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Y/N perspective

'So Jinks you picked out ya fit for Cindy's thingy.' Hobie questions, sipping on his chocolate milkshake. I've been at work pretty much the whole day today and when I came home Hobie offered to take me to the diner down the street. Of course I couldn't say no it's free food.
'Yea, the girls dragged me out so I didn't do my usual last minute panic shop.' Replying while I lean over to dip a fry into Hobie's chocolate milkshake, causing him to frown for a second.

'OI watchit.' He snaps at me. Jeez someone is hangry. 'does that even taste good?'
'You've never tried it before?' I gasp while putting my hand on my chest.
'No cause I'm not a fucking Nob.' Hobie states as he rolls his eyes at me.
'Just try it.' I hand him a fry and he cautiously dips it into his milkshake before eating it. Watching eagerly for his facial expression, his reaction was amazing; his eyes widened and he looked as if that fry unlocked a new part of life.
'Y/N YOURE A WITCH THIS IS COLD.' Spunk shouts at me while snatching my fries to shovel milkshake- covered fries into his mouth and I burst out laughing.
'SEE I TOLD YOU.' I shout back at him through laughs.

'Have you got your fit yet? I know you got something funky to wear like always.' I ask and Hobie flashes a mischievous grin at me as he places his milkshake back onto the table.
'Pavitr and I have thought of something but you gotta wait and see,' He winks and I roll my eyes.
'Oh no that can't be good.' I scoff sarcastically. He shakes his head at my joke, chuckling before he pauses for a second and opens his mouth to speak.
'Sooo, you and Miguel hmm? Got some sneaky link action goin on huh.' He wiggles his eyebrows at me which causes me to half crease onto the floor with laughter. This boy is such a wanker.
'Yea and what about it?'I pretend to have a serious face as I cross my arms.
'Nah nah Nothin' im just sayin it's good you got out the house to meet someone. Even if it's... him.' Hobie sounded unpleased by saying the last part, huh maybe he didn't like him that much.
'You don't like him?' My eyebrows furrow at his uncertain response.
'Mmm its its a bit funky, kinda but kinda not.'

'Don't worry it doesn't mean anything, I think? We're just fuck buddies I assume anyways.' As I explain this to Hobie my brain pauses. Hold up, what even are we? I mean obviously we aren't together, but is it a romantic thing? Or just there for a good fuck? I never actually thought of it that much, I wonder what Miguel thinks of it.
'Hmmm, okay Jinks just be careful Aight? I don't need ya gettin hurt.' He pats my head like I was a child and I let out a small laugh, grinning at him.
'I pinky promise I'll be careful.' I hold out my pinky in front of Hobie who looks at me confused before erupting in a fit of laughter.
'What are you, 8?? PATTERN UPPPP AHAHAHA' he shouts at me and I shoot him an unimpressed look.
'Do. It.' I demand sternly and Hobie eventually offers me his pinky, forcing him to pinky promise me.
'Spunk I really hate you.'
'I love you too.' Hobie wonks at me and I roll my eyes before letting out a grin which I couldn't hold in anymore.

'Y/N HURRY YOUR ASS UP WE GOTTA GO LIKE RIGHT NOW!!' Gwen shouts to me from the bottom of the stairs impatiently.
'ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ONE SEC' I call back while doing up my heels; navy blue stilettos which match my dress with gold ribbon wrapping up the top of my ankle. The moment I tried them on I thought, stripper?? But they look hot so I'm not complaining. Snatching my phone I sprint down the stairs, attempting not to trip and land on my face.
'THATS WHAT I THOUGHT TOO' I tell back at her. 'You look so hot by the way. Miles is gonna get bricked up looking at you, I know I am already.'
'Thanks babygirl.' Gwen jokingly winks at me before we both burst out laughing.

Ill be so real though Gwen made me question if I should drop Miguel for her because she looked so fine; her light pink maxi dress outlined her curves, exposing just the right amount of cleavage, her hair was neatly brushed and the ends were coloured the same as the dress. Her face? Fucking gorgeous as always so basically altogether she's just a fat smash.
I quickly stand in front of the mirror near the kitchen to adjust my dress and fix my curled hair which is held half up half down in a silver hair clip.
'You look fine don't worry, Miguel's going to fold when he sees you.' I hear Gwen tell me and I look at her.
'Yea he better. I expect nothing less than for him to fall onto his knees and beg for me.' I cross my arms sassily, earning a grin from Gwen.
'PERIOD, LITERAL ICON.' Shouting back to me while clicking her fingers.
'LETS PARTY BABE!' I shout, pointing my finger towards the portal which Gwen opened in front of us. I quickly smack her ass and hurry through the portal before she could return the action.

Don't worry guys we gonna have Miguel begging for us in no time ;))

Writing the next chapter now :)


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