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My whole body ached as I woke up this morning. I expected it to, but today I just felt it. I usually push through it but today it seems to sag down on me. I slowly got up and headed for the shower. I opened my door cautiously and quickly slipped into the bathroom with my blue cotton towel. I started the water, putting it on lukewarm, not hot, not cold either, just like the air. When I stripped from my old worn white tank top, and black shorts I slipped into the shower cautiously, my thigh throbbing. I softly massaged it, the big black and blue skin hurting as I did this.

I washed my body from the previous night, careful not to scrub too hard. My body is battered with old and new bruises from times past and waiting for future times. I then washed my hair letting the water run down my body, the droplets massaging the batter muscle.

After I washed and rinsed my whole body I got out and tightly wrapped a towel around my body before heading back to my room quietly. Who knew if he was still here- I wasn't about to go check. I quickly plugged in my blow drier and ran my comb through my hair before grabbing my close for the day.

I had no bruises below my elbows today, so I opted for a simple baseball t-shirt. With a white front and back and red sleeves that stopped just below my elbow. I then found simple light wash jeans with holes on my knees, but had the strings going a cross hiding most of my skin. Even though my knees are bruised free. I then slipped on my red converse, slid in my mickey and minnie mouse earrings and then worked on my hair.

I ran the brush through while I blow dried to get the natural effect. My hair is a dark brown color, taking after my mother, and reached just below my shoulders in a nice soft wave. I let it be today, seeing as it wasn't as frizzy as it normally should be. I then grabbed my concealer and started to apply that over my face and neck, making sure the bruises were no longer visible.

When I saw they were no longer, and my skin looked normal like everyone else I left my room. I softly padded down the stairs seeing last nights mess first. If anyone would dare to walk into our old rusting home they would be appalled then call the police like I tried to once or twice but only got punished more.

I grabbed an apple, banana and my simple black backpack and headed out. I made sure the brown wooden door was locked before padding down the two cement steps. His car wasn't in the driveway so I slipped the apple away into my backpack for lunch. I then peeled my banana and took a bite and started heading off to school. After I finished my banana I was halfway to school. Moments after I tossed the banana a black jeep passed by me and I stared at it for a moment before continuing to look at the sidewalk.

He passes me every morning and I think he turns his head to look at me but why would Terrence Meyers, the star wide receiver of the school, most popular guy, look at me? Nobody notices me anymore. I'm just a blur throughout the day, something I will always be until one day I'm not.

I don't think I'll ever understand why he decided to punish me the way he does. Why should I though? When does anyone ever understand why the abuser abuses? It's for fun isn't it? They're drunk and just want to take a whack at you? Tears welled in my eyes wishing my mother was still alive but I shook those away. I stopped crying years ago, tears show weakness, he spat at me. Then he started to swing the bat, I stopped crying then- I didn't want to get hit. But I was too late- I already showed weakness. Something you never show your enemy.

I stood on the outskirts of the parking lot watching as Terrence Meyers slipped out of his jeep and headed towards his friends that sat along the rock wall outside of the school. He had a wavy head of brown hair, with hazel eyes. There is 7 of them including Terrence. Harry Tiller, the quarterback of the team, has a dark color to his skin and his hair is a black sort of afro with dark colored eyes. His girlfriend, Hannah Goldwill, stood in his arms, cuddling with him. She had blonde hair with green eyes and she was a catch.

That seems warm, soft, and nice. Too bad I'll never get anything like that.

Matt Homers, having short brown hair and light brown eyes, gave Terrence a slap on the back before his girlfriend, Marissa- with short blonde hair and hazel eyes- pulled him back and shook her head. He must have said something stupid. Then Nick Homers, with long brown hair and brown eyes and the brother of Matt, looked irritated as Amanda Lockwood, with black locks and blue eyes, flirted with Terrence. Amanda and Nick had a thing once, until Amanda dumped him, hooked up with a college guy then started flirting with Terrence. Though I believe the flirting with Terrence has something to do with avoiding Nick and her feelings.

I started to cross the parking lot and looked away when I saw Terrence turn to look at me. I don't need to know what his eyes say about me. I'm pretty sure it's something bad with the way his friends treat me. On my way inside I passed by his group and over heard they were talking about some party. Must be a beginning of school party. I walked into the school and felt a gaze upon me. I shrugged it off, must be somebody trying to look past me, or over me, because why would anyone look at ragged ol' me? They wouldn't.

I walked into the office to receive my schedule. Our office area holds the main office people, principle, front desk ladies, school money keeper and other principles. It also hold the guidance area off to the left. I walked up to the head guidance counselor and retrieved my schedule. On my way out, I was reading over my classes, I didn't see Harry. I ran straight into him and he had me tumbling to the ground wincing from the impact it left on my sore body. I went to get up but saw a hand in my vision.

I looked away from the hand traveling up the arm and to the face looking for the source. And no such luck is with me today because it just so happens to be Terrence Meyers. I slipped my hand into his good sized one and allowed him to help me up. I retrieved my hand and made sure I had everything before mumbling a "Thank You," to him and heading to my first period. Math with Mrs. Marriotte.

When the bell rang, and then the late bell everyone seemed to be in class seeing as Mrs. Marriotte was doing roll call. I took the time to survey the room and noticed the really smart ones in the two front rows. The attention whores in the third row then Terrence and his friends in the fourth and finally the 'I don't care' kids in the last row. I so happen to be in the second row, all the way to the left away from most people.

Though, I took a look back at Terrence and saw he has his eyes on me. I looked away and out the window and then to the board when Mrs. Marriotte decided to spring notes upon us the first week back. When- why- how- what gives him the right to start acting nice? They haven't shown any sympathy to me since junior high, because that is when they really started to notice me.

After first period I started to pack up and head to the science wing where physics was waiting for me. On my way there I noticed Terrence's friends left and he softly and quietly followed me down the hall. Once I got to Mr. Launters I slid to the table in the middle left area. The tables were made for two or possibly three (like the sluts trying to fill up the back table) students. I felt someone slid in the other empty chair beside me. That chair ALWAYS stays empty and who decides to sit next to me this year?

I peeked and saw Terrence getting out a physics binder and I almost felt my eyes pop out of my head. He has plenty of people to sit next to. Why is he sitting next to me?!

Halfway through the period I saw Terrence pull out his phone to read a message. It was in sight and all I caught was him texting How is she? I couldn't figure out anything else but that little blurb but it must be nice having someone- especially a guy like Terrence- to be worried about you.

But me? My father could care less as he beats me up at night.

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