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Y/N perspective

There was no way I was going to let that isosceles triangle-looking mf get away with that. A hot as fuck triangle. But that's not the point. Still being in a heated fit I get back home, quickly shower and flop onto my bed. My mind starts to flicker through all of the 'fun' events that happened today, making me reach over and grab my pillow, screaming into it out of frustration.
What is this man doing to me?

I turn around to lie flat on my back, zoning out into the ceiling. I'm still trying to process every detail, every feeling, every touch that I felt. But everything just flooded into my mind all at once... I need a nap.

I let out a satisfied groan as I open my eyes, realising that I finally fell asleep.  Wow, 9 hours. Pretty good. I place my phone back down at the side of my bed and swing my legs over to the side to let them rest on the cool, wooden floor as I sit there in a dazed lump. Thinking. Thinking about anything that came into my mind. Holy or unholy, regardless of what it was, everything was crammed in my head unable to come out. Jeez after a 9-hour nap I still can't manage to escape them, escape him.

In the afternoon, after work, I decided to do my
daily Spider Routine. That's when I swing about the city asking what needs to be done or if anyone needs help, There haven't been many proper bad guys lately so Im in no rush to just wait about for crime to strike in the city. That's what the police are for, no matter how corrupt the system is- hey,
I don't get paid, THEY DO SOOOO. I swing around for an hour or 2, just doing my usual spidey stuff and then head home. But just before peeling off my Suit an Idea floated through my head... maybe we can pay Miguel a little visit.

I quickly decide to freshen up a little before heading to his; Deodorant, perfume- the normal stuff. I was swinging around so I was sweaty okay?? don't judge. I leave my mask behind as I figured that I would not need it and tap the watch that's practically strangling my wrist, I tightened it so It doesn't come off when doing my routine. Hurts like hell though. The colourful portal suddenly opens to the dimension, good thing about this is that it is programmed to open up to where the Spidey lives or works or whatever else they do... After stepping inside them I am met with what makes out to be a bedroom, with one big as fuck bed.. hm, must be Miguel's. I mean he has giant as fuck shoulders, can't say much about his waist though...
The walls were a tint of dark blue with a drawer sitting next to his bedside, the sheets were dark blue with blood red colour pillows, A wooden wardrobe sat in the corner with lots of other bits and pieces sprawled out across the room in a neat fashion. Man, this guy loves his dark blue. Letting curiosity take the best of me, my feet wander towards the wardrobe, then to the bed, then to the drawer on the bedside. Now THAT was a mistake. Peering into the half-open drawer my eyes widen and my mouth hangs open, threatening to break off and drop onto the floor. A bunch of different sex toys, condoms, just. THINGS lay there organised in the drawer. HANDCUFFS ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! I slam the drawer shut and shake my head, attempting to forget what was in that drawer. Jeez, that's the last time I let curiosity get the best of me, Miguel, you are one horny bastard.

Okay so moving away from that...Incident... It Looks like he's not home yet, hm that's fine we can wait. I lie on the bed on my back, lifting my leg and my head resting on his pillow. WHY THE FUCK IS HIS BED SO COMFY MAN. Damn, I could get used to this... I grab a random object from the bedside table and start throwing it in the air and catching it, how long is this guy gonna take?? im bored mannn. The sudden noise of a door slamming in the house causes me to flinch and then I realise that Miguel's finally home. Okay Y/N, keep calm, you might die you might not but you have to get him back. I start reassuring myself in my mind due to the sudden wave of panic that washed over me from hearing the door, implying that Miguel is here.

I hear the bedroom door swing open and the sound of footsteps pause.
'what are you doing' he snaps at me growling and I stop throwing the object to I lift my head and see Miguel's large figure standing in the doorway. His spider suit was on but he was maskless, revealing all of his toned figure up from his muscly torso to down there, if you get what I mean...
'nice place you got.  your bed is reallyyy comfy too, I'm guessing your a dark blue kinda guy?' I jokingly ask trying to wind him up, I could already sense the anger starting to build up in him as well as see it in his eyes. Not going to lie I'm terrified right now, but I had to give him payback sometime.
'what are you doing here.' Miguel viciously spits at me through gritted teeth and I get up and sit on the bed on my feet, My suit fully exposing my curves and figure.

'what, I'm not allowed to come to say hi?' I say as innocently as I can while tilting my head to the side.  His eyes scan my body hungrily and steps closer, fidgeting on the spot as he presses his tongue against his cheek. He already seemed frustrated, and It was fucking hot. He looked away for a second smiling before scoffing and saying,
' You're so fucking frustrating, you know that right?' I shuffle over to meet him, kneeling before him at the end of his bed. I look up to him with my head lowered, his facial expression stone cold.
'I know I am. But you like it, you like this..' Letting out an irritated groan, he runs his hand through his Soft, brown hair.
'I'll ruin you.' He states in an obvious tone and I scoff, reaching over and grabbing his suit to pull him towards me. A wave of boldness rushes through me and before I could stop myself, the words ran out of my mouth.
'prove it .'

Miguel raises his eyebrow as his eyes become dark and Lust filled, I could already tell what his mind was thinking of. He quickly climbs on top of me and restraints my arms above my head with his large hand and buries his face into my neck. I hold back a moan as he works on my neck, biting and kissing it wherever he goes. My hands make their way into his hair and I take hold of it, tugging it slightly causing Miguel to release a a small groan into my neck.
He lets go of my wrists and grips onto my waist, pulling me on top of him making me straddle his waist. As soon as Miguel pulls away from my neck my lips make my way to his jawline, sucking and biting on his skin he moans into my ear.
'fuck- just like that Y/N' His claws dig into my side as he moved my hips back and forth, grinding into his crotch. A smile starts to form onto my face and I pull away from his jawline and move to stand up from the bed, his grip on my waist vanishing.
Miguel immediately sits up, hickeys fully exposed on the side of his neck. I give him mischievous grin as I reach for my watch and I see his eyes fill with anger realising what I am about to do.
'this is going to be fun' I state, mocking his words He said to me before. The portal quickly opens and I bolt through it, closing it just as he lunged forward to grab me.

I stumble back into my room Smiling to myself, Finally.

sorry for spelling and grammar😭😭

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