Chapter 8

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Rosette's POV...

It takes 4 to 5 hours to get to California. We were on the plane for an hour and I managed to get over my fear due to boredom. This shit is ass, there is nothing to do and the only people up are Joey, the silent guy, and myself.

My stomach growls and I throw my head back in frustration. I'm so over this shit, the audacity to take people and have no food on the jet. All I see are the cream-colored seats and the little couch in the back that matches.

They didn't think to have Uno, Monopoly, Sorry, Candy Land, or anything like a whiteboard and a marker to play Hangman. We're just looking at nothing and even though they say it is safe to use our phones, I don't trust it.

"I'm gonna miss chopped cheese and giant slices of pizza." Joey sighed and I couldn't help the whimper that left me. I didn't even think of that. No more slices of pizza the size of my head for worthy prices. Now I'll get pizza slices the size of my pinky for the same price.

"I'm so hungry, I'm bored, I want off of this bitch right now!" I yell and this wakes up both Jason and Cory. I hold my stomach as the hunger pains begin and the growling can now be heard. Now I'm embarrassed and when I'm embarrassed, I get angry.

"I don't give a fuck what you want Rosette. Shut the fuck up and just wait until we get you home. It's not like you're gonna starve, you're big enough to last a couple of days." Jason hisses and as much as I didn't want to admit it, those words hurt.

"Jason, no need to be mean like that. We won't let you starve Rosie, we'll get you some quick snacks to munch on before we reach the house. I'll text the chef and tell them to whip you up... Brunch." He says and I nod my head.

"I know what could distract you from being hungry," Joey says teasingly and I turn my head to him and raise both of my eyebrows at his large grin. What could distract me from the loud grumbles and sharp pain in my stomach?

"Let's ask questions about anything we want to know. If the person doesn't feel comfortable with the question... They have to strip." Joey says menacingly and I catch the glint of mischief in his eyes.

"I'm no bitch, bring it on!" I say as I do a little shoulder shimmy. Joey jokingly punches my arm and we both erupt into a fit of laughter. I already know a lot about Joey and vice versa.

"I want to know your experience when you first lost your virginity," Joey says and my eyes widen because this is something I never talked about. Not even with the person I did it with.

"Well... Uh... There was some guy on the soccer team at my old high school. The sex was boring, lifeless, and as soon as it was done... I avoided him like the plague." I said, cringing at the memory of how disappointing that shit was.

"Who exactly? I was on the soccer team, was he a freshman or sophomore?" I turn my head to an intrigued Cory. Fuck, I forgot he was on the team. I'm not sure it would be smart of me to say the guy's name. However, it was years ago.

"He was a senior. I think his name was Tony or Timothy, he was the tall guy with blonde hair and was the goalie." I say as I rack my brain of all the details. Cory's eyes widen and he covers his mouth before shaking his head. Judgemental much?

"How about you Joey, how was your first time?" I ask as I turn towards my best friend. I love it when Joey talks about sex, he can get so flustered and I like being able to tease him about it.

"Well, my first time was pretty amazing. I mean, it was forbidden but I didn't care about anything but that person being in my bed." He says and I watch as his face turns red at the memory.

"I was 18 and the person in question was 42. They were supposed to increase my discipline in boxing but ended up losing to me. They would keep losing and I was confused at first because my father hired this person to teach me. Turns out, they just liked the feeling of me on top of them." He says with a small smile.

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