Wanna play like that then??

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MIGUWL perspective

'Y/N GET YOUR FAT ASS BACK HERE.' I hear the distant sound of Gwen's voice filling the air demanding for Y/N. As I turn around and I am met with Gwen rushing through the doors of the momentous hall which was crowded with round tables, chairs and people sprawled around the place. I feel a sense of confusion take over my face and I furrow my eyebrows, wheres Y/N? I thought she was going with Gwen...

However ironically the answers to the questions which I proceeded to ask myself in my head were suddenly revealed to me. Well, hidden behind me. While my eyes scan the hall in an attempt to search for Y/N I feel someone grip onto my arms from behind, as if they were using me to shield themselves.
'Don't. Move.' A familiar voice commands and a sense of relief and realisation fills me as to who it was.
'Why?' I ask, trying to refrain from turning around to face them.
'Because. Gwen.' The fuck did this girl do? Still remaining still, I look around the room to locate Gwen, half curious as to why Y/N is hiding.
'Wait where did she go?' I hear Y/N mutter under her breath before, SMACK
'OW! I DIDN'T SMACK YOURS THAT HARD!' I hear Y/N exclaim from behind me, laughing with Gwen.

Immediately I turn around to find Gwen and Y/N dying of laughter, gripping each other in an attempt to remain standing. I clear my throat in an attempt to catch their attention which worked, causing the two to calm down immediately and stand upright in front of me. I feel my eyes widen slightly at the sight of Y/N. Her hair was neatly curled and clipped back with a pretty silver clip as two strands framed her perfectly sculpted face, those full lips and those gorgeous E/C Eyes do something to me.
The navy blue dress which hugged her perfectly curved figure left little to my imagination, the low cut of the dress revealed quite a lot of cleavage when I looked down at her necklace, a silver sword with a ruby in the middle which hung perfectly just above her breasts, the leg slit stopped up to her upper thigh. Those big fucking thighs. I've always been a thigh guy, I've never admitted it but I think it's fairly obvious. Y/N is just, gorgeous. She could do anything she wants to me and I wouldn't give a single fuck.
'You wanna take a picture instead of staring for so long?' Her sarcastic comment broke me out of my trance and I immediately change my expression to its usual serious emotion, trying not to show my shock and satisfaction from seeing her so fucking fine.
'Hmm.' I hum back in response before turning to walk away. They didn't need to see the effect which she has on me...

Y/N perspective

'Dont. Move.' I demand as I cling onto Miguel's arms from behind, using his body as a human shield to protect myself against Gwen.
'Why.' His husky voice fills my ears, bringing shivers down my spine as I attempt to try to focus on looking for the whereabouts of that bitch lurking.
'Because. Gwen.' Was all I managed to spit out to Miguel due to how I needed to catch my breath, focus on locating Gwen and stop Miguel's voice from making me fold onto the floor all at once.
'Wait where did she go?' I Mutter under my breath. I was too focused on looking ahead of me that I didn't realise the surroundings from behind... SMACK

I leap out of my skin due to the sudden impact of My ass and Gwen's hand. She scared the shit out of me.
'OW I DIDN'T SMACK YOURS THAT HARD!' I exclaim to her while rubbing my ass before I look over at Gwen and we suddenly burst into a fit of laughter, clinging onto each other for support to keep stood upright. The sudden sound of somebody clearing their throat causes both of us to calm down and return to a normal state. That's when I saw Miguel standing right in front of me with his brows furrowed in confusion and a hand on his hip.

I feel my cheeks heat up slightly, watching Miguel's eyes scan my face and body up and down a few times, as if he was slowly taking in every little detail. I start to feel a bit awkward just standing there to let him borderline eye fuck me so I decide to speak up.
'You wanna take a picture instead of staring for so long?' My sarcasm causes Miguel to snap back to reality and lock his eyes with mine, his expression turning back to its usual bitchy one.

But during his little daydream, That's when I took the opportunity to take in what Miguel was wearing. His full black suit matched his dark blue shirt and the blood-red tie sat neatly in the middle of his chest. How do they do suits his size? What size was he supposed to look for? I'm pretty sure they don't do isosceles triangle sizes.  But I hated to admit it, he look so fine. His dark hair was neatly parted but had a few loose strands which fell onto his forehead, making him look even more fuckable than usual.
'Hmm.' Was the only thing I heard him say to me before turning away and walking off. HMMM??? Is this guy okay?? So nothing else? No: 'You look nice' or 'What a nice dress'. Nothing. Miguel left me standing there, taken back slightly by his rude and bitchy attitude.

'That. Was...' I hear Gwen begin her sentence from behind me.
'Fucking bitchy. I know.' I finish it through gritted teeth. I don't know why, but that pissed me off. How dare he not give me attention which I completely deserve.
'Girl, don't have that. He can't just borderline air you, you gotta get him back.' Gwen comments and I nod my head slowly.
'Yep. I will don't worry babe I can figure something out. ' I turn my head to the direction where Miguel walked off, finding him talking to a person. A woman to be more specific.

She looked young, around mine or Miguel's age with blonde hair, blue eyes and a hideous bright green dress- fucking nob, it doesn't even match her skin tone. Watching them subtly I catch her laughing a few times as Miguel smiles slightly. Her body language says it all, how she flicks and twirls her hair, crossing her legs slightly while standing and touching Miguel's arm sometimes. He quickly looks over at me, a small smirk appearing on his face before focusing his attention back on the lady. Oh, so you wanna play it like that then?

'I know exactly what I'm gonna do.' I respond to Gwen who is now watching the same sight as I am.
'Shits gonna go down.'  She laughs slightly and I return the gesture. Honestly, I wasn't upset, clearly, he has issues if he was gonna drop my iconic, girlboss and hot as fuck ass for that sea cucumber-looking thing. But it's fun to play this anyways.

Sorry guys I lied hopefully next chapter we will get him I didn't realise how long this one will be💀💀

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