Chapter 9

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Rose's POV...

My stomach churned as we came up to the familiar mansion. I felt the need to run, to get away from this hellhole before the displeased looks of the workers came into view. I didn't want to repeat having to look at their hateful looks and mean words.

"Je vais diriger Joey, je ne peux pas faire ça." (I'm gonna run Joey, I can't do this.) I say on the verge of tears. Joey grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug. I told him about this place, about the hate everyone seemed to have for me. They all hated me since I was a child, Emily's death was the straw that broke the camel's back.

"Ils étaient si méchants avec moi. Quand s'ils veulent me faire du mal pour ce qui s'est passé? Quand s'ils empoisonnent ma nourriture? Je ne peux pas supporter leurs paroles acerbes." (They were so mean to me. When if they want to hurt me for what happened? When if they poison my food? I can't deal with their sharp words.) I know I'm rambling and I know I'm just coming off as paranoid. But it's true, the workers made my life hell as well.

"Même si j'ai envie de fuir avec toi, je doute qu'ils nous laissent partir aussi facilement. De plus, votre ami là-haut a hâte de mettre la main sur vous." (As much as I want to run with you, I doubt they would let us get away that easily. Plus, your bud up there is itching for a reason to put his hands on you.) Joey whispers and I let out a shaky breath.

"Il n'y a rien à craindre Rosette. Ces travailleurs vous traiteront avec respect et sont loin d'être méchants. Tout le monde avant a été licencié pour vous avoir laissé partir sans préavis. De plus, en cas de problème concernant les travailleurs, venez me voir et je les réglerai." (There is nothing to fear Rosette. These workers will treat you with respect and are far from mean people. Everyone from before has been fired for letting you get away without notice. Plus, any problems regarding workers, you come to me and I'll set them straight.) A voice I haven't heard says and I am more than sure it was Max.

"You speak French?" I ask, leaning forward to get a better look at his lips moving. He smirks and nods his head. I can feel my cheeks heat at all the shit we said in front of him.

"If it makes you feel comfortable, I'll escort you to the kitchen to meet the new staff. I'm more than sure they are more nervous than you are Rosette." He says and despite his intense demeanor, his voice is so soft and calm.

"Could you read me a bedtime story?" I ask, half joking. He lets out a hearty laugh before nodding his head and this makes me break out into a huge smile. I lean back and look at Joey to gossip but his eyes linger on Max.

"Would you also like me to read a bedtime story?" Max asks and Joey rolls his eyes and runs his fingers through his hair. Max seems to effortlessly annoy Joey. I don't know, I think I'm gonna like Max.

"When were you going to notify us that you spoke French?" Cory asks in an annoyed yet amused tone. Max shrugs his shoulders and unbuckles his seatbelt once we come to a stop.

I gulp and wait for everyone to get out. Once Joey got out, he turned around and held out his hand for me to grab. I hesitantly reach for it, knowing this seals my fate. Joey's warm touch and eyes encourage me to just go for it.

"Hurry up Rosette, I don't get paid to fucking watch you be a baby!" Jason snaps and I roll my eyes as I step out of the van and onto the ground. I should have taken a chance with that strange guy.

"Shut the fuck up," I mumble as I walk behind Joey. Joey giggles and this causes me to giggle as well. I'm so fucking tired of Jason, he keeps fucking with me and I can only take so much before I grab a broomstick and ram it up his ass.

I gasp as the cool air hits my face and the smell of food hits my nose. I didn't even notice I stepped inside the house. I stop in my tracks as the images of me hurrying to pack my belongings and leave this place fill my head.

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