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Y/N perspective

I head over to the beverages section, or more specifically the alcohol. I Quickly make myself a rum-and-coke before going off to wish the birthday girl happy birthday.
'HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABYGIRLLL!' I shout from across the room after spotting Cindy all the way on the other side. I may have gotten pretty much the whole party's attention and most of her dimension's too but I don't really care, It's my babygirls birthday so of course I had to wish her a good one.

'THANK YOU BABE!' Cindy calls back to me as I walk towards her,stopping in front of 2 young guys which she was talking to.
'You look gorgeous as always.' I comment, looking at the silver ballgown which Cindy was wearing, she looked like an actual princess no joke; with a tiara placed on her neatly put up hair and her makeup was done more on the natural side which highlights her perfect features. Honestly Cindy was already naturally beautiful but this is a new level.
'Thank you girl, you also look snatched in that dress.' She jokingly winks and I wink back, causing a bit of misunderstood sexual tension which the 2 guys most likely picked up from the two of us flirting with each other.
'You guys together or something.' One of them speak up.
'Nahhh I've already got somebody in mind, Y/N is a close friend.' Cindy explains to them and I nod in agreement.

'Oh, you haven't met these guys before have you? This is Kato and this is Ryder, they're family friends.' Cindy gestures the names to each of the 2 boys, introducing me to them. While Cindy introduces me to the two guys, I take this as an opportunity to check them out to see if either one of them would work out for my plan to get Miguel back. Ryder was a tall white guy with dark blonde hair in a middle parting and a smile which looks as if it is stuck permanently onto his face. He was cute and seemed really sweet but not much my type. However I took much more of a liking to Kato; his curly dark hair fell onto his forehead as his green eyes stand out from his olive coloured skin, while wearing a full black suit. He was attractive but I wasn't looking for anything else other than a reaction from Miguel, so Kato seemed like the perfect person for that.

I join in on their conversation and soon enough the four of us all were laughing and joking around for a while.
'I'm gonna go get another drink, Kato do you want to come with?' I ask Kato while gesturing to my now empty glass and he smiles at me, nodding in agreement.
'So How do you know Cindy?' Kato asks me as we walk towards the beverages.
'Ermmmm, through friends.' I hesitate for a second, what else was I supposed to say? I mean I wasn't really lying anyways sooo. 'What about you?'
'Her parents are friends with mine so now we think of each other as cousins, you get what I mean?' I laugh slightly, nodding at him.
'Haha yea I get exactly what you mean I have a few of those.' We talk for a little while standing by a table and surprisingly I found out that we had a lot of stuff in common; we both work in the army, go to gym often and our favourite artist is Limp Bizkit. If it weren't for that isosceles triangle, Miguel, then I would smash. I mean... I still could if he keeps on acting like a fucking wanker. Speaking of, where is Miguel?

Still mid conversation with Kato about something which I wasn't paying much attention to anyways, my eyes subtly move across the room until I lock eyes with Miguel. His eyes were narrowed at me, frowning while shifting his gaze to Kato then back to me and cocking his head to the side. I didnt See his highlighter looking slag with him though, huh guess he got bored. I look him up and down and shoot him a scowl before returning my attention back to Kato, making my intentions fairly obvious.
'Wow, even a goldfish has a longer attention span than you.' He chuckles slightly and I feel my cheeks go a bit warm from embarrassment.
'Nono don't take it personally I do it to LITERALLY EVERYONE. I could be mid convo with somebody and zone out completely, I'm sorry.' I explain while laughing slightly.
'Nahh that all good I'm just playing I can relate to that completely.' Kato reassured me, squeezing my arm lightly.

'JINKSSSSS COME ERE' .' I hear the bellowing sound of Hobie's voice echo in the large hall, causing me to cringe slightly and turn back towards Kato.
'I'm sorry my brother's calling me I have to go, I'll see you later though yea?' I state and Kato nods at me understandably, giving me a quick hug before I quickly stroll over to this loud mouthed boy.
'Who's that? You moved on quick, ya little player eh?' Hobie winks at me, nudging my shoulder and I scoff.
'Miguel was with another woman.' I state, crossing my arms and he gives me an 'are you serious' look.
'And the problem issss??'
'1: he basically aired me when I was right in front of him, 2: he keeps looking at me with a stupid as fuck smug grin on his face whenever he is with her. He wants a reaction out of me, so I'm doing it back... but harder.' Yes I sounded childish and incredibly petty saying and doing this, but when they go low, I go lower (like my reference?;))
'Hmm, that sounds reasonable, you gonna get a shag out of it?' Hobie asks and I'm immediately taken back slightly by his casualness within this question.
'Casual Hobie getting straight to the point, and no. Well, not from Kato at least.' I respond,sniggering slightly and he shrugs his shoulders.
'Eh either way you gonna get laid. So, I respect your plan.' Spunk states, putting my head before downing the rest of his beer. I love how open he is to basically anything, that's why he's like my older brother; he always has advice to give- well. Not all of it should be taken but you get the point.

'Well thank you very much, I appreciate your respect Sir.' I sarcastically return and he rolls his eyes.
'Whatevaaa,' Hobie pushes me slightly and just as I was about to react Cindy approaches us with 2 beers in her hand, good thing too I was gonna end up tackling this mf to the floor.
'Heyyyy, I thought you'd need this.' Cindy hands Hobie a beer and his face lights up immediately at the sight of it. Okay wait, she's been here for 3 seconds and I can already sense the mad tension between these two.
'Wait, shut the fridge. Is Hobie the...' I begin to ask and Cindy nods subtly. A massive grin appears on my face however I wipe it off when she shoots me a look as if to shut up about it.
'What?' Hobie asks, completely oblivious to the thing which just happened, he was too focused on his beer.

'Hey Cindy, who's that highlighter looking girl over there?' I ask trying to switch the subject, nodding towards the girl which is now borderline touching up Miguel in the corner. He looked completely unfazed though almost like he didn't like it, but either way I'm not having that.
'Oh... her. Some family friend but I don't like her, she's a right slag.' Cindy replies in a bored tone, causing both Hobie and I to snigger slightly.
'Oh good to know, thanks.' I return and a puzzled expression displays on her face.
'Any reason why? Or are you jealous that she's getting with your man?' She wiggles her eyebrows at me and I scoff at her stupidity.
'Oh yea right, like id be jealous of a girl who looks as if she is related to a pickle trying to get with Miguel. Be so forreal right now.' Both Cindy and Hobie burst out into a fit of laughter at my uncalled violation.
'That's so mean Y/N!' Cindy shouts while trying to catch her breath and Hobie interrupts straight after,
'But so accurate, no need to be jealous of them lot Keep doing what ya doing with Kato,I was watching Miguel and he stared at youman for timeeee.' After the few seconds it took to process Hobie's British filled sentence I nod slightly.
'Good. That's what I want.' I bluntly reply.

Heyy im so sorry for the late posts I posted a few days late because I wanted to give you guys 2 chapters at once :)

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