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 I closed my locker and saw Terrence approach me. I held my math book tighter in my arms and gave him a smile back, to his he gave me. He grabbed the book from my hands and gave me a smile.

"You shouldn't be carrying this." He paused for a moment and re corrected himself. "I mean you can, I'm not trying to say anything against you. I just want to be, the uh, gentleman you know?"

I looked down at my battered black converse and back at him, my face hot. "I know." I whispered.

He grinned down at me and lead us off to first period. We walked in together and his friends all looked towards us. He walked to his seat and set my stuff in the seat in front of him. I silently took it and took a deep breath. I felt his foot him mine under our desks and I let out a small smile, the nerves sort of going away.

The class passed with a breeze and Terrence and I walked to second period in silence. Well that s until he spoke up.


"Yeah, Ter?"

"Are you doing okay?" I looked over at him stopping a few feet away from the door and looked into his eyes. They are almost all grassy green today, with just a few strips of golden brown. His face was etched with worry and I gave him a smile.

I grabbed my math book and nodded, walking backwards to class with a smile. "Yeah, I am." I turned back just as his face broke out into a huge grin.

He jogged up beside me and I walked to my seat in class with him next to me.

"Good, I don't want you to be uncomfortable with me, Mi."

I looked over at him, my face heating up and I nodded. "Never."

Lunch came sooner than expected and I headed out to my tree. I pulled out the sandwich Terrence made and enjoyed the sun. I felt someone sit next to me and smiled at Terrence.

"Hey Mi." He greeted pulling out his lunch.

"Hey Ter." I greeted back.

After a few moments of silence I looked around and noticed his group walking to us.

"Uh Ter?"


"You're friends are coming over."

"Really?" He asked shocked and looked up to see them coming. Harry and his girlfriend, Hannah sat next to Terrence. Melissa sat next to me with Matt, and in front of Terrence and I Amanda and Nick. "Uh, hey guys."

"Hey Terrence." Nick greeted, eyeing him then eyeing me.

"Hey, Meyers. Who is the girl?" Harry called out shoving his pizza in his mouth. Hannah smacked him and he called out, with a mouthful of food. "What? What did I do?"

"Hey name is Mia." Melissa said next to me. "She's in our first period, a couple other classes with me, like art. Which you are really good at Mia."

"Thank you." I replied fumbling with the chip in my hand.

"Why are you guys here?" Terrence asked with slight irritation.

"Waoh bro, chill." Matt said eating his pudding cup. "This is the only girl you have ever been well, cutesy with. Mind our curious thoughts."

I let out a blush before looking at Terrence through the corner of my eye. He looked like he was blushing too. "Well," he coughed. "This is Mia Ringwald. We've been hanging out. A lot."

"We see." Nick commented.

"Hey Mia?" Melissa called after some silence.

I looked over to her softly. "Yeah?"

"Are you good at say, gymnastics?"

I was shocked. Was she asking me to try out for cheer? Their uniforms would reveal all the scars I have. Though from what I have seen, The would be mostly covered. Though if my dad gives me more- no he won't remember. You told yourself you were going to fight. To fight to stay with Terrence Meyers.

Plus, mom was a gymnast. She loved cheerleading when she was in highschool. I bit my lip and nodded. "I might be."

"Would you by chance want to try out for the cheer team. You can cheer Terrence on from the sidelines instead of the bleachers."

"Why weren't you last game."

Hannah answered for them sheepishly. "We got a bad grade that made us temporary failing Science. So coach, wouldn't let us cheer until we improved the grade."

I nodded and looked over to Terrence who seemed apprehensive. I could possibly do this.

"I could try. But I wouldn't want a big crowd."

"Oh no." Amanda now spoke up. "We could do it at either mine, Mels or Hans house and invite coach."

"I guess it's worth a try."

"Good!" Amanda clapped.

Melissa smiled at me. "I'm glad, you're someone I really want to get to know Mia." I looked down at the last chip in my bag and tried to figure out which emotions were running through me. I believe its happiness, and friendship. Something I haven't had in, like, forever. "When would you like to do it?"

"When can you guys do it?"

"Wednesday? Say 4. Terrence can drive you to my house." Hannah said smiling at me. I nodded just as the bell rang. Everyone picked up their trash and Terrence took my hand in his and held it gently.

We walked to our English class and I smiled sitting down. All thanks to Terrence, my life was changing. And it is for the better.

It truly is.

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