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Y/N perspective

The sudden sound of something clanging onto the floor downstairs causes me to jolt awake, half panicked and half confused.
'What was that.' A deep groan fills the air around me, making me freeze up and my cheeks go hot. Fuck, Miguel's tired voice is so hot I can't deal with this right now I've just woken up. I shift my gaze to look up at Miguel who was squinting his eyes slightly, now looking down at me who is lying on his chest. I pause for a second to listen out for any other noises only to hear a distant sound of Limp Bizkit being played from downstairs.
'Hobie.' I State in an obvious tone and he grunts in response before positioning himself differently, caressing my arm lightly.

We stay like this for a little while, Miguel's big arms pulling me close to his chest before I quickly feel a wave of panic after getting hit of realisation.
'Shit.' I slip out while shooting up, leaving his hold to rummage through my drawer and take out a pack of pills, popping one in my mouth to swallow. Don't need to get pregnant or nothing, Hobie snuck it in my drawer a while back and when I questioned it he said that I would need it 'just in case' I meet somebody. I mean he wasn't wrong or anything I'm using them now sooo.
'What's th- oh.' Miguel begins before cutting himself off after realising what I took. I stretch a bit before I make my way to the bathroom, well, attempt to. I really ended up folding straight onto the floor, hearing a quiet chuckle from Miguel and I shoot him a threatening glare.
'Don't.' I warn him and he scoffs.
'Or what?' He retorts challenging me.
'Or else I'll scrap you.' I state Boldy, causing Miguel to chuckle mischievously.
'Only if it's in bed.' He winks at me while flashing me a cheeky grin and I roll my eyes, turning back to my struggling.

After my few minutes of struggle, I eventually make it to the bathroom to do my usual getting ready stuff, teeth, hair, face etc...
I wonder Back into the room while brushing my hair.
'I left you a toothbrush and comb and whatever else you need in there if you want to stay.' I state while sitting next to the lump of bedsheet on the side of the bed. Clearly somebody is tired. I listen for a response only to hear a breathless 'mhm' from Miguel. Seriously? After staring at the body hidden in the blanket a mischievous grin plasters onto my face. I slowly climb onto the bed before shoving the lump onto the floor, a massive thump echoing the room. I suddenly burst out laughing at the sound, standing in the middle of the bed until regret and panic floods my system. Shit.

Miguel immediately shoots up from the floor and towers in front of me. His tired and lust-filled eyes darkened at the sight of me as his chest rises and falls rapidly, his fists clenched. It was like how predators look at their prey. My face drops at the sight and I quickly turn away to jump off the bed and run into the bathroom however a force grips onto my waist, slamming me down onto the bed. Miguel suddenly straddles my hips and pins my arm above my head, looking at me as if he wanted to devour me whole.
'You you think that was funny huh?' He spits at me pretty obviously annoyed- hey, I was just helping his lazy ass out of bed.
'Yep I thought it was hilarious actually.' I return, a cheeky grin plastered onto my face again. Miguel claws my neck in response, his talons sinking into my skin and I hiss out in pain through my now gritted teeth. I mean it was kinda... never mind.

'I'll ask you again, did you think that was funny?' He questions, well, it was more of a demand really. But I didn't want to start anything now, Hobie is literally downstairs and I don't want my brother to hear me get getting fucked.
'N-no Sir.' I stutter, attempting to keep my laugh in my throat. Miguel narrows his eyes as his grip tightens slightly, realising my shitty cover up attempt.
'Hm, you wont be laughing when you wont be able to walk for a week.'He states casually and my eyes widen slightly in shock.
'Hobie, downstairs.' I whisper under my breath, causing a devious smirk to appear on his lips before quickly vanishing back to his usual deathly yet lust-filled glare.
'So?' He asks bluntly. Are you being for real right now? This guy couldn't care less about who hears or even sees us? horny motherfucker.
'No. I don't want my brother hearing me get fucked thank you very much.' My voice stern and eyes narrowed slightly, as if challenging Miguel's dominance.

Miguel scoffs and rolls his eyes at me before leaning back to get off me, that was until I used this opportunity to grab his arm, sweeping him over so that I was now on top of him. My hand find its way to Miguel's hair and tangle my fingers in the brown and messy locks as I sit back, my ass now sat on Miguel's groin, feeling the now growing bulge in his shorts. Dom sub kink??
'Not when my brother is downstairs. Happily later though, but I'm on top.' I state at the man underneath me sternly.
'Yea yea whatever.' And I raise my eyebrows at Miguel's sudden attitude.
'Sorry?' I question threateningly.
'Yes Ma'am.' He returns, his once darkened eyes now changed and staring into mine, but more bright and vulnerable looking. He looked so innocent yet so fuckable.
'Better, good boy.' I quickly whisper the last part, slipping it in mainly to see Miguel's reaction, which was so funny by the way. His eyes widened slightly as his cheeks became a dark pink colour, yep like I said, dom sub kink.

Miguel's hands find their way to my thighs and squeezes them before sinking his claws into my waist, slowly grinding my hips into his large bulge. I bite my lower lip slightly in attempt to suppress back a moan.
'S-stop doing that.' I try to spurt out but it was useless. Miguel knew what he was doing, and I folded in his grasp.
'You're enjoying this just as much as I am, no I don't think I will.' He returns smugly. He knows what he does to do with me but I can't even lie, I was enjoying this too much. I slowly begin to grind my hips against his dick, earning a low groan from him.
'Fuck, just like that Princessa.' Miguel groans while sucking his teeth, shutting his eyes to take it in. Shit what am I doing? Hobie could walk in any second.

Hesitantly I climb off Miguel and stand next to the bed, wait, did Miguel just whimper?
'No.' I bluntly state, pointing my finger at the now frustrated looking Miguel and he rolls his eyes while standing up to walk to the bathroom.
'Fine.' He mutters under his breath, for a big, strong grown man he has the attitude of an 8 year old.

Webbed Love, Miguel O'hara x readerWhere stories live. Discover now