Chapter 21

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Rosette's POV...

I sit on my bed, thinking of everything that just happened. I thought about my day out with my mother, who did nothing but nag. And now, I thought about my father who wastes no time reminding me I'm weak.

All these years, they both had the chance to be suffocating. Why is it such a need now? Now they want to act like parents? Where was this when I needed it most? They ignored me, they were distant from me, never acknowledged any of my accomplishments, and often forgot about my birthday.

Joey was just joking about my mother not knowing my favorite color. He has no clue he was beyond correct. She doesn't know my favorite color, song, animal, or even my favorite time of day. But both she and my father could answer those questions if it were about Emily.

Emily, Emily, Emily, fucking Emily. Even knowing I'm his biological child, my father pushed me aside for the other. Was I not worth his attention? What did I do?

A knock on the door stops the negative thoughts for a second. I'm more than sure it's Joey coming to check on me. I'm a little shocked he didn't follow me to my room. I hope he didn't punch my father, that would be... A pickle to get out of.

"Come in, no need to knock Joe-." I cut myself off as the door opens to reveal Jason. My body feels cold as his gaze meets mine. His face didn't show an ounce of emotion but his eyes told me everything. He's pissed and I'm sure it has to do with my parents.

"I understand you're twenty-one but speaking to your parents like they're your enemy is crossing the line." He says through gritted teeth. He's mad at me, go figure. I guess I'm expected to accept disrespect without retaliation.

"Okay," I say as I sneakily look him over. I'm not sure if he felt my eyes on him at dinner. I just wanted him to talk to me about the day I had. When I got home, he just ignored me and it seemed like he was avoiding me. He looks really good in his all-black suit.

"You're so lucky you're grown now. I would have you over my lap for your actions today." He says as he walks closer to me. Fuck, why did he have to say that? His grey eyes scolded me but I couldn't look away. The thought of being over his lap feels so intense.

I can physically feel sweat forming on my forehead. When I was younger, I hated being spanked and often felt like crap. I thought he hated me after every punishment. I would often make it up by cleaning my room or helping him clean his room.

"I have a wedding request that I want you to accept for me. After seeing today's events, I would like to handle all of the wedding needs. That means the dress is included." He announced and this surprised me. He wants to what?

"Jason, that's not fair! I want to pick the things for my wedding. Why should I have to bow down to anyone's wants for a wedding that I'm partaking in?" I ask, I feel the rage in me rise. I stand up and ball my fist.

He can't be fucking serious. He decides he should take over everything because I won't let my parents bully me. That's fucked up, even for his bullying ass.

"Ro, I'm doing this because I don't want conflict. I have an amazing theme in mind and I think you'll like it but you have to trust me." He says gently as he walks up to me, completely closing the gap between us.

"Do you still trust me?" He whispers as raises his hand to the back of my neck. His thumb lightly rubs my skin, causing memories of when he did this back then.

I close my eyes in response and nod my head. He could have said anything in this moment and I would have given in. I feel so safe right now, I feel so calm, and the smell of his cologne... It's happening again.

"Good, just relax and let me make this the most memorable day of your life. Get some rest, Ro." He whispers before giving my neck one last sweep. My eyes open and I watch as he he leaves the room, taking his warmth with him.

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