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 "I need to buy concealer." She replied. Her situation crashing down on me like hell. My shoulders sagged as I cupped her face.

"Right. Yeah." I replied with a mumble.

I think she noticed how my mood went down because she grabbed my hand in hers and gave it a squeeze. "We can get that whenever tonight, though. What do you wan-"

She was cut off when Harry yelled over to us from almost 2 feet away, 2 car spaces. "Bro you coming. Tradition to go get Froyo and then the beach. Can't stop tradition now!!"

I looked down at Mia and then at my group who all stood looking between us two. "Yeah. We'll meet you at the beach."

"What about Froyo?" Matt called out.

"We'll get there after you guys. We have to make a pit stop."

They all shrugged before hopping in the cars and leaving the lot. I looked down at Mia who was biting her lip looking at the ground. "Come on. Let's go get your concealer then some frozen yogurt."

She looked up at me and nodded. I helped her get in the passenger seat and then got in the driver's seat and sped off to the local Rite Aid.

I hopped out and followed Mia's lead as she went down the aisle with cosmetics. She picked up 3 containers of the same thing and led me to the counter. The cashier said 76.49 and Mia handed her the money.

She grabbed the bag and led me out again. I got in the car and started it up and headed off to Froyo, the local frozen yogurt shop. Once I parked, I gave her a grin. She shook her head and I lead her in this time. I grabbed each of us a container and held hers. She gave me a grin and I smiled cheekily back.

"Can I make yours Mi?"

"Sure Terrence. Go ahead."

I grinned and went up to the flavors. The containers are circular with a piece of cardboard in the middle that separates the container into 3 sections. I poured cookie and cream in one, brownie batter in the next and a chocolate peanut butter one in the last section. I did the same in my container before taking her to the toppings bar. I put on Reese's Peanut Butter cups all over it. Then put Kit Kats over the brownie batter, gummy worms over the cookie's and cream, and the rainbow sprinkles all over with some chocolate fudge.

2 of the same and Mia eyed me with mischief. I gave her a grin and tutted as I paid for them. I grabbed them before she could and lead her to the passenger seat. "Okay hold these, but don't eat them. The beach is only 10 minutes away."

"Are you kidding. You want me to wait to eat this masterpiece." I just winked at her outraged face and ran to my side. I quickly sped off to the beach hearing her mumble under her breath madly. I quickly parked and ran to her side. I opened the door and set my froyo on the dashboard and took her spoon. I plunged it into the goodness and waggled my eyebrows at her.

"Terrence what are you doing?"

I chuckled one hand resting on her hip, as she swung her legs to rest between us. I moved the spoon to her mouth and she rolled her eyes before she opened her mouth. I slid the spoon in and watched as her eyes grew big before they closed in delight.

"Well I'll be damned." She said while snatching her spoon. I chuckled and grabbed mine and lead her to where everyone was already.

When I walked over they all looked behind me to Mia. I rolled my eyes and sat down, and tugged Mia down beside me. Everyone was looking at each other in silence before Nick started. "Okay Meyers. Truth or Dare." I could feel Mia's eyes on me before she looked down at her cup.

"Dare." I said meeting Nick's gaze.

Nick smirked. "Strip and go take a naked swim Meyers."

"Seriously?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow. Nick motioned otherwise and I sighed. "Mi can you hold this?" She nodded her head and I was reluctant to leave her here alone.

I quickly pulled my shirt off and blushed feeling Mia looking at me in awe. I then took of my shoes and socks before my pants. I then started down for the water before taking off my boxers and diving into the water. I came back up and quickly grabbed my boxers and tried shaking the water off. I grabbed my clothes along the way and slid them on.

"That was cold, sandy, and I have no towel." I pouted and Mia looked a little apprehensive as she let out a smile. I sat behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She froze for a second before patting my hand.

I took my froyo and looked around. "Alright, Harry. Truth or Dare."

He looked at me with caution before saying "Dare." His eyes then grew wide. "No wait I want tru-"

"Can't back out buddy. Now I dare you to beat my chicken score."

"HELL NO. You like almost died that night man. Shit I'm using a chicken."

Everyone let out a laugh as Harry shoved froyo in his mouth. Mia seemed to be asleep. I peeked down at her and saw her eyes closed. I smiled and grabbed her hand playing with her fingers. When I looked back up to see why everyone was silent I saw them all staring at me.

"What?" I asked pulled Mia on her side, her body cuddling into mine.

"You like her a lot man. You're whipped." Nicke said and the girls humphed in agreement.

I shrugged. "I don't mind. I don't mind at all for Mia." I whispered the last part and brushed a strand of hair away.

Things went silent before Harry boomed out. "Okay Nick, truth or dare?"


"Kiss the first girl you see Monday morning."

"That's simple it will be Manda." He grinned over at her. She rolled her eyes before pecking his lips. "Okay, Hannah truth or dare."


"Hump the next man, older than 20 years, for 2 minutes straight filmed."

"Oh hell no. I'm using my chicken."

They continued on for some turns as I just watched Mia sleep peacefully. Her lips were out in this pout and it made my heart melt. Her whole body seemed relaxed in her sleep. As if her sleep is the only thing that gets her free. The bruise on her neck was starting to show and it made me realize how strong she is for being his punching bag all these years. All the heartbreak she went through at her family- her home betraying her.

Her face contorted in a way that made it seem she was having a bad dream before it went away with a small smile.

"TERRENCE!" Harry yelled out to me. I looked up at everyone to see them staring at me with amusement. "Bro you're not even here." He whined.

"Sorry guys. I'm going to get her home. See you all monday." I said standing up with Mia asleep in my arms. They all murmured a goodbye and I heard Harry yell,

"Oh hell no Homers. That's disturbing!" I chuckled and set Mia in my passenger seat carefully. I buckled her in before getting in my side and driving off to my house.

I don't know why but I want her in my bed tonight. Safe. I know her dad is gone, but her house is pretty shredded.

Thinking back to tongith, I remember Amanda saying her cousin was in town, but she wasn't at the little get together like the rest of the girl they try to hook me up with. Thank God. Maybe they know Mia was here and I want her. Because I do.

I want Mia. All to myself.

I parked in my driveway and scooped Mia up in my arms and opened the door and headed off to my room. I could hear my mom in the twins' room reading them a story so I set Mia down on my bed and tucked her in. I kissed her forehead before I went into the twins' room, leaving her to sleep peacefully, in my bed. Where she will always be safe and protected.

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