I dont know

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Y/N perspective

After literally almost the whole day Hobie finally left to go to HIS ACTUAL HOUSE!! LIKE BOY, WHY ARE YOU PAYING TO LIVE SOMEWHERE WHEN YOU PRACTICALLY LIVE HERE ANYWAYS OH MY SHIT!! Anyways, rant in my head over. The house is finally free from people for the first time in agessss, ever since Hobie and a few of the others came around once I've rarely ever been alone now. It's turned into a hang-out area, which is fine with me but I hardly get much time on my own so this is a rare occasion and im NOT planning to waste it.

While pondering about what to do, a childhood memory of me baking brownies with my family crossed my mind. Damn, I haven't done that in a long time. And I think I deserve a treat anyways, I mean after all I've been through these past few days it's a need at this point. After weighing and getting all of the ingredients needed I start chucking them into a bowl, mixing them together while singing/shouting along to Limp Bizkit.

A few songs go by and I get distracted by another song that came on which I wasn't much of a fan of.
'brooo, I was in the flow and now this wank as fuck song comes up are you serious?' I mutter to myself while jumping up to sit on the kitchen counter, my legs dangling just above the floor. I snatch my phone from the side of me to choose another slightly less shit song. I click shuffle and 'Family affair' comes on, YES FINALLY THIS IS MY JAM.

I start to read my book on my phone while singing along to the song, having completely forgotten about the brownie tray, but about halfway through it I suddenly hear the sound of a portal in the distance. but because of the many times that Hobie forgot stuff at my place my brain automatically knew that it would be him.
' If you left your phone again I haven't seen it and I'm not helping you find it I'm busy' I state, not looking up from my phone. What? I can't stop reading now, I'm at a cliffhanger. After getting no response for a good few seconds I glance up and the sight in front of me causes my heart to drop into my stomach.

But he looked different. Dark rings outlined his bloodshot eyes, his posture was dropped and it looked like he was struggling to keep upright. He looked exhausted.
'Miguel, what happened?' I mutter, cautiously stepping towards him. I felt a wave of worry and a bit of panic wash over me, I've never seen him look this bad.
'you caused this.' He suddenly snaps back at me while lifting his gaze to stare into mine,  his head still hung low. A mixture of anger and exhaust polluted his voice.
'wait, me?' I respond.
'DONT ACT FUCKING CLUELESS Y/N!! Ever since I first met you it's been torture, and you know it. The way you look at me, the way you tease me, it makes me crave you more and more every day AND I FUCKING HATE IT!!' He spits back at me while taking a step forward and I shuffle back slightly, my back hitting the kitchen counter.

' I didn't know you felt like this...' That was all that I could manage to say, the sudden crash of emotions made me feel overstimulated and my heart smashed against my chest.
'DONT- just...don't give me that bullshit.' Miguel points his finger at me, his chest moving rapidly.
'I'm telling the truth, I never meant for this to happen to you. I didn't want you to end up like this Miguel.' I was struggling to keep my ego shoved down my throat, who knew I could make a big, strong masculine guy like Miguel so desperate...

'THEN WHY DID YOU DO IT THEN, HMM??THERE MUST BE SOME VALID REASON TO DO THIS TO ME' He hastily moves forward and traps me between himself and the counter, our bodies nearly fully pressed together. Miguel looks at me dead in the eyes, I look up at him to the see tiredness and frustration built up in them.
'i don't know.' i whisper under my breath just loud enough for him to hear. I shift my gaze to look down on the floor but I feel Miguel suddenly grip my chin, forcing my head up to look at him.
'look at me when im speaking to you.' He snaps at me viciously.
'Sorry..' muttering back under my breath.
'sorry?' I could hear Miguel's frustration start to appear in his voice.
'sorry Sir.' I respond clearly, raising my voice slightly to try and prove a point. What point exactly? no idea, but worth a try I guess.
He looks away from me for a few seconds before  shaking his head and grinning while releasing a deep breath.
'you're just a dirty little slut aren't you? You act so innocent yet I can see right through you. I know exactly what you need, what you crave.' Yep thats it I couldn't hold it in anymore.

'HA! you think I'm the one that needs you? you said yourself how much you crave me, I mean look at you-' I felt a sudden force on my throat, cutting off my air supply. I immediately attempt to gasp for air but it was no use, Miguel's hand wrapped tightly round my throat and he leans in closely, his face at least a hands width away from mine. His icy breath hits my face, running a shiver down my back. Miguel's grip finally loosens slightly, allowing me to breath in properly.
'so then tell me. Do you not feel anything whenever you see me? Whenever I'm this close to you? Because if you can tell me that you don't feel anything towards me then I will leave right now.' Miguel returns viciously and my heart pauses right there, sinking back into my stomach.
'I can't tell you that, Miguel, because I feel like I'm going insane, I need you more and more every day. Its torturing me.' I expose myself to Miguel calmly. I watch his facial expression turn soft and he furrows his brows before returning back to it's usual emotionless expression.
'Let's fix that for you then.'

Get ready peopleee :))

Webbed Love, Miguel O'hara x readerWhere stories live. Discover now