Chapter 16

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Elian's POV...

"It didn't take long for me to put two and two together to realize Jason was the payment Hicklson wanted to pay me with," I say as I remember going through the house to find some information on Jason.

The memory of his overdosed mother in the room with a needle still in her vein comes to mind. She was just as broken as the men that night. Still, nothing was more painful than seeing the birth certificate for Jason.

"They named this nine-month-old baby 'mistake'. I had no idea what to do with him but I took him home anyway." I say as I grab my water ball and chug the rest of the cool liquid. I sigh before continuing.

"The state of him was heartbreaking. He had cigarette burns, cuts, bruises, and if I'm being honest... He gave signs of other abuses... After seeing that, I thought it would be okay to keep him until I found a good home." I laugh at the memory of the old workers' shocked faces when I brought Jason.

"He was a distraction from all the bullshit that was going on. My wife kept herself busy with Jason, I would often spend time with him as well, and he was John's distraction from the obvious cheating of his wife." I finish my words with a lip curl.

The memory of my son being depressed, angry, and borderline suicidal still makes my blood boil. That bitch didn't show any ounce of love to my son until the man she was fucking died. I may have aided in that fate... But my son was supposed to leave her after realizing his self-worth... That didn't happen.

"Why did you pick Jason as the name?" Max asks, and I smile at the sight of the rare expression on his face. He's curious and I'm sure he'll find the reason for the name to be basic.

"The woman I was in love with picked it. She told me that his name meant healer and that was the magic he did to the family." I said and there was a glint in his eye but it quickly went away.

"When did you decide Jason was going to be a fit for Rose?" Max asks and the question brings up more memories. I can feel the stupid grin reaching my face as images of the announcement of my granddaughter.

"As soon as I heard I would have a granddaughter. I wanted her to be protected without dealing with a bunch of grown men around her. I felt a little boy would make her comfortable and I was right. They were inseparable." I say and the memory of my little Rose hugging Jason when she was upset came to mind.

"To be fair, I thought they would be endgame. She was so attached to him and he was attached to her. He was the one who punished her when she was bad and he was the one that often rewarded her when I wasn't around." I chuckle at the memory of Jason popping Rose's hand when she stole candy from a maid.

"Was John aware of that? How did Jason end up being with Emily?" I couldn't help but ball my fist at the mention of that betrayal. Emily shouldn't have gotten close to Jason, I forbade it.

"John was very much aware of the arrangement. However, I had to leave to take care of business in Puerto Rico and my absence was taken advantage of." I say, I know he wants to know why I was there and I'll tell him. He opens his mouth but I raise my hand to stop him.

"I was making business deals with some allies and I was visiting the woman I was in love with. The visit lasted two years and... You can say time flew." Hearing myself say that makes me cringe a little. I left her alone for two years.

"To make a long story short... John's wife felt it was unfair that Jason couldn't hang out with Emily. Apparently, Emily needed friends her age and Jason was the only one around to befriend her. Soon I got word that they were dating and I told John that it couldn't happen." As the words come out of my mouth, I feel myself getting angry again.

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