Chapter 23

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Rosette's POV...

"Well, I have some vows I'd like to say to you, Rosette." Jason says with a smirk. I force myself to give him a blank face. I don't want him to see any reaction from me.

"I promise to always remind you that Emily was the true love of my life. I promise to remind you that you could never be her or better than her. When I saw you at the club, dressed like you didn't come from success, I knew you would be a burden. You disgust me in every way possible and I promise to let you know how worthless you are." He says through a smirk. My heart feels like it's being stabbed.

"Her eyes were brighter, her smile was brighter, her personality was everything your personality lacks, and I loved Emily when I proposed. I just had you sign the papers. I promise to make you wish you were in that limo." He finishes and I still show my blank face, despite my battered heart screaming for him to stop.

His words are nothing but low blows. He always knew it was some type of animosity between my sister and I. Fuck this, I won't let him get the best of me. I force myself to smile wide and I let out a giggle.

"My turn." I say as I quickly tear at the dress. The sounds of tearing mix with the audience gasping fills my soul with so much joy. I kick off the plain hills that came with that basic ass dress and stood with nothing but my white laced set.

"I'm sure we can skip the fucking 'I do' since I signed the contract. So, let me get my speech out of the fucking way." I spit but still, I made sure to keep my smile. It's much easier now that Jason looks like a fucking fish with his lips slightly parted.

"I am happy that my PROPERTY knows how to pull off a prank. I'm sure Grandpa had this in mind when he picked you to become my sex slave for the rest of your worthless and unwanted life. I mean, I'm not sure about the story of your real parents but they made the right choice giving you to a random man." I slap my knee and laugh for that extra razzle-dazzle.

"I mean, can we give Jason a round of applause for making sure no one blew up? It wasn't hard to make sure the bride was safe, right?" I ask as I turn to the accomplices. Some had their jaws to the fucking floor and others turn a deep shade of red.

"Tough fucking crowd. Well, back to you, my awfully wedded dick of a husband." I turn back to him and give him a wink. Oh, I'm about to end it all right fucking now. He decided to be a dick to the biggest dick of them all.

"You helped me beat Emily at something. You are the reason her legacy will fade, Jason. Would you like to know the reason for this FACT?" I ask, making sure I put bass in 'fact'. The room was so quiet and Jason looked angry but also confused.

"She always wanted to be a wife. And you just made me one before her. Checkmate you dumb fucking bitch!" I yell, I couldn't take it anymore. I have to hurt him. I pretend I'm about to leave but then I turn around and basically fly with my fist towards Jason.

"Bitch!" I yell as my fist connects to his face. He stumbles a little and I take this as my chance to knock him on his ass. I sweep his feet from beneath him with my foot and he falls. Please, whoever is up there, help me knock him off this altar.

My prayers aren't answered. He just falls near the edge but not over the fucking edge. I quickly run up to him and start landing quick kicks and slaps to his body.

"Get her off of him!" My mother yells and I try my last attempt to push him off but I'm quickly pulled away. I thrash in the arms of the buff-ass person that has me. I try and fail to get back to my attempt at murder.

"I hate you, Jason, I fucking hate you, you small dick fucker!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Flashes start to go off and I look at the culprits. Emily's friends and... The family of the other victims. I cover my face and let the person carry me out.

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