at his question, acting unbothered by his sudden presence.
'I don't do things for men, I do things for me thank you very much.' I rudely snap back to Miguel and he raises his eyebrow.
'Oh really? Then why were you looking at me the whole time when you were 'dancing' with Gwen?' Miguel questions.

We were now stood in front of each other, him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed against his Chest looking straight into my eyes with the same dark and lustful stare as before.
'Why were you looking at me the whole time you were with that girl who looks like a fucking highlighter ,hmm?' I was mentally fist bumping myself with these iconic and quick responses I was giving him.
'I don't know what you're talking about.' Miguel states bluntly, acting as if he actually had no idea. He's too obvious.
'Oh 'Don't know' my ass, DONT GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT MIGUEL, and what's up with you completely airing me when you first saw me?' I was beginning to get pissed off at him, still in front of the man leaning against the wall.
' I didn't.' I could tell he was starting to get impatient by his tone of voice, on edge and a bit snappy. Still don't care though.
'YES THE FUCK YOU DID. You just looked at me, didn't say anything and then walked away, why'd you do that then huh? Or did you 'not do that'?' I got too carried away by my anger and sarcasm that I didn't realise what it would get myself into. Well, pressed into. Immediately after the sentence leaves my lips I feel my body get slammed into the wall, a grip tightening around my neck as I gasp for breath from the sudden action.

'Want to know the real reason why I just walked off? It was so I didn't rip that fucking dress off of you right then and there.' My eyes widen slightly after hearing this as my cheeks go a bit warm.
'What about the woman you were with?' I spit back at him and Miguel's brows furrow slightly.
'I needed to get my mind off you, I wanted you so badly at the time and she was the best option to distract me.' He explained, not breaking eye contact with me for one second. My heart felt as if it was threatening to leave my chest and drop straight into my stomach as Miguel presses his groin into my thigh, rubbing against it slightly. I try to suppress a moan from the feeling of his body pressed against mine. I needed Miguel, badly. But I wasn't going to show him that, if I did he would have won.

'Do you still want me now?' I ask, narrowing my eyes at Miguel who's gaze was darker and more threatening.
'When did I ever stop not wanting you?' He mutters. After hearing this I attempt and manage to break free from his hold, shifting myself so our positions switch. He was now being pressed up against the wall by me, with my hand gripping his jaw tightly.
'Then Beg.' My voice was demanding and I felt powerful, dominant over him. Because I knew I had power over Miguel, but if he needed me that much then I would make him beg for me.

Okayokay so, Next chapter or the 2 might get a bit steamy iygwim ;))
Also, im sorry how badly written these 2 recent chapters are they were a bit difficult to write
Stay safe love you Girlbosses :)

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