Chapter 1

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Jason's pov....

I'm finally gonna be married to her. I watch as everyone exits the limos. Everything is going so smoothly and I couldn't ask for les-. My thoughts are interrupted by my phone.

Emily's name flashes on my screen and the warm feeling crashes onto me. She couldn't wait to see me. I chuckle and pick up the phone, expecting flirty words and ideas to spice things up on our honeymoon.

"Jason, Rosette isn't answering her phone!" Emily yells and I immediately grow annoyed. Classic Rosette, always trying to grab all the fucking attention.

"Maybe it's for the best. She's just a spoiled toddler trapped in a teen's body." I gently reason with my wife to be but I can hear the anger in her breathing. I imagine myself grabbing Rosette by the throat and squeezing the life out of her.

"No, it's not for the best..... Jason, did we get the wrong limo?" Emily abruptly asks and she sounds so stressed and distraught. I asked everyone to not fuck up today.

"Rosette was in charge of making sure everyone had the right limo. I thought the pink in my limo was a prank from her." I notice all of the groomsmen surround me with curious gazes. I mouth 'Rosette' and they all chuckle.

"We need to find her right n-!" Her voice is interrupted by a loud boom. It took me a second to register that the boom was heard on her end and on mine. Everyone stares in shock at the dark smoke that clouds the sky.

"Emily, you have to be close... I heard it on your end. Are you okay?" I ask but there was silence. I stare at my phone in confusion, did she hear me? My question is answered when I notice the call had disconnected. She must have got startled by the explosion.

The sounds of sirens can be heard from the distance. I quickly dial Emily back but it goes straight to voicemail. She was just on the phone. I dial again, and again, and again until my heart raced with worry.

"Why isn't she fucking answering?!?" I yell and I notice that everyone was on their phones trying to call the girls. Soon, my mind starts to think of any reason the girls couldn't answer their phones. Maybe their phones died? But.... All of their phones died? At the same time???

"I'm going to see what's up with that!" My childhood friend Cory says as he rushes to the limo and soon, we all followed. I try to ignore the dark feeling growing inside me.

The ride there is silent, we all had an uneasy feeling in us. I hope the girls are okay and weren't injured, I will fucking lose it. The limo came into an immediate stop and we all jerk forward and turn our heads to the window.

Complete chaos surrounds us and dark smoke lingers in the air. I watch a woman scream into her phone and she coughs throughout the call. My eyes widen as she turns around to expose the missing flesh that made up her face. What the fuck?

Firefighters zooms pass us with their sirens blaring loud enough to deafen those nearby. All this commotion worries me to the core, but all I could think of is my Emily hurt or caught up in this shit show.

"Fuck this!" I say unbuckling my seatbelt and opening up the door. I immediately cough and choke on the smoke in the air. I take off my jacket and place it over my nose. I ignore the pleads of the men and make my way to the screaming woman. She must know something, she has to know something.

"Excuse me miss, what happened?" I ask as I finally reach her and being in front of her, I can see how violently she trembles. She sits down on the sidewalk and screams one last time before she slumps fully to the ground.

Frustrated, I look around for any sign of a limo but the only thing I could see was a crowd forming up the street. Maybe the girls got curious and wanted to see what the commotion was about.

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