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I pulled into the driveway the same time Mrs. Vallarta pulled alongside the road. The twins got out and I smiled at them. Jaime ran to me and I gave her a hug holding her bag. I grabbed Austin's bag as well and gave him a ruffle of his hair. I gave him the key and told him to head inside with Jaime.

I waved to Mrs. Vallarta and watched as she drove away. I stared down the road a minute looking after Mrs. Vallarta's car and came to a conclusion. Tonight I will find out who is in that house.

The washer and dryers were busted, so just in case my mom came home early, I wrote her a note saying me and the twins were at the laundromat. We are in the works of getting new ones, but with the amount of time my mom has of, note the sarcasm, we can't go down to Sears and pick them out.

We waited here for about five minutes when I spotted a pizza shop across the way. I check my wallet and had the twins follow me. We sat down at a booth in which I could see our laundry, and decided on a large half pepperoni pizza half cheese.

It came out all but 15 minutes later and I readied the pizza on their paper plates. I grabbed a slice of cheese for myself and took a bite looking around the small joint. It had cream walls, faded, and random sports pictures hanging on the walls. The booths were green and red, with oak tables. There was a bar in front of beer dispensers and out back held the kitchens with 7 or so staff members. The place seemed to be going well, in a covenant placed as people walked over from the laundromat and ate or just came for a pick up. When the twins were done I wrapped up the rest of the pizza for our mom and headed back to the car. I put the pizza down and grabbed our basket unloading all the clothes from the washer in.

When we got back home I hung up all the clothes in the laundry room and smiled when I saw the twins playing candy land.

I grabbed my laptop and looked up the Ringwald Family.

Pretty broad but one article did pop up from a newspaper.

Veronica Ringwald was a new mother of a 4 year old daughter when she died. She was living  in a home off Hallar Street with pale paint and a wooden door. She lived with her husband, a fellow  member of the force, Hitch Ringwald and their 4 year old daughter Mia Ringwald.

Mia was found on her mother's death screaming for her mother in her room, tears pouring out of her eyes as she held a bloody teddy bear. She was also found with a huge bruised thigh and that is still under question.

Hitch was on his way home from picking up pizza when he saw his wife unconscious on the bathroom floor upstairs.

He, quotes, "She was...just laying there. No oxygen reaching her lungs. Her stomach badly bruised and her head... oh god her head," before bursting into tears. No one knows who struck the forces on Veronica and what caused them to bash her head in.

Mia, there during the crime, cannot remember a thing.

It's an unfortunate event the police will be working on for some time.

We wish the Ringwald family our best.

Missy Lean

I ran a hand through my hair and let out a breath. Mia lives in that house. That's her family. And in that house, was screams. Terrifying deadly screams. Her father wouldn't hurt her would he?

Then yet my father is a piece of shit- but would he ever hit his own kid?

I heard a door open and close and the twins call out to our mom. I heard her greeting them as I plopped the luke warm pizza in the microwave to heat up for her. I handed her the plate and she thanked me with a kiss on the cheek. I told her I was going to shower before movie night.

After showering I just threw on boxers, sweats and a simple t-shirt and walked to the living room. I sat down on the couch and Jaime climbed onto my lap. I let her relax into me and watched as my mom and Austin debate on which movie.

In the end we settled on Spy Kids. I chuckled to myself and decided to watch the movie, my all time kid favorite.

Around 8 my mom led the kids to bed and I cleaned up and headed off to bed myself. I wished my mom goodnight and got into bed.

I want to help  Mia. It's just what if I'm wrong about her situation.

Then yet what if I'm right. Will she run away?There has to be a reason she isn't telling anybody. But I can't just confront her and be like 'hey Mia, I know your life at home sucks. So I wanna help.'

That will certainly not fly.


The next morning I awoke to the smell of waffles and bacon. I shook my head and got up getting ready for the day.

I slipped on a simple white t-shirt with my football letter jacket along with my black snapback. I then grabbed my black jeans shrugging them on and looping a red belt through the loops, matching the school colors. Red black and silver- go Raiders.

I then grabbed my gel spiking up some of my hair and wiped my hands on a towel I had near by. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I think Mia will like this, won't she?

I shook my head ridding of those thought and grabbed my phone and headed out to the kitchen. My phone beeped with a message from Nick asking if he could catch a ride. I told him yes and to be ready by 7:10.

I entered the kitchen just as my mom shut off the stove and plated all the waffles. I got hers ready first then the twins and finally mine. We made a  soft conversation and I smiled at Austin when he made a joke about the movie last night.

After breakfast my mom wished us a good day and hurried off to work. I cleaned up the kitchen and watched some Nick show before I buckled them all up in the car and headed off to Mrs. Vallarta's.

I hurried over to Nick's and picked him up and sped off to school. Apparently there is this pep rally some time this week and it's mandatory for us football players.

I parked in my spot and we both got out, meeting with Harry and everyone else. When first bell rang I pretended to be on my phone the group walking away before me.

When the late bell rang and no sign of Mia, I slightly worried but knew she would end up here eventually. I can't just say her dad abuses her, when I don't know for a fact.

Maybe she just has trouble with her alarm clocks and can't get here on time.

Yeah, probably a bullshitted answer with the way Mia is protective of her body.

Not to mention those scars I saw the other day- and the bruises.

God, I hope I'm wrong.

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