Cindy and an idea

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'AHAHAHA I THINK Y/N PUSHED MIGUEL OVER HIS LIMIT' Gwen cries, almost in tears as Miles catches his breath before saying;
' what did you even do? i haven't seen him this pissed since escaped him to save my dad' Hobie chuckles at Miles' remark.
'yeaa i remember that was too funny.. wait yea what did you do Jinks??' Hobie asks practically interrogating me
'like Gwen said, i pushed him over his limit. No more needs to be said' i wink at them after giving them a blunt explanation. I didn't really want to tell them what happened or Hobie, like the annoying brother he is, would try to hook us up or get involved which is fun but knowing Hobie it would cause chaos which isn't needed. But after thinking about it for a while I decided that i would tell Gwen about it when no one else is around, mainly cause shes a girl and might be able to help me without causing chaos *coughcough Hobie*

After we all calm down and settle, I switch on the Wii and absolutely demolish everyone at Just Dance. What can i say? i cant help how amazing I am.
'HA I WIN AGAIN SUCK MY DICK LOSERSSS!!!!' I scream and Miles adds on,
'you don't have one anymore, remember?'
'haha very funny Miles, but i will have you know that i have the biggest schlong ever known to mankind. I just hide it so well you cant see it' Hobie rolls his eyes at me
'okayokay whatever makes you happy Y/N'
After around a few hours, Hobie and Miles are sat on the couch watching a movie where Gwen was grabbing another bag of crisps from the kitchen. I quickly shoot up from my seat and go to the kitchen to take the opportunity to tell Gwen everything.
'hey Gwen, are you free to talk for a minute?'
'yea sure' she replies with a smile.
After explaining everything that happened you can tell by her face at the end that she was both disgusted and intrigued.
'you know im kind of scared for you, Miguel's a big guy and he can easily kill you.'
'yeaaa, but he wouldn't. Besides it was fun to test him, I want to do it again sometime' I couldn't help but grin thinking about his hands wrapped around my throat and his icy breath hitting against my face- NO NO STOP I CANT UGHHH...
'well next time you do, please do it in public or when im around cause i kinda want to see that' She jokes and i nod agreeing with her. We both walk back to Hobie and Miles who are now fast asleep half hugging each other, i take out my phone to take a picture before putting a blanket over them. Gwen and I sit on the other couch and go on our phones before slowly drifting off to sleep as well.

A few days go by after that day and Miles and Gwen came round more often, Hobie doesn't count cause he practically lives here. And eats all the food,SERIOUSLY HOW MANY STOMACHS DOES THIS GUY HAVE???I also met one of Gwen's friends who's also spider woman, her name is Cindy but goes by the spider name 'Silk' (silk is an actual marvel character you should look her up shes pretty cool :) ) Cindy came round with them some days too, mainly to play Wii games like Mario kart or guitar heroes; mine and Hobie's personal favourite. But I haven't gone to the Spider verse since the Miguel incident, mainly because i was too scared which is valid considering he was going to kill me to death.
Coming back from the kitchen after trying to scavenge the last bits of food that Hobie 'generously' left for me, I find Cindy curled up on the sofa with her legs pressed to her chest while Hobie spreads out like a cat hoarding the rest of it.
'Spunk move your fat, lazy ass over Cindy needs SOME space at least. jeez' i complain rolling my eyes at him as I see him making no effort to sit up properly.
'Cindy don't mind, do ya Cindy?' He glances at Cindy who seems unbothered, replying;
'nah it's fine, my brother was the same'
'okay okay but if you want some space then don't hesitate to shove him off the sofa yea?' I laugh at Hobie's unimpressed face and Cindy smiles at me, nodding in agreement.
'hey Y/N, we were just talking about the beach trip idea that peter had yesterday. We want you to come with so he told me to tell you cause you didn't meet with us yesterday' Miles slips out, his eyes still fixed on the tv while clutching his guitar like Gwen next to him.
'the beach?? say lessss i love the beach' The beach is the best thing ever created, the waves, sand you can bury people in, seaweed that you can throw at people, basically just anything that terrorises people that i find fun. While thoughts of the beach start to overflow my head, one particular thought stopped everything in my tracks right there. Miguel's going to be there.
The sound of Gwen's voice pulls me out of my trance and I turn to look at her,
'Miguel's going to be there' i whisper under my breath so only she can hear me.
'yea i know, don't overthink it, it will be fun trust me.' Gwen reassures me and I nod in return
'besides, me and Cindy can help you with him. you know, push him a little bit' she winks at me and Cindy lifts her head smiling. Suddenly an idea pops into my head,
'i mean i can take this as the opportunity to reveal myself to the others, considering i'll be in a costume anyways'
'so when are we going?'
'tomorrow at 1'

hey guys sorry theres no Miguel in this one, but trust me the next chapter or two are gonna be 🤌🤌
hopefully by the end of today or tomorrow morning :)) x

Webbed Love, Miguel O'hara x readerWhere stories live. Discover now