Chapter 18

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Rosette's POV...

"Good evening Ms. Rose," Fred says as I enter the front door with my hands completely full of shit I need... And shit I don't need. Cory is pissed we stayed at the mall longer than needed and he is pissed Joey and I ditched him to go get matching outfits.

"Good evening Fred. I hope you had an amazing day, sorry we missed lunch. What's for dinner?" I ask and his eyes light up like a child's eyes when they go to Disneyland. He quickly but gently takes the bags from my hands and points upstairs.

"Go get ready for dinner. I'll have one of the staff take these up to your room later." Fred says and I nod my head. He must have a yummy meal planned. I make my way to the stairs before the sound of Joey and Cory bickering fills the house.

"You can't make me dye my hair black! I just dyed my hair green and if I dye it again, I'll be bald before I turn thirty!" Joey whines and I laugh before shaking my head and skipping the steps.

"You will bring too much attention with green hair! Now, get in the bathroom so I can dye it!" Cory hisses, the annoyance is clear in his tone. Once I reach the top of the stairs, I throw my head back in laughter. Those two are hilarious.

"I'm glad to hear you're laughing Ro." His voice stops my laughter. I slowly bring my head down and stare at a blank-faced Jason. He leans on the wall closest to my room. I press my lips together as I take in the situation.

I can either push through and just ignore his presence or I could turn around and head to Joey's room. This wasn't a hard decision at all, and I proved that by turning around and taking a step down the stairs.

"Wait, Ro! Please, I just need to talk to you." Jason pleads and I stop in my tracks and squeeze my eyes shut. He's doing it again, he knows I'm a fool when it comes to that tone. Warm hands wrapping around my waist causes my eyes to fly open and a gasp to slip from my lips.

"Please, can you just hear me out?" He whispers his question in my ear. His lips graze my lobe and I nearly faint. Fuck, fuck, fuck! I need Joey to help me out with this, I'm not going to make it.

"F-Fred told me to get ready for dinner." I stammer and I mentally punch myself in the nose. All of a fucking sudden I can trip over my words?!? Jason pulls me up the steps and basically drags me to my room. He wastes no time pulling us in and closing the door, trapping me between the door and his chest.

"You will get ready for dinner...You'll get ready for it after I'm done talking to you." He whispers and I fight to continue to look forward and not up at him. This is too much, this can't be happening. What does he want from me?

"Talk about what?" I ask and I cringe at how weak I feel. He's way too calm, the complete opposite from the day he whooped my ass. He's been taunting me and finding any excuse to put me down.

"Come on Rose, you know very well what I want to discuss. Grandpa and your dad brought up the topic of us getting married." He says as he steps back an inch. Oh. So that's what he wants to chat about.

Personally, I thought I said all I had to at the table. I didn't sugarcoat anything and to be fair, I even gave Jason room to support what I said. What is there to discuss? I'm not in the mood to let him tear my confidence down to nothing.

"Jason, I already know what you're going to say, and trust me, I agree. Grandpa should have never appointed you to be anything of mine. And yes, I agree that Dad and Grandpa are heartless and insensitive for even thinking this was the best route to take. I mean... They could have asked Cory or Max." I manage to say in one breath, I would have thrown in some insults to myself to sweeten the deal but I have to catch my breath.

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