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I came back from my shower, with a towel wrapped around my body. Terrence looked to me then all over my face. He walked up to me and his fingers trailed my skin, my bare skin.

I shot away quickly and wrapped my arms around my body. "Mia?"

I shook my head and he shuffled on his feet.

"Come on I'm worried to all hell here. You leave then you come back in your condition. Tell me, Mi. What's wrong?"

He knelt down in front of me, Since I am sitting on the edge of the bed, and I looked into this hazel eyes, that held more brown than green today. "I just, It's just like how he did it he went to the garage for the bat."

He asked and lightly kissed my nose, then each one of my cheeks before softly planting a kiss on my lips.

"No." I said breathless. "Ter, focus"

"Weird how my mom let me bathe you huh?" He asked taking initiative and kissing my arms in random spots before running his hands along them and resting them above our heads.

I was too breathless to speak so I just shook my head. He gave me a smile and then cupped my face before kissing me with everything in him.

I don't know what this feeling is, but it is something I have never experienced. It may as well be love.


I woke up in a bliss. Terrence has his arms securely wrapped around me. I smiled and gently kissed his neck.

He let out a moan and pulled me closer to him.

"Good morning, Mi. "He mumbled out snuggling into my neck. I let out a smile and breathed in deeply.

"Good morning, Ter." He opened his eyes and they were an even mix of green and brown today. Lisa's eyes and the twins all have purely green eyes. He must get his from his dad, something I know he hates. I kissed him softly and pulled away.

"I'm glad you're here with me Mi."

That's when all the guilt hit. "Ter, I am so so sorry for leaving. I was just terrified of what he would do, what he is going to do-"

"Mi, I promise you, that you are safe here. With me. Trust me."

"I do. I do Ter."

"We will take your dad down Mia. I promise." He stated with seriousness, his thumb skimming across my bottom lip as he stared intently into my eyes.

"How? How will we do it?"

"You're neighbors have to hear you screaming Mia. Plus all these bruises, and scars, and their must be his DNA down....there."

Not after last night. Not after I bathed it away.

"Oh, right." I hope this will ease him a bit. I shouldn't have showered. But I needed to. I had to wash off the dirty grime.

"So while, you rest, I will go around to your neighbors and find some evidence against him. Some witnesses."

"I don't want to stay here I want to help you. You helped me last night Ter. Please?"

"Won't your dad notice you Mi?"

"No, he should be at the station. Please Ter. I don't want to leave you, or you to leave me."

"I would never leave you Mi."

"Let me come?" I asked again wrapping my arms around his neck, and straddled him. He gulped and nodded. "Okay let's get ready then."

I smiled and kissed him quickly and then I collected some clothes, the pants I left here in haste packing, and grabbing his cookie monster t-shirt. I grabbed a pair of undies that came from the wash, and my extra bra. I looked back at him to find him staring at me and I blushed shuffling to the bathroom.

I did it. I got rid of him, and I trust Terrence Meyers with everything in me.


Is that love?


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