Chapter 14

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Rosette's POV...

I turn my head to look at my grandpa and even though he is defending me, I can't help the feeling of stopping him. We all know my parents are crazy about each other, well, my dad is far more obsessed.

"Father or not, you watch your tone when it comes to my wife." My father snaps and this makes me turn to look at him for the first time tonight. He hasn't aged much, just some bags under his eyes and a few grey hairs litter his head.

"Please John, Emily wouldn't want the two of you to fight." My mother says as she places a hand on his and this causes my grandpa to laugh. However, I don't find that funny at all. He can only be calm if his actions are disliked by Emily. No one thought I would hate that??

"And why in the fuck would Emily's wants matter to John?!" My grandpa booms as he smacks the table. I jump in surprise and I'm not sure why but my eyes avert to Jason. His forehead crinkles as his eyebrows furrow.

"Don't you dare, you mind your tongue in front of my wife!" My father yells as he rises from his seat. I look at my grandpa and watch as he takes another gulp of his drink, unamused by my father.

"I'll say what I want. Diane, why are we pretending my granddaughter's feelings are not valid like your child's feelings." He says and even though this was a rare occurrence of me being above Emily, I find it harsh that my grandpa didn't refer to her as his grandchild.

"Why are we pretending that Emily is the daughter of John and not from a man you cheated on him with?" My grandpa asks and as my eyes widen, the room goes silent. So silent that we would hear a mouse piss on cotton.

"W-what?" I ask, breaking the silence. Did he just say that Emily is not my dad's biological daughter? How? He treated her like a fucking idol. My mother's head drops into her hands as loud sobs escape her lips.

"Like you can fucking judge. Why did you pick the name 'Rosette' for my daughter?!" My father's voice gets louder and I feel very uncomfortable with him still standing. My grandfather shrugs.

"She's named after a woman I was in love with." He says and I press my lips together as all of the memories of my grandmother calling me other names. She refused to call me 'Rosette'.

"I'm sorry you had to find that out. But, you almost look like the Rosette I knew. She was a beautiful woman with light skin, hair so wild it brought Lions to shame, and fiery brown eyes." My grandpa says as he looks at me. I smile at his description.

"Mom treated her like shit because of that." My father spat and this caused me to look at him with disgust. He knew? He knew she was treating me unfairly? And instead of helping me, he ignored it.

"You prove to be the most pathetic excuse of a father," I whisper but I'm more than sure he heard it. I rise from my seat and stare my father in the eyes.

"You knew the extent of abuse I faced when Grandpa wasn't there. You allowed her to abuse me mentally and physically!" I didn't realize I was yelling until my last sentence.

"Why did you allow it? Because I was named after a mistress? If it was such a problem, why did you allow it to be written on my birth certificate?!" I ask and my father sits in his seat with a tightened jaw. I copy his actions but I also cross my arms.

"Well, I knew about your other grandparents being dicks. I had to beat Diane's dad the fuck up. Laid him on his ass." My grandpa chuckles and I turn my head to him so fast, that I gain a temporary migraine.

"Oh yeah, I fucked him up a couple of times. Your grandma was too friendly to fight his wife, so I just called a friend. She beat the shit out of her too. It's romantic if you think about it." My grandpa says and when I hear Joey snicker, I burst into laughter.

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