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Y/N perspective
As Miguel stomps off into the bathroom I slip on a pair of shorts and tell Miguel that I was heading downstairs. As I walk down the stairs the distant noise in the living room became louder and louder, finding Hobie once again sprawled out like a cat on the sofa, hugging a massive bowl of popcorn.
'OI, at least offer me some!' I complain with my hand on my hip, standing in front of the tv which Hobie's eyes were glued onto.
'I was considering it but thought I would leave ya to ave' some more fun with your man' he responds casually, not breaking eye contact with the tv. I feel my face grow hotter as my brain processes what he just stated.
'Wait, did you...' I start to stay but Hobie answers me pretty quickly, sniggering slightly.
'Nah I didn't hear or see nothin. Well, except the fact that I heard the shower go on two different times. Then I clocked you had... company.' He winks after the last part, feeling a bit of relief come off my shoulders however quickly comes back as I realise that Spunk probably knows what we were doing.

Deciding to ignore the massive load of embarrassment that just overtook me, I mentally shake it off before plonking myself on the sofa and swinging my legs over so that they rested on Hobie's lap. Quickly snatching the bowl of popcorn away from Hobie, I exchange him a bitchy smile and throw a bit of popcorn into my mouth and he mutters something under his breath.
'Dick.' I return involuntary and he raises his eyebrow.
'That's what you got last night.' My jaw drops as I feel blood rush to my cheeks. I shoot him an unpleased look before we both end up bursting out in laughter.
'What you watching anyways?'
'Brooklyn 99, only the best.' He states obviously. YES BROOKLYN 99 LETS GOOOO
'You've learned from the best.' I return smugly, fixing my eyes on the screen .

A little while goes by and just as I start to wonder what Miguel was doing I hear footsteps coming down the stairs revealing Miguel. Huh, he must have gone back through the portal to get stuff. He was dressed in grey joggers, a black tank top with a cross chain necklace hanging in the middle of his chest as his damp hair falls down at the sides of his face. As we both make eye contact I could feel he was tense, his hands were balled into fists as his jaw was clenched. Again, so fuckable he's actually so fine. Regardless of how I was a bit confused as to why he was tense, I pat the seat next to me, gesturing Miguel to sit. Obeying me, he sits himself down next to me and the air surrounding me is suddenly filled with his cologne. I love it so much, I can't explain it but it has a dark masculine kind of vibe to it, I need it.

Just as I begin to settle between the two boys, Miguel suddenly leans over and snatches my legs from Hobie's lap and places them onto his, resting his hand between my thighs. After shifting around to adjust to the quick change in seating, my back was now facing Hobie as Miguel pulls me closer and closer to him, squeezing and gripping my thighs. Like I said, this guy is a thigh guy. And who can blame him?
'What is this?' I hear Miguel question in a low voice, his eyes stuck on the Tv as his brows furrowed in both confusion and concentration. A gasp leaves my mouth from shock.
'WHAT? you haven't watched Brooklyn 99???' I exclaim, Miguel looking at me still confused and brows still furrowed.
'No...' he slowly but cautiously responds and I cover my mouth, exaggerating my shock from this.
'WELL THATS GONNA HAVE TO CHANGE DADDY LONG LEGS' I shout at him before fixing my attention back to the episode.

'Don't start.' Miguel mutters under his breath quietly but just about enough so that I could hear. I felt him tense up slightly, pulling my knees further up his lap. I shake the confusion off my mind and focus on watching Scully and Hitchcock.


'Where to first?' Gwen questions as Her, Cindy and I walk side by side through the crowded mall. Cindy's birthday party which she mentioned previously was in a few days and with none of us having anything to wear, we all decided to go out together to buy clothes.
'That one!' Cindy responds, pointing at an evening dress shop.

We all wonder into the different shops, searching for shoes, dresses, basically anything that is suitable for Cindy's party; it was a formal event so had to wear fancy stuff and the whole group was invited too. An hour or 2 goes by and the others have already picked their outfits whereas I had no luck, it's not my fault I'm a fussy little shit.
'Hey Y/N, that place looks promising.' Gwen states and all three of us hurry into a boutique looking shop. I pace around the shop, fed up and determined to find a dress before a dress catches my eye.
'Gwen, look at this one.' I turn to the 2 of them, holding up a long dark blue dress.
'Try it on!' Cindy exclaims, pushing me towards the changing room and I hurriedly obey, slipping on the dress.

Looking into the mirror my jaw drops, the top pet showed quite a lot of cleavage and has a long slit up to the top of my thigh as the dress hugged my curves. I felt and looked like a hot and fucking iconic badass.

Lil inspo I like these ones but if not the you choose :))

Lil inspo I like these ones but if not the you choose :))

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'Okay. Yes. Just yes.' Gwen states bluntly as I strut out of the changing room.
'AHHHH YOU NEED TO BUY THAT.' Cindy squeals while running over to me.
'Okay okay.' I laugh at her childish response, turning away to walk back into the changing rooms before Gwen smacks my ass.
'Owww.' I groan while slowly turning around to face her.
'What? It was right there and your ass looks FAT in that dress.' She explains, winking at me and I wink back, walking back to get changed.

After paying for the dress we all go back home, exhausted from being out for over 3 hours but talking about meeting up tomorrow with the rest of the group.

Sup people I haven't been well these past few days but made a promise which I plan to keep, here's another chapter and hope to write some more for the day after tomorrow :)

The chapter end seems rushed but I was too tired :(

Webbed Love, Miguel O'hara x readerWhere stories live. Discover now