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I sat back watching as Mia ran off into the school. Dammit. It wasn't suppose to end like that. Though, now I feel even more right about the fact that Mia is terrified of her home. She seems so guarded and cautious about everything. Not to mention the way she practically inhaled the half of my italian. What does her dad do to her?

I finished my half of the sandwich and my chips just as the bell rang. I picked up my trash throwing it in the trash can and heading to 4th period english. When I entered I saw Mia looking down at her desk, trying to be invisible. I made my way to the desk next to hers. I settled in before looking over at her.

Her chocolate hair framed her delicate face. She turned to look at me and I gave her a smile, her chocolate orbs shining in a shy way. She gave me a smile back shooting flutters to my heart- I smiled wider. She looked nervous as she then looked away, getting ready for class.

I just smiled and felt the flutters float through my body. I was too distracted on the feeling that I missed what Mr. Callan said about the project. I only tuned in when I grabbed the stack of papers.

We had to do a partner project on To Kill A Mockingbird. When I tuned in Mr. Callan called my name and Mia together. I felt another smile plop on my lips and I looked over to Mia. I scooted closer to her and decided to drop lunch. But I couldn't not say "Nice to see you again." As I leaned into her. She looked over at me and gave me another smile.

This couldn't get anymore amazing

She became still for a minute her face seeming to make me think she is thinking.

"So I have football practice everyday and games every Friday night. But we can still work around that." I suggested and reading the assignment more clearly. I looked up to find her looking at me and gave her a grin.

"Hey Terrence?" She called out. I looked over at her and waited for her to continue. "We can't really work at my house. It's..." She's thinking of an excuse. "It's under reconstruction."

Sure construction. That's what is happening. I looked back at the paper, the happy feeling fleeting. "Yeah okay. We could do it during our study hall. We do have the same one right?" I asked.

She nodded and I continued with a smile. "Good we could do it then, and maybe a couple times at my house." She started to fidget and I knew she was finding an excuse to not come over. Her dad probably has a curfew or her to beat his own daughter.

"Maybe during our study hall would be best." She said softly. I played with the edges of the paper my thoughts consuming me right now.

"Sure. Sounds good." I replied.

She's afraid of her dad. I want to help. Has this been going on since I first saw her freshman year? It seems like it would have seeing the damage it caused her. What if he started abusing her when her mother died.

The intercom buzzed to life reminding us all about the pep rally friday. Wait maybe she could come over Friday if I got her home in time. Her dad would never know.

Stop Terrence, you can't just shove yourself into her life. She would hate that. I looked over to her as the intercom shut off and gave her a smile.

"Could you come over Friday after school to work on the project?"

She seemed to be in thought for a few minutes before she finally answered. "Sure. I'll just need to be home for 3:30."

I gave her a smile before writing down what Mr. Callan wrote on the board.


The rest of the day seemed to go on like any other. Though what was different was how I was thinking of telling Mia I knew about her situation. But there was no situation were she wouldn't run away.

I jogged onto the field hearing coach blow the whistle. Harry, Matt and Nick came to stand beside me when I made it to the circle. We were the top dogs on the team so to speak.

Coach was really working us. I swear we did the same play 15 times. He wouldn't let us get water for an hour. That's understandable seeing as our first game is Friday, the pep rally was this week, and it was homecoming- meaning on our turf. We never lost on our turf since 2008 when the QB was sacked and put into the hospital for a month with a concussion and week long coma. It shook the whole school.

I plucked my water bottle from the bench and chugged it down. Though I felt someone looking at me. It's a weird feeling let me tell you. It gives you this weird itchy feeling on your neck and makes you feel different. I spun around and spotted Mia off in the corner of the field.

I was going to wave to her but Harry gripped my shoulders. "Bro look at the cheer leaders. Damn." I shook my head going to look back at Mia but saw she was gone. Dammit. "Dude what are you looking at- holy! Look at Amanda work it. I think she is working it for you, man." Harry's eyes focused on Amanda's behind and cleavage when she would bend and dip and such.

I looked away uncomfortable and set my water down before jogging back to coach.

After a few plays I got this weird feeling. Not like someone staring at you weird feeling. It was more my mind nagging at me something was wrong. But I couldn't figure out what and it pissed me off and helped me put a lot of effort into the plays, helping the team get over some plays faster.

I changed into my clothes after practice and bid everyone goodbye so I could pick the twins up from Mrs. Vallarta's. On my way there I passed Mia's house. It looked silent, too silent. I wonder what would happen if I just walked in and took Mia home with me.

No Terrence, there has to be a reason Mia won't leave. I looked around the neighborhood. Do any of these people hear her screams? Could they hear her scream?

I shook my head. Don't overthink it, or you'll make it seem worse.

But it already is at its worst, isn't it.

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