Chapter 6

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Jason's pov.....

I stand at the door and listen to the man's voice. He works for the guy who put a hit out on me. All because this boss of his wanted to marry Emily himself to be a part of running the company.

"Yep, my boss wants Rosette to marry him." His words send me into a frenzy. He thinks he can just drop that he killed her sister and she would agree to marry his boss? I pull out my gun and I nod at Cory to pick the lock.

"It would be smart of you to take the deal. Especially when the lives of people you love are on the line."

Rosette's pov.....

His words tear my head into two. Of course, I don't want my mom, dad, or grandpa to get hurt. And I would take the deal but... That means I leave the life I built for myself... I would leave Joey. That thought causes a pang in my chest and my head feels light.

"I'm not going anywhere without Joey," I say as I intertwine my fingers with Joey's. The man looks down at our hands and his eyebrows raise in amusement. He opens his mouth to say something but my front door flies open and two men step in before quickly closing it.

"Fuck this." Joey seethes before letting me go and charging the strange man. He punches him square in his jaw and I gasp at how quickly the guy falls. I quickly ran to him as he got in a fighting stance to fight the men who walked in.

"I got you bestie, the nerve of these people," I say as I stand beside him. I also get into my fighting stance, ready for whoever and whatever. The men finally come to the living room and my knees almost go weak at the familiar faces. No, no, no, hell no!

"I'll take your offer, sir. Please get up." I say as I push past Joey to wake up the man. He wasn't responding to anything I was saying and then I noticed the blood coming from his head. Fuck.

"J-Joey.... We're fucked!" I yell as I stand up and back away from the possibly dead man. Joey slowly backs away from the guy as well and I hear the sharp intake of breath. He runs a shaky hand through his hair before running to me and engulfing me in a hug.

"Rose, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to protect you, I would never... I'm not that type of guy... I didn't... I'm sorry." He whispers his last apology and I shake my head and hug him tighter. He didn't mean to, he was protecting us from this weird guy who came into our place without our invitation.

"Rosette, you're coming with us. Pack up what you need and let's go." My eyes widen as I remember why I even went to that guy in the first place. My heart was beating too fast at the familiar voice of Jason. Joey pulled himself out of our hug and got back into his stance.

One thing about Joey, he can fight. I saw him fight guys twice his size and he always came out as the victor. I've never seen him punch a guy to death before today but knowing he has that strength worries me.

"She's not going anywhere with you. Don't like what I said? Fight about it." Joey taunts and I know it's his way of getting to Jason's and Cory's head. I step out to see their faces and I instantly regret that decision because once Jason's cool grey eyes meet mine, my heart beats fast and my throat becomes dry.

"Rosette, tell your little dog here to stand down before I put a bullet in him," Jason says lowly and I quickly run in front of Joey and hold my arms out. They will not hurt my best friend, I'll go berserk in this bitch if they even try.

"I'll scream so loud the entire apartment complex will hear it. Just like I told that sack of shit, I'm not going anywhere without Joey." I spat, I'm so over this shit with people barging in my shit and making commands.

"I suddenly feel Joey tense up and I turn my back to see he had a hand on his shoulder. I take a step to look and a man that is probably an inch or two above me has a gun to his back. I go to reach for the gun but the guy presses it further into Joey's back.

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