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My alarm was ringing and ringing, and ringing. I groaned and flipped over and reached to shut it off. My body doesn't want this today. I opened my eyes to check the time and I choked on my spit. It was 7:10, and it took me at least 35 minutes to get ready- which does not include the 20 minute jog to school. I am late. Again.

I threw my blankets off me and hurried to the shower. I quickly washed up before rummaging through my clothes for my outfit. I grabbed my Hollister Co Fountain Valley Hoodie, that is lime green and grey, with white lettering. I slipped on a dark pair of jeans with holes, that came with patches. I let my hair flow normally- having a hint of a wave. I put on simple eyeliner, mascara and a nude lip stick. I then applied my foundation to exposed parts.

I then slipped on my grey bear paws, grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs. I grabbed an apple and fast walked to the door and headed off to school. I ate my apple along the brisk walk to school and I finished the apple just as I walked along the edge of the parking lot. I tossed the apple core in a trashcan that was by the staircase and headed inside. Yippie, school.

My whole body ached as I walked through the halls dodging people on their way to second period. I seem to miss first period math a lot. Good thing it's just financial algebra. I thought I saw Terrence and almost ran back the way I came but then saw it wasn't him.

I just need to avoid him today, because I feel it. I feel it. I know that he knows. And that utterly scares me. DAMMIT! I forgot his lunch box- that means I'll have to talk to him later in the week. I let out a sigh as I headed down the science wing to Physics. I walked into the classroom and took my seat next to Terrence, who is already sat and ready for the class.

He turned to me when I sat down and pulled out my Physics notebook. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye and saw he was his usual self. In a dark navy blue t-shirt, a pair of jeans and black Nike sneakers. His hair fell on top of his head with a soft curl, covering a tiny bit of his forehead while his eyes seemed more green than brown today- but the brown in his eyes seemed like liquid gold, making them shine brighter.

I gave him a small smile back to his soft and gentle one. Then his smile turned wider and more joyful, loving when he saw me smile back.


Did I just- I just. Oh. My. God. I just freaking smiled- I smiled at Terrence Meyers. No freaking way.

Dammit. Now he will never leave me alone.


At the end of class I nearly sprinted out of the classroom to avoid any confrontation Terrence wanted to have. It seemed to work that is until it was lunch time. I beelined for my tree, on the outskirts of the court, that no one seems to notice and sat down. I was about to relax back into the tree and close my eyes when I spotted Terrence. Heading. Straight. To. Me.

I took in a breath as he sat down and gave me a heart melting smile. He had a dimple on his left cheek and it was utterly adorable. His lips a soft pink and his eyes sparkling with that hint of liquid gold in the pool of grass today.

"Hi Mia." He whispered to me, his eyes scanning over my face and then back to my eyes. I gulped back whatever seemed to be lodged in my throat and whispered back.

"Hi Terrence." I looked at him again and saw he was nervous, yet he had this happy emotion in his eyes, masked by his nerves.

"I was wondering about the note I left in my lunchbox yesterday." He then took a pause, me assuming he didn't know what to say next.

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