Chapter 5

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Rosette's POV...

I angrily record Joey having the time of his life with his new toy. He bends the poor brunette over and fuck him like his dick would disappear if he didn't. The man winces but moans in pleasure.

Skin slapping echoes in the bathroom and I look back to make sure the door is locked. Seeing that it is, I turn back around and walk closer to get a shot of the guy jacking his dick. Of course, I asked for permission to do this.

I regularly record these moments because sober Joey will need them. Often, when we don't get luck finding a guy who wants to get fucked by another guy, we would go home and watch these videos. The videos get Joey in the mood and we just fuck out the frustration.

"Oh, f-fuck yes! Cum in me, please!" The brunette begs and I walk to the front of them and record the guy's face. His eyes are shut tightly and his mouth is open wide. Grunts, moans, and skin slapping fills my ears like a symphony.

He'll be disappointed if he wants his ass to be leaking with cum. Joey made sure to put on a condom when he was fucking the guy with his fingers. Joey never fucks without one and I never minded because being a mother has no place on my bucket list. It's also a safety precaution when we go out and meet guys.

I start to feel a little lonely though. It was supposed to be a threesome but the guy only focused on Joey. I noticed that in the beginning and just left the pair to fuck together. I'm not going to have sex with someone who doesn't show me any interest.

"Oh fuck, oh please, ah!" The man screams and his body seems to slump a little as he comes undone. Joey still plunges into him without stopping his fast pace and within seconds of the stranger, Joey comes undone as well.

I roll my eyes at the stupid expressions they wore. Joey smirks as the guy gets up and limps to his clothes. The guy has a face of satisfaction and victory. I'm horny and pissed that I couldn't have fun on my birthday. My mood soured, Joey was able to fuck someone without noticing me.

I save the video on the phone and slide it into my pocket. I hope he enjoys that video in the morning because I'm not talking to him. Joey cleans himself up and as he washes his hands, the brunette passes me without a second glance and leaves the bathroom. Prick.

"If it makes you feel better, I pictured you jacking him off," Joey says as he places more soap on his hands to complete his wash. I glare at him and cross my arms, he noticed I was pushed away and didn't give me any attention.

"I want to go home," I say before turning around to open the door. I pull it open but Joey's hand stops me from leaving the bathroom. He's going to scold me and tell me that I am being childish. I turn around to meet his gaze and my heart drops at the look on his face.

"I'm sorry, I ruined your night and I acted so selfishly. I'm so sorry Rose, I am." He apologizes as tears brim his eyes and I quickly shake my head and hug him. I can't believe I made my best friend cry, I'm the fucking worst.

"N-no, I'm fine! I just wanted to watch a movie and cuddle with you." I say and I only told a half-truth because I did plan to watch a movie and cuddle. He gently pushes me away and leans down to place a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Alright, let's go." He says as he intertwines our fingers. He walks ahead and gently pulls me along with him. The club has grown more crowded since we first came. I felt eyes on me and I took a quick second to try to find the source but the place grew dark and multicolor lights flashed.

Jason's POV...

I watch as she passes through the crowd, unaware that I'm only a couple of feet away. I wanted to snatch her up from this guy and beat her ass for having all of us waste four years of our lives looking for her. The amount of sleep and grieving put on hold has been detrimental to all involved.

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